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21 pages, 2011 KiB  
Innovative Carwash Wastewater Treatment and Reuse Through Nature-Based Solutions
by Antonina Torrens, Paola Sepúlveda-Ruiz, Montserrat Aulinas and Montserrat Folch
Clean Technol. 2025, 7(1), 12; - 5 Feb 2025
Viewed by 460
Vehicle washing facilities (VWFs) consume substantial amounts of potable water and produce wastewater containing pollutants such as hydrocarbons, detergents, and pathogens, presenting significant environmental and operational challenges. This study evaluates Nature-based Solutions (NbS) for wastewater treatment and recycling at a pilot facility in [...] Read more.
Vehicle washing facilities (VWFs) consume substantial amounts of potable water and produce wastewater containing pollutants such as hydrocarbons, detergents, and pathogens, presenting significant environmental and operational challenges. This study evaluates Nature-based Solutions (NbS) for wastewater treatment and recycling at a pilot facility in Girona, Spain, aiming to reduce potable water consumption and ensure safe reuse while minimizing environmental impact. Over a two-year period, three systems—a Vertical Flow Treatment Wetland (VFTW), Horizontal Flow Treatment Wetland (HFTW), and Infiltration-Percolation (IP) filter—were tested. Thirty-two parameters, including physicochemical (e.g., turbidity, nutrients, heavy metals, detergents) and microbiological indicators (e.g., E. coli, Legionella spp.), were monitored. VFTW and IP systems were the most effective, reducing turbidity below 5 NTU, COD to under 20 mg/L, and E. coli below 10 CFU/100 mL, meeting Spanish reuse standards. The HFTW effectively removed organic matter and nutrients but faced challenges such as clogging and reduced hydraulic performance, making it less suitable for carwash wastewater. Together, these systems enabled up to 60% water reuse, with final chlorination ensuring microbial safety, particularly against Legionella, while meeting Spanish reuse standards. This study highlights the potential of NbS as sustainable, low-energy solutions for wastewater recycling and pollution control in vehicle washing facilities. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Nature-Based Solutions for Water Reuse and Contaminant Reduction)
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Graphical abstract

Graphical abstract
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<p>Montfullà Vehicle Washing Facility (VWF) pilot plant scheme.</p>
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<p>Layout of the recycling system implemented at the VWF of Montfullà. Sampling points: P1: inlet of the pilot plants; P2: effluents of the pilot plants; P3: recycled and disinfected water storage tank; P4: final usage point.</p>
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<p>Compliance of NbS Effluent with RD 1620/2007 and RD 1085/2024.</p>
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<p>Percentage Removal Efficiency of the pilot plants: IP: Infiltration-percolation system; VFTW: vertical-flow treatment wetland; HFTW: horizontal-flow treatment wetland. (<b>a</b>) Key Parameters: CODt: COD total; CODs: COD soluble; BOD5; SS; Turbidity. (<b>b</b>) Metals: Zinc, Iron and Copper.</p>
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<p>Comparative features of the three NbS. Performance and demands rated 0 (worst) to 5 (best).</p>
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16 pages, 5554 KiB  
Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Photogrammetry for Monitoring the Geometric Changes of Reclaimed Landfills
by Grzegorz Pasternak, Klaudia Pasternak, Eugeniusz Koda and Paweł Ogrodnik
Sensors 2024, 24(22), 7247; - 13 Nov 2024
Cited by 1 | Viewed by 769
Monitoring reclaimed landfills is essential for ensuring their stability and monitoring the regularity of facility settlement. Insufficient recognition of the magnitude and directions of these changes can lead to serious damage to the body of the landfill (landslides, sinkholes) and, consequently, threaten the [...] Read more.
Monitoring reclaimed landfills is essential for ensuring their stability and monitoring the regularity of facility settlement. Insufficient recognition of the magnitude and directions of these changes can lead to serious damage to the body of the landfill (landslides, sinkholes) and, consequently, threaten the environment and the life and health of people near landfills. This study focuses on using UAV photogrammetry to monitor geometric changes in reclaimed landfills. This approach highlights the advantages of UAVs in expanding the monitoring and providing precise information critical for decision-making in the reclamation process. This study presents the result of annual photogrammetry measurements at the Słabomierz–Krzyżówka reclaimed landfill, located in the central part of Poland. The Multiscale Model to Model Cloud Comparison (M3C2) algorithm was used to determine deformation at the landfill. The results were simultaneously compared with the landfill’s reference (angular–linear) measurements. The mean vertical displacement error determined by the photogrammetric method was ±2.3 cm. The results showed that, with an appropriate measurement methodology, it is possible to decide on changes in geometry reliably. The collected 3D data also gives the possibility to improve the decision-making process related to repairing damage or determining the reclamation direction of the landfill, as well as preparing further development plans. Full article
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Figure 1
<p>View of the Słabomierz–Krzyżówka landfill from a (<b>a</b>) south-east and (<b>b</b>) north-east direction.</p>
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<p>Location of GCPs on the generated orthophotomap of the landfill (<b>left</b>) and on the DSM (<b>right</b>).</p>
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<p>Flowchart of research methodology.</p>
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<p>M3C2 algorithm functional rule.</p>
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<p>Distance Uncertainty calculated by the M3C2 algorithm.</p>
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<p>Differential point cloud showing vertical displacements of the Słabomierz–Krzyżówka landfill body.</p>
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<p>Vertical cross-section (<b>up</b>) and vertical displacements of the slope (<b>down</b>).</p>
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<p>Examples of damage caused by surface runoff of rainwater on orthophotomap—Set 1: (<b>a</b>,<b>d</b>,<b>g</b>);—Set 2: (<b>b</b>,<b>e</b>,<b>h</b>), and on differential point cloud: (<b>c</b>,<b>f</b>,<b>i</b>).</p>
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21 pages, 2904 KiB  
Spatiotemporal Distribution and Habitat Characteristics of Shorebirds in the Coastal Wetlands of Dalian, Liaoning, China
by Hao Luo, Qing Li, Yang Yu, Jing Kang, Wei Lei and Demin Zhang
Sustainability 2024, 16(18), 8133; - 18 Sep 2024
Viewed by 1022
The coast of Dalian in Liaoning Province, China, is one of the most important habitats for migratory shorebirds along the East Asia–Australasian Flyway. However, the coastal areas of Dalian have been modified extensively by various projects, including reclamation and the construction of aquaculture [...] Read more.
The coast of Dalian in Liaoning Province, China, is one of the most important habitats for migratory shorebirds along the East Asia–Australasian Flyway. However, the coastal areas of Dalian have been modified extensively by various projects, including reclamation and the construction of aquaculture and port facilities, embankment buildings, cross-sea passages, and wind farms, which have led to significant damage to the coastal habitats of shorebirds. Assessing the spatiotemporal distribution and habitat characteristics of shorebirds is of great importance to biodiversity conservation. The present study involved a 15-month-long survey of shorebirds in nine coastal wetlands of Dalian from August 2021 to October 2022. In total, 31 species of shorebirds, belonging to five families, were recorded. Migratory shorebirds were the most frequently observed, accounting for 77% of the recorded shorebirds. Dunlin (Calidris alpina), Kentish plover (Charadrius alexandrinus), Eurasian curlew (Numenius arquata), and Far Eastern curlew (Numenius madagascariensis) were the most abundant species. Both species richness and species abundance peaked in May and again in September. The Zhuanghe Estuary boasted the highest species diversity, while the Huli Estuary wetland exhibited the greatest species abundance. The type of habitat and the spatial extent of natural wetlands were the main variables influencing the spatial distribution of waterbirds. By identifying the population characteristics and habitat status of shorebirds in Dalian, the results provide support for shorebird conservation and habitat management. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Sustainable Movement Ecology and Wildlife Conservation)
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Figure 1

Figure 1
<p>Distribution of survey areas (① Haidao Village, ② Anzi River estuary, ③ Qingyun River estuary, ④ Dengsha River estuary, ⑤ Huayuankou, ⑥ Zhuanghe River estuary, ⑦ Yingna River estuary, ⑧ Huli River estuary, and ⑨ Diyan River estuary).</p>
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<p>Habitat types in the survey areas.</p>
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<p>Shorebirds in a survey area.</p>
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<p>Seasonal variations in shorebird species in the coastal wetlands of Dalian.</p>
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<p>Seasonal variations in shorebird populations in the coastal wetlands of Dalian.</p>
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<p>Seasonal variations in the main migratory populations of shorebirds in the coastal wetlands of Dalian.</p>
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<p>Relationship between area of natural wetland and species richness and abundance of shorebirds.</p>
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<p>Relationship between landscape area of habitats with species richness and abundance of shorebirds.</p>
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<p>Relationship between landscape area of habitats with species richness and abundance of shorebirds.</p>
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20 pages, 3414 KiB  
Estimating Drainage from Forest Water Reclamation Facilities Based on Drain Gauge Measurements
by Madeline Schwarzbach, Erin S. Brooks, Robert Heinse, Eureka Joshi and Mark D. Coleman
Hydrology 2024, 11(6), 87; - 20 Jun 2024
Cited by 1 | Viewed by 1274
A growing human population requires sustainable solutions to regulate and dispose of municipal wastewater. Water treatment facilities in northern Idaho are permitted to apply reclaimed wastewater to forest land during the growing season at specified monthly hydraulic loading rates. We assessed the spatial [...] Read more.
A growing human population requires sustainable solutions to regulate and dispose of municipal wastewater. Water treatment facilities in northern Idaho are permitted to apply reclaimed wastewater to forest land during the growing season at specified monthly hydraulic loading rates. We assessed the spatial and temporal variability of drainage below the rooting zone between non-irrigated (control) and irrigated (effluent) stands during the growing and dormant seasons in 2021. No drainage was observed during the two months of annual seasonal drought, but large magnitudes of drainage were recorded during the dormant season (38–94 cm), which was consistent with seasonal precipitation. The overall effect of effluent treatment on the drain gauge measurements did not differ from the controls, as effluent only increased the drainage at some facilities. The measured drainage averaged from 35 to 62 cm among facilities. We then used the drainage measurements to calibrate hydrological models (Hydrus-1D and Water Erosion Prediction Project [WEPP]) and predict the drainage in 50 measurement plots distributed evenly among five forest water reclamation facilities. As with the observed drainage, there were no statistically significant growing season differences in the predicted monthly drainage during the growing season between the effluent and control plots, suggesting the successful use of hydrologic models to support the measured drainage findings. While both models struggled to accurately predict the quantity of drainage during the dormant season, they both successfully predicted that drainage would continue through May. WEPP also successfully predicted that the treated plots began to drain in September and October following late-season irrigation at some facilities. The models showed that the prescribed crop coefficient used by the Idaho Department of Environmental Quality was adequate in avoiding drainage during the peak summer months. Full article
(This article belongs to the Section Water Resources and Risk Management)
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Figure 1

Figure 1
<p>Map of the five wastewater facilities involved in study. They are located near Lake Pend Oreille and Lake Coeur d’Alene, which are shaded.</p>
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<p>Diagram of a passive-wick drain gauge and its components. Two types of passive-wick drain gauges were installed: one was commercially built (G3 drain gauge, METER Group, Pullman, WA, USA) and one was “handmade” [<a href="#B26-hydrology-11-00087" class="html-bibr">26</a>].</p>
Full article ">Figure 3
<p>Total monthly rates of precipitation, irrigation water requirements (IWR), crop evapotranspiration (ET), and applied irrigation at each facility in 2021. Precipitation data gathered from PRISM, ET (alfalfa evapotranspiration rate × 0.7 crop coefficient) data gathered from AgriMet, and IWR and irrigation data gathered from IDEQ annual reports.</p>
Full article ">Figure 4
<p>The total daily difference in observed and predicted drainage during the growing season for all drain gauge plots using Hydrus-1D. The top heatmap compared drainage predicted with the single-porosity van Genuchten–Mualem model to observed daily drainage, and the bottom heatmap compared drainage predicted with the Durner dual-porosity model to observed daily drainage. Root water uptake was excluded from these model predictions.</p>
Full article ">Figure 5
<p>Observed and predicted values of monthly drainage during the growing season (April through October) at all drain gauge plots except for two effluent irrigated drain gauge plots at Cave Bay. Root water uptake was excluded from fine-tuned model predictions. Points are predicted drainage and dotted lines are best fit regression lines. Blue represents Hydrus-1D and red represents WEPP. Solid gray line is 1:1 line.</p>
Full article ">Figure 6
<p>Predicted monthly drainage (cm) from Hydrus-1D-simulated runs averaged by facility. Error bars are standard errors. Mean separation letters indicate significant differences of predicted drainage between facilities within each month at α = 0.10. Root water uptake was included in simulated model predictions (<a href="#app1-hydrology-11-00087" class="html-app">Table S7</a>).</p>
Full article ">Figure 7
<p>Predicted monthly drainage (cm) from WEPP-simulated runs averaged by facility. Error bars are standard errors. Columns having the same letters are not significantly different among facilities within each month at α = 0.10. Root water uptake was included in simulated model predictions (<a href="#app1-hydrology-11-00087" class="html-app">Table S8</a>).</p>
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13 pages, 568 KiB  
Facilitating the Smooth Migration of Inhabitants of Atoll Countries to Artificial Islands: Case of the Maldives
by Daisuke Sasaki, Akiko Sakamoto, Aishath Laila, Ahmed Aslam, Shuxian Feng, Takuto Kaku, Takumi Sasaki, Natsuya Shinomura and Mikiyasu Nakayama
Sustainability 2024, 16(11), 4582; - 28 May 2024
Viewed by 1632
The vulnerability of atoll countries to sea level rise underscores the pivotal connection between climate change and migration. This study examines the multifaceted challenges faced by such countries, including land loss, economic disruption, water contamination, and increased vulnerability to extreme weather events, and [...] Read more.
The vulnerability of atoll countries to sea level rise underscores the pivotal connection between climate change and migration. This study examines the multifaceted challenges faced by such countries, including land loss, economic disruption, water contamination, and increased vulnerability to extreme weather events, and potential adaptation strategies, such as migration to developed countries and other islands, land reclamation, and floating platform development. The situation of the Maldives, particularly the creation of the artificial island of Hulhumalé, is explored as a case study. Hulhumalé is designed to alleviate congestion while addressing concerns about rising sea levels. This study employed a questionnaire survey and analyzed the data using importance analysis of permutation features and structural equation modeling following the Wilcoxon–Mann–Whitney tests. The results revealed that the key factors influencing resident satisfaction after migration were clean housing, resilience to natural disasters, sports facilities, and environmental quality. Adaptation strategies must be tailored to each country’s unique circumstances, considering the interconnectedness of environmental and socioeconomic factors in addressing climate-induced migration. Considering Hulhumalé as a model for climate change adaptation, concerted global action is necessary to mitigate the impacts of climate change and ensure the security and well-being of vulnerable populations. Full article
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Figure 1
<p>Satisfaction with life before and after migration to Hulhumalé.</p>
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<p>Path diagram of the factors influencing life satisfaction.</p>
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19 pages, 5931 KiB  
A Novel Hybrid Fuzzy Multiple-Criteria Decision-Making Model for the Selection of the Most Suitable Land Reclamation Variant at Open-Pit Coal Mines
by Bojan Dimitrijević, Tomislav Šubaranović, Željko Stević, Mohamed Kchaou, Faris Alqurashi and Marko Subotić
Sustainability 2024, 16(11), 4424; - 23 May 2024
Cited by 1 | Viewed by 1412
The expansion of the open-pit exploitation of mineral raw materials, and especially the energy resources of fossil fuels, makes open-pit coal mines spatially dominant objects of large mining basins. Exploitation activities are accompanied by negative ecological impacts on the environment, which requires the [...] Read more.
The expansion of the open-pit exploitation of mineral raw materials, and especially the energy resources of fossil fuels, makes open-pit coal mines spatially dominant objects of large mining basins. Exploitation activities are accompanied by negative ecological impacts on the environment, which requires the integral planning, revitalization, reclamation, and rehabilitation of the disturbed area for human use in the post-exploitation period. The post-exploitation remediation and rehabilitation of open-pit mining areas and disposal sites, i.e., space disturbed by mining activities and accompanying facilities, are complex synthetic multidisciplinary multiphase engineering project tasks. In this paper, a hybrid fuzzy MCDM model (Multiple-Criteria Decision-Making) was developed for the selection of a reclamation solution for the Tamnava-West Field open-pit mine. IMF SWARA (Improved Fuzzy Stepwise Weight Assessment Ratio Analysis) was applied to define the weights of 12 criteria of different structures used in the evaluation of reclamation solutions. The Fuzzy ROV (Range of Value) method was applied to select the reclamation solution from a total of 11 solutions previously obtained using a process approach. The results of the hybrid IMF SWARA—Fuzzy ROV model show that forestry is the best solution for the Tamnava-West Field open-pit mine. After the results had been obtained, verification analyses of the proposed model were performed and the best stable proposed reclamation solution was determined. Full article
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Figure 1
<p>Algorithm of decision-making process in the selection of a reclamation solution.</p>
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<p>Display of the current state of the Tamnava-West Field open-pit mine.</p>
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<p>Location of Tamnava-West Field (Tamnava Zapadno polje) and Tamnava-East Field (Tamnava Istočno polje).</p>
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<p>Simulated weights of criteria for the evaluation of reclamation variants for the open-pit mine through 120 scenarios.</p>
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<p>New ranks of reclamation variants for the open-pit mine defined in SA.</p>
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<p>Ranking of alternatives using four different fuzzy MCDM methods.</p>
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<p>Correlation of results in SA.</p>
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<p>Correlation of IMF SWARA—Fuzzy ROV with other methods.</p>
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17 pages, 1514 KiB  
Wastewater Treatment Plants Performance for Reuse: Evaluation of Bacterial and Viral Risks
by Ileana Federigi, Roberto Salvadori, Giulia Lauretani, Anna Leone, Simone Lippi, Francesca Marvulli, Alessandra Pagani, Marco Verani and Annalaura Carducci
Water 2024, 16(10), 1399; - 14 May 2024
Cited by 4 | Viewed by 2779
Reusing reclaimed water is of paramount importance to achieve the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development Goals 6 and 13. In Europe, a recent Regulation set minimum requirements for water reuse in agriculture. However, some challenges remain considering microbial risks and their prevention. In [...] Read more.
Reusing reclaimed water is of paramount importance to achieve the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development Goals 6 and 13. In Europe, a recent Regulation set minimum requirements for water reuse in agriculture. However, some challenges remain considering microbial risks and their prevention. In this study, two urban wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) were investigated from the perspective of reuse. A five-year investigation was performed on routine monitoring parameters collected under different weather conditions (wet/dry) and treatments (chlorination/non-chlorination) in inlet and outlet samples. Moreover, a three-month investigation focused on microbial parameters, including indicators, index pathogens (Human Adenovirus—HAdV, Salmonella spp.), and other viral pathogens (norovirus, enterovirus, and SARS-CoV-2). The long-term study revealed the compliance of both WWTPs for chemical parameters (organic substances and solids) in more than 90% of samples, whereas for Escherichia coli, the compliance ranged from 96.1% with chlorination under dry weather to 16.7% without chlorination in wet days. E. coli was positively associated with chemical oxygen demand (COD), which could be a promising and online measurable proxy of E. coli. The study on microbial performance demonstrated sound reliability in detecting E. coli as a suitable surrogate for Salmonella in chlorinated effluents, but neither bacterial nor viral indicators are able to represent HAdV. Although chlorination was able to remove most of the pathogens considered, the compliance with microbial indicators seems insufficient to represent viral water safety. Full article
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Figure 1
<p>Scheme of the sampling strategy along the wastewater treatment stages.</p>
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<p>Interaction plot showing Log<sub>10</sub> <span class="html-italic">E. coli</span> data in the exit effluents under different weather conditions (dry, wet) and chlorination treatment (yes, no), separately for each WWTP: (<b>a</b>) WWTP1, (<b>b</b>) WWTP2. Error bars represent mean ± standard deviation of data distribution for each group.</p>
Full article ">Figure 3
<p>Spearman correlation matrix for <span class="html-italic">E. coli</span>, COD, BOD<sub>5</sub>, and TSS in the chlorinated effluents, separately for each WWTP: (<b>a</b>) WWTP1 (66 data for each variable) and (<b>b</b>) WWTP2 (56 data for each variable). Asterisk represents the statistical significance (<span class="html-italic">p</span>) at 0.05 level.</p>
Full article ">Figure 4
<p>Relationship between index pathogens and microbial indicators in the exit samples: (<b>a</b>) <span class="html-italic">Salmonella</span> and <span class="html-italic">E. coli</span>, (<b>b</b>) Human Adenovirus (HAdV) and somatic coliphages.</p>
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14 pages, 3236 KiB  
Inclusiveness of Public Space: Experimental Approaches for the Revitalisation of Smaller Historic Urban Centres
by Antonella Mamì
Sustainability 2024, 16(8), 3320; - 16 Apr 2024
Viewed by 1627
In recent decades, many small Italian historic centers—particularly those situated inland—have witnessed a population decline due to inadequate access to public services and facilities. However, this depopulation has also allowed many centers to retain their distinctive features, now conferring upon them great cultural–historical [...] Read more.
In recent decades, many small Italian historic centers—particularly those situated inland—have witnessed a population decline due to inadequate access to public services and facilities. However, this depopulation has also allowed many centers to retain their distinctive features, now conferring upon them great cultural–historical and landscape value. New quality-of-life-centered economic models present the development of accessible public services as a necessity. Such a process could catalyze the recovery and growth of these centers, which continue to be deserted, regardless of their value. This paper considers combined solutions, including sustainable mobility, digital accessibility, networked services, and technological devices by applying them to trans-scalar studies with the goal of achieving sustainable outcomes. Some of the proposed solutions are the resolution of irregular ground levels, the use of electric vehicles, the creation of sharing models, the physical overhaul of routes, and the retrofitting of minor buildings for inclusive use in a comprehensive human-centered approach toward regeneration. This study is in line with the European guidelines for sustainable and intelligent mobility, whose goal is for at least one hundred European cities to become accessible to all and shifted to zero-emission mobility. Here, sustainable and smart mobility is understood not only as an improvement of environmental and social conditions, but also as a catalyst for environmental and social improvements and as an opportunity to enhance the livability of smaller, geographically isolated historic centers, moving toward a new economy of urban reclamation. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Sustainability in Architecture and Engineering)
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Figure 1
<p>Examples of paving in the historic center of Piana Degli Albanesi (PA). Note the use of traditional materials (19th century and later) and workmanship and textures suitable for the conditions of use, e.g., non-slip finishes for steep slopes (Image processed by Architect Giuseppa Nocera).</p>
Full article ">Figure 2
<p>Proposed sustainable traffic systems in the city center: detail of lift, handrail, and ramp with facilitated step (Image prepared by Arch. Sofia Venezia).</p>
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<p>Proposed sustainable territorial road system. On the right side is a list of the strategic actions intended to improve links between the center of Erice and the surrounding area, i.e., by sea, airport, station, city of Trapani (Image prepared by Arch. Chiara Maria Stabile).</p>
Full article ">Figure 4
<p>Proposed sustainable road system in the city center. Depicted are the intermodal parking areas adjacent to the old city walls for wheelchair and mobility scooter users, as well as the stops and the radii of influence of public transport lines (Image prepared by Arch. Chiara Maria Stabile).</p>
Full article ">Figure 5
<p>Proposed sustainable territorial road system. On the right is a list of strategic actions to improve the routes and territorial relations of the center of Piana degli Albanesi with the city of Palermo, the rural areas, and the lake (Image prepared by Arch. Giuseppa Nocera).</p>
Full article ">Figure 6
<p>Proposed sustainable road system in the city center: detail of ramp with assisted steps (Image prepared by Arch. Giuseppa Nocera).</p>
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<p>Flow chart illustrating the methodology of the design and plan choices (Image prepared by Arch. Giuseppa Nocera and Prof. Elvira Nicolini and Prof. Antonella Mamì and Arch. Sofia Venezia and Arch. Chiara Maria Stabile).</p>
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12 pages, 1651 KiB  
Compressive Stress Dewaterability Limit in Fluid Fine Tailings
by Alebachew Demoz
Minerals 2023, 13(12), 1514; - 2 Dec 2023
Cited by 1 | Viewed by 1239
Reclamation of fluid fine tailing (FFT) storage facilities to their pre-disturbance equivalent landforms is hampered because micrometer size fines, whose surface-area-to-volume ratio is remarkably high, are occupied with siloxane and hydroxy groups, which bind water strongly. The purpose of this study is to [...] Read more.
Reclamation of fluid fine tailing (FFT) storage facilities to their pre-disturbance equivalent landforms is hampered because micrometer size fines, whose surface-area-to-volume ratio is remarkably high, are occupied with siloxane and hydroxy groups, which bind water strongly. The purpose of this study is to differentiate the forms of water physically distributions in FFT and determine their propensities for dewaterability under compressive stresses. Two thermal and two mechanical methods were used to analyze water distributions in FFT. Dynamic and isothermal thermogravimetric analyses of FFT gave a transition from predominately bulk water to coevolution with water of higher enthalpy of vaporization at 81% (w/w) solids. Differential scanning calorimeter studies were used to determine the non-freezable water amount, with the premise that water that does not freeze by −30 °C is also unlikely to be removable by compressive stresses encountered in tailing treatment processes. The solid weight percent of FFTs with the non-freezable water was 79.6%. A 1D finite-strain model simulation using the constitutive relations of void ratio and effective stress, void ratio, and hydraulic conductivity show that deep-pits filled with such clayey-silt FFT will consolidate to a maximum solids content of 74% (w/w). For separation by centrifugation, the solids content plateaued to a mean of 74% (w/w) for total centrifugal force of ≥30 mega Newtons. These solid contents represent upper thresholds and demonstrate dewatering limit property of an FFT under compressive stresses. Full article
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Figure 1
<p>Particle size distribution of FFT sample.</p>
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<p>DDTGA at three isothermal drying temperatures.</p>
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<p>TGA and DTGA thermogram of FFT.</p>
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<p>DSC thermogram of FFT scanned from −15 °C to 10 °C. Each cycle is given by different color curves. Sample mass was 14.40 mg, and inset is enthalpy integral of first fusion peak.</p>
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<p>Solids content of centrifuge separated FFT cake (sediment) dependence on summation of centrifugal force.</p>
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<p>Finite-strain model calculations showing the solid content profile of a 30 m 58% (<span class="html-italic">w</span>/<span class="html-italic">w</span>) solids cake deposit under double drainage at the indicated years after completion of filling [<a href="#B12-minerals-13-01514" class="html-bibr">12</a>].</p>
Full article ">Figure 7
<p>Solids content at varying SFR of a freshly produced cake (58% (<span class="html-italic">w</span>/<span class="html-italic">w</span>) solids) and cake at its dewatering limit (74% (<span class="html-italic">w</span>/<span class="html-italic">w</span>) solids).</p>
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13 pages, 4331 KiB  
Spatial and Temporal Variation in Soil Salinity and Correlation with Groundwater Depth in the Karamay Irrigation District of China
by Guohui Liu, Changyan Tian, Wenxuan Mai, Ahmad Azeem and Jige Yang
Sustainability 2023, 15(22), 15680; - 7 Nov 2023
Cited by 2 | Viewed by 1309
The secondary salinization of irrigated areas poses a direct threat to both the sustainable development of oasis agriculture and ecological stability in arid regions. In this study, we conducted an experiment to examine alterations in groundwater levels and soil salinity within the plow [...] Read more.
The secondary salinization of irrigated areas poses a direct threat to both the sustainable development of oasis agriculture and ecological stability in arid regions. In this study, we conducted an experiment to examine alterations in groundwater levels and soil salinity within the plow layer, as well as their combined impact, in arid regions following extended reclamation in standard diversion irrigation areas. For this experiment, the Karamay irrigation district was selected. Four different years, namely, 1996, 2006, 2016, and 2021, were selected for soil sampling and groundwater monitoring data. Descriptive statistics, along with the use of GIS technology and Pearson’s correlation, were employed to analyze the data in order to discern the patterns of soil salinity and groundwater depth within the plow layer. Additionally, this approach helped establish the correlation between these factors over the last 25 years of reclamation in the Karamay irrigation district. The results showed that, (1) due to an increase in the reclamation duration, the groundwater depth in the irrigation area decreased year by year, and the salinity of the arable soil showed an overall decreasing trend, but it increased in local low-lying areas; (2) the influence of the groundwater depth on the salinity of the arable soil had a threshold value. It decreased from 3.1 m in 2016 to 2.4 m in 2021, and a significant negative correlation was observed between salinity and the depth of groundwater. When the groundwater depth was shallower than the threshold value, the soil salinity in the plow layer was negatively correlated with the groundwater depth. In the arid irrigation zone, inadequate drainage facilities resulted in a significant rise in the groundwater table due to the excessive amount of irrigation water. This created secondary salinization of the arable soil. It is thus concluded that implementing adequate drainage systems in arid irrigation regions will help prevent secondary salinization and promote the sustainable development of agriculture in these areas. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Soil-Water-Plants and Environmental Nexus)
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Figure 1
<p>Different elevations and sampling points within the study area.</p>
Full article ">Figure 2
<p>Inter-annual and inter-monthly variations in groundwater depth in the study area. (<b>a</b>) Inter-annual variation in groundwater depth; (<b>b</b>) inter-monthly variation in groundwater depth.</p>
Full article ">Figure 3
<p>Spatial distribution of groundwater levels in the study area in 2006, 2011, 2016, and 2021.</p>
Full article ">Figure 4
<p>Changes in soil salinity of topsoil in the study area in different years.</p>
Full article ">Figure 5
<p>Fitting results of soil salinity and groundwater depth in soil layer in 2016 and 2021.</p>
Full article ">Figure 6
<p>Probabilistic spatial distribution of groundwater depths under different threshold conditions in the study area in 2016 and 2021.</p>
Full article ">Figure 7
<p>Distribution of soil salinization types in the study area in 2016 and 2021.</p>
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20 pages, 12662 KiB  
Enhanced Impact of Land Reclamation on the Tide in the Guangxi Beibu Gulf
by Jingfang Lu, Yibo Zhang, Ruichen Cao, Xianqing Lv, Minjie Xu, Guandong Gao and Qiang Liu
Remote Sens. 2023, 15(21), 5210; - 2 Nov 2023
Cited by 1 | Viewed by 1483
Based on the method for identifying the boundary of movable water bodies (MWBB), the spatial distribution of reclamation projects in the Guangxi Beibu Gulf were identified over the past 40 years and the impact of these engineering facilities on hydrodynamics was also evaluated. [...] Read more.
Based on the method for identifying the boundary of movable water bodies (MWBB), the spatial distribution of reclamation projects in the Guangxi Beibu Gulf were identified over the past 40 years and the impact of these engineering facilities on hydrodynamics was also evaluated. The results showed that 163.8 km2 of natural sea areas in the Guangxi Beibu Gulf were occupied through reclamation in the last 40 years. The effects of land reclamation on tidal amplitude were more pronounced in the second period (2001–2018) than in the first period (1987–2001), particularly in the tidal channels of Qinzhou Bay and Fangcheng Bay, where the amplitude difference ranged from 8 to 15 cm, representing a 40–55% increase. The reduction in the sea area because of land reclamation has changed the hydrodynamics in the Guangxi Beibu Gulf, including reducing the tidal volume, altering the amplitude variations, and increasing the seaward residual currents, all of which could cause significant problems for the coastal environment. Full article
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Figure 1

Figure 1
<p>Location of the studied area. (<b>a</b>) The map of China in the upper left corner downloaded from <a href="" target="_blank"></a> (accessed on 3 June 2023). (<b>b</b>) The coastline underwent significant changes from 1987 to 2018, as a result of coastal reclamation activities.</p>
Full article ">Figure 2
<p>The changes in reclamation area from 1995 to 2015, based on Lu et al. [<a href="#B27-remotesensing-15-05210" class="html-bibr">27</a>].</p>
Full article ">Figure 3
<p>The overall workflow of the method in this study. (<b>a</b>) Driving effect. (<b>b</b>) Technical route.</p>
Full article ">Figure 4
<p>MWBB interpretation. (<b>a</b>) Guantou Mountain, part of Lianzhou Bay’s bedrock boundary; (<b>b</b>) a mangrove, located in Tieshan Bay; (<b>c</b>) Nanliu River Estuary, located in Beihai City (<b>d</b>) a mariculture pond, located in Lianzhou Bay; (<b>e</b>) Qinzhou Bonded Port, South China’s second largest port after Guangzhou Port; (<b>f</b>) two breakwaters nearly 7 km long, connected to the land and designed to protect the land, located in Qinzhou Bay; (<b>g</b>) three port areas built in Tieshan Bay; (<b>h</b>) boundary of the Tieshan Bay Bridge, located in Beihai City.</p>
Full article ">Figure 5
<p>Deviations between the simulated results and observations for three years, (<b>a</b>–<b>c</b>) denote phase lag (°), and (<b>d</b>–<b>f</b>) denote amplitude (cm).</p>
Full article ">Figure 6
<p>(<b>a</b>) The change in the MWBB in the Guangxi Beibu Gulf from 1987 to 2018. (<b>b</b>–<b>d</b>) The main areas were recorded by remote sensing observation: (A1) located in the port area of Fangcheng Bay, the MWBB continued to extend to the sea from 1987 to 2018. Remote sensing images show that the coastline development was used for urban development before 2001, and the port land was used after 2001. The reclamation area from 2001 to 2009, and 2009 to 2018, reached 12.7 km<sup>2</sup> and 5.8 km<sup>2</sup>, respectively; (A2) located in an area of reclaimed industrial land in Fangcheng Bay, constructed after 2001, with a reclaimed area of 9.4 km<sup>2</sup>; (A3) two long and narrow breakwaters extending more than 8 km to the sea, located in Qinzhou Bay; (A4) after 2009, a large reclamation project was undertaken in Qinzhou Bay with the aim of utilizing the area for urban and industrial purposes; (A5) three port areas built in Tieshan Bay, among which the middle one was built between 2001 and 2009, and the other two were built after 2009; (A6) a sprawling breeding pond situated in an estuary, covering an area of 6.9 km<sup>2</sup>.</p>
Full article ">Figure 7
<p>Spatio-temporal changes to the MWBB types in the Guangxi Beibu Gulf.</p>
Full article ">Figure 8
<p>(<b>a</b>) The development process of reclamation in the Guangxi Beibu Gulf. (<b>b</b>) the area ratio of different reclamation types, and (<b>c</b>) the area grows in different stages.</p>
Full article ">Figure 9
<p>The co-tidal chart for M<sub>2</sub> is produced by the model, in 1987 (<b>a</b>), 2001 (<b>b</b>), and 2018 (<b>c</b>); the dotted black lines represent the phase lag (°). In the three years, the phase lag difference is small. Also, (<b>e</b>,<b>f</b>) compare the simulation results from 1987 and 2001 to those from 2018. (<b>d</b>) compare the 1987 simulation results to the 2011 results.</p>
Full article ">Figure 10
<p>Same as <a href="#remotesensing-15-05210-f009" class="html-fig">Figure 9</a>, but for O<sub>1</sub>.</p>
Full article ">Figure 11
<p>Same as <a href="#remotesensing-15-05210-f009" class="html-fig">Figure 9</a>, but for K<sub>1</sub>.</p>
Full article ">Figure 12
<p>Model-produced tidal residual current in 2018.</p>
Full article ">Figure 13
<p>The difference in residual current for the three periods (<b>a</b>–<b>c</b>). Arrows denote the speed, and their lengths are determined by the magnitude of the residual velocity. The difference in residual current is based on flow vectors for two years (<b>d</b>).</p>
Full article ">Figure 14
<p>Growth trend for each indicator from 1995 to 2015. including length of artificial coastline and reclamation area(<b>a</b>), economic development (<b>b</b>), population growth (<b>c</b>), and marine industry development (<b>d</b>) in coastal cities.</p>
Full article ">Figure 15
<p>SEM to estimate the magnitude and significance of relationships between population growth, economic development, marine industry development, and reclamation. * <span class="html-italic">p</span> &lt; 0.05, ** <span class="html-italic">p</span> &lt; 0.01.</p>
Full article ">
20 pages, 807 KiB  
Assessing the Land Reclamation Suitability of Beam Fabrication and Storage Yard in Railway Construction: An AHP-MEA Method
by Baoquan Cheng, Jianchang Li, Jingfang Tao, Jianling Huang and Huihua Chen
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2023, 20(5), 3805; - 21 Feb 2023
Viewed by 1926
Railway construction contributes to socio-economic development but causes the occupation and destruction of land resources. How to effectively restore the temporary land and achieve efficient and rational reuse therefore becomes particularly important. The beam fabrication and storage yard (BFSY), as a large temporary [...] Read more.
Railway construction contributes to socio-economic development but causes the occupation and destruction of land resources. How to effectively restore the temporary land and achieve efficient and rational reuse therefore becomes particularly important. The beam fabrication and storage yard (BFSY), as a large temporary facility during railway construction, occupies a large area of land. However, BFSYs damage the land in the way of pressing and may harden the ground to a high degree due to the use of high-density pile foundations, adversely affecting the soil properties. Therefore, this research aims to develop a model for evaluating the land reclamation suitability (LRS) of BFSY. The LRS evaluation indicator system of BFSY was firstly constructed based on the literature review and expert interviews. Then, an indicator-based model for assessing the LRS of BFSY was developed by integrating the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) model and the matter-element analysis (MEA) model. A case project in China was chosen to demonstrate and validate the developed model, and results show that the proposed model can rationally evaluate the LRS of BFSY in railway construction. The findings of this research enrich the knowledge system of sustainable railway construction and guide construction managers to conduct practical suitability assessments of land reclamation. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue New Trends in Urban Spatial Planning and Sustainable Development)
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Figure 1

Figure 1
<p>Methodology framework for evaluating the LRS of BFSY in railway construction.</p>
Full article ">Figure 2
<p>LRS evaluation indicator system of BFSY in railway construction.</p>
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21 pages, 4897 KiB  
Tree Growth and Vegetation Diversity in Northern Idaho Forest Water Reclamation Facilities
by Eureka Joshi and Mark D. Coleman
Forests 2023, 14(2), 266; - 30 Jan 2023
Cited by 2 | Viewed by 1974
Forest water reclamation can improve tree growth and renovate municipal wastewater. Although there are indications that long-term application may exceed forest assimilation capacity, there is limited information on the long-term effects of reclaimed water application on coniferous ecosystems. The purpose of our study [...] Read more.
Forest water reclamation can improve tree growth and renovate municipal wastewater. Although there are indications that long-term application may exceed forest assimilation capacity, there is limited information on the long-term effects of reclaimed water application on coniferous ecosystems. The purpose of our study was to assess the impacts of prolonged reclaimed water application on forest growth responses and vegetation diversity. We examined the effects of reclaimed water at five water reuse facilities established between 1978 and 2013 in a four-decade time series. We collected tree cores and stem measurements to determine current and retrospective increments. We assessed plant diversity with vegetation surveys. The greatest diameter response observed for reclaimed water amendment compared to controls was 166.1% for western redcedar, while Douglas-fir increased up to 116.4% and ponderosa pine increased up to 100.6%. The minimum response observed was 30.3%. Current annual increments showed that the basal area and volume were significantly greater at long-established facilities for reclaimed-water-amended plots. The understory vegetation diversity declined with application time, while overstory vegetation diversity increased with application time. We conclude that reclaimed water can be a valuable resource to improve forest productivity, but continued application without stocking control may have detrimental effects on forest growth and vegetation diversity. Full article
(This article belongs to the Section Forest Ecology and Management)
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Figure 1

Figure 1
<p>Study area: water reclamation facilities in northern Idaho, USA.</p>
Full article ">Figure 2
<p>Stand parameter plot means and standard errors (<span class="html-italic">n</span> = 5) at the water reuse facilities; (<b>a</b>) trees per hectare (TPH); (<b>b</b>) quadratic mean diameter (QMD); (<b>c</b>) basal area(BA); (<b>d</b>) stand density index (SDI); and (<b>e</b>) height; and (<b>f</b>) total volume. Five facilities included: Garfield Bay (GB), Bottle Bay (BB), Ellisport Bay (EB), Heyburn State Park (HSP) and Cave Bay (CB). Same letters over bars indicate no differences between treatment levels at α = 0.10. Facilities are arranged in establishment order with GB being first (1978) and CB last (2013).</p>
Full article ">Figure 3
<p>Size class distribution of control and effluent treatment plots at the five reuse facilities.</p>
Full article ">Figure 4
<p>Mean and standard error (<span class="html-italic">n</span> = 5) of five-year Diameter Increment during facility operation for (<b>a</b>) diameter increment period 2014–2018; (<b>b</b>) diameter increment period 2009–2014 and (<b>c</b>) diameter increment period 2004–2009 for all species combined. Same letters over bars within each panel indicate no differences between treatment levels at α = 0.10. Facility abbreviations are described in <a href="#forests-14-00266-f002" class="html-fig">Figure 2</a>. Facilities are arranged in establishment order with GB being first (1978) and CB being last (2013). Since treatment had not begun at some facilities, the number of facilities decreases for earlier increments.</p>
Full article ">Figure 5
<p>Average five-year diameter increments for (<b>a</b>) DF (Douglas-fir)and PP (ponderosa pine) at Cave Bay; (<b>b</b>) PP (ponderosa pine) and DF (Douglas-fir) at Heyburn State Park; (<b>c</b>) WRC (western redcedar) at Ellisport Bay; (<b>d</b>) DF (Douglas-fir) and WRC (western redcedar) at Bottle Bay; and (<b>e</b>) DF (Douglas-fir) and WRC (western redcedar) at Garfield Bay. Arrows indicate the start of reclaimed water application.</p>
Full article ">Figure 6
<p>Species responses to treatment variations of 2014–2018 mean diameter increment for facilities where those species occurred: (<b>a</b>) western redcedar; (<b>b</b>) Douglas-fir; and (<b>c</b>) ponderosa pine. No species occurred at all facilities. Same letters over bars indicate no differences between treatment levels at α = 0.10. Facility abbreviations are described in <a href="#forests-14-00266-f002" class="html-fig">Figure 2</a>. Facilities are arranged in establishment order with GB being first (1978) and CB last (2013).</p>
Full article ">Figure 7
<p>Plot means and standard error (<span class="html-italic">n</span> = 5) for 2019-2021annual increments for (<b>a</b>) diameter increment; (<b>b</b>) basal area increment; and (<b>c</b>) volume increment. Same letters over bars indicate no differences between treatment levels at α = 0.10. Facility abbreviations are as described in <a href="#forests-14-00266-f002" class="html-fig">Figure 2</a>. Facilities are arranged in establishment order with GB being first (1978) and CB last (2013).</p>
Full article ">Figure 8
<p>Comparison of understory vegetation biomass at the five reuse facilities. Facility abbreviations are as described in <a href="#forests-14-00266-f002" class="html-fig">Figure 2</a>. Facilities are arranged in establishment order with GB being first (1978) and CB last (2013).</p>
Full article ">Figure 9
<p>Plot mean and standard error (<span class="html-italic">n</span> = 5) for understory (<b>a</b>) Shannon–Wiener diversity index; (<b>b</b>) richness; and (<b>c</b>) evenness. Same letters over bars indicate no differences between treatment levels at α = 0.10. Facility abbreviations are as described in <a href="#forests-14-00266-f002" class="html-fig">Figure 2</a>. Facilities are arranged in establishment order with GB being first (1978) and CB last (2013).</p>
Full article ">Figure 10
<p>Plot mean and standard error (<span class="html-italic">n</span> = 5) for overstory (<b>a</b>) Shannon–Wiener diversity index; (<b>b</b>) richness; and (<b>c</b>) evenness. Same letters over bars indicate no differences between treatment levels at α = 0.10. Facility abbreviations are as described in <a href="#forests-14-00266-f002" class="html-fig">Figure 2</a>. Facilities are arranged in establishment order with GB being first (1978) and CB last (2013).</p>
Full article ">Figure A1
<p>Schematic representation of the experimental design showing number of control (Con) and effluent (Eff) plots at each facility.</p>
Full article ">Figure A2
<p>Location of five control plots (201HC1, 202HC2, 203HC3, 204HC4 and 205HC5) and five effluent plots (206HE1, 207HE2, 208HE3, 209HE4 and 210HE5) at Heyburn State Park facility demonstrating the unique spatial distribution of study plots. The land application site is the area enclosed by the yellow line.</p>
Full article ">
24 pages, 9912 KiB  
Spatiotemporal Characteristics of the Mud Receiving Area Were Retrieved by InSAR and Interpolation
by Bo Hu and Zhongya Qiao
Remote Sens. 2023, 15(2), 351; - 6 Jan 2023
Viewed by 2022
The mud receiving area is an important sand storage area for dredging sea sand reclamation and sand-dumping in the waterway. The sediment accumulation area generated in the process of sand dumping and sand storage has an impact on the surrounding transportation facilities and [...] Read more.
The mud receiving area is an important sand storage area for dredging sea sand reclamation and sand-dumping in the waterway. The sediment accumulation area generated in the process of sand dumping and sand storage has an impact on the surrounding transportation facilities and the normal use of the entire sand storage area. From 6 August 2021 to 9 May 2022, The Sentinel-1A 24-view SLC data covering the sludge area were used to monitor the safety around the seawall road by InSAR technology. Synthetic aperture radar differential interferometry (Differential InSAR, D-InSAR) technology can obtain surface micro deformation information through single-time differential interference processing, mainly used for sudden surface deformation. D-InSAR technology detected five accumulation areas with a thickness of more than 10 cm near the seawall road, earth embankment, and cofferdam, and TS-InSAR (Time series InSAR) technology was used to retrieve the deformation of the surrounding road. The road settlement is a slight settlement distributed between ±5 mm/a. This paper uses the leveling results combined with variance analysis to verify the fusion of different TS-InSAR methods while considering the area of data loss due to causes such as loss of coherence. This paper also considers the common ground continuity and uses the adjacent interpolation and bilinear interpolation algorithm to improve knowledge of the study area seawall road and the surrounding soil embankment deformation data of the road. Compared with the leveling data, the difference between the missing data and the leveling data after interpolation is stable at about 1–7 mm, which increases the risk level of part of the road which needs to be maintained. It provides a reference method to make up for the missing data caused by ground incoherence. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Spatio-Temporal Analysis of Urbanization Using GIS and Remote Sensing)
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Graphical abstract

Graphical abstract
Full article ">Figure 1
<p>The geographical location of the study area.</p>
Full article ">Figure 2
<p>21 level monitoring points along the road (The red dot is where the horizontal base point is laid).</p>
Full article ">Figure 3
<p>D-InSAR and TS-InSAR processing flow and product optimization processing method.</p>
Full article ">Figure 4
<p>The continuous curve of the continuous ground surface projected on the XOZ and YOZ surfaces (<b>I</b>–<b>III</b>) are the regular node and the scattered node of the interpolation node, respectively. (<b>IV</b>–<b>VI</b>) are the nearest neighbor interpolation, process of piecewise linear interpolation and bilinear interpolation.</p>
Full article ">Figure 5
<p>Interpolation flow scheme for missing data areas.</p>
Full article ">Figure 6
<p>The amount of ground change (subsidence/cm) detected by D-InSAR continuously and periodically during the process of sea sand reclamation in the Mud receiving area. (<b>a</b>–<b>i</b>) plots correspond to different continuous time intervals.</p>
Full article ">Figure 7
<p>Cumulative subsidence of sea sand filling in the mud receiving area detected by D-InSAR/cm. (<b>I</b>–<b>IX</b>) plots correspond to time intervals for different cut-off times.</p>
Full article ">Figure 8
<p>(<b>a</b>–<b>e</b>) plots show several areas of sediment accumulation observed by D-InSAR and sand flows in mud reception zones during monitoring.</p>
Full article ">Figure 9
<p>Cumulative maximum and minimum changes in ground height in the Mud receiving area observed during D-InSAR observations.</p>
Full article ">Figure 10
<p>2021.8.6 to 2022.4.3 SAR image coherence value and corresponding number of pixels.</p>
Full article ">Figure 11
<p>Comparison of the continuous subsidence (<b>A</b>) and cumulative subsidence (<b>B</b>) measured by some leveling monitoring points and the corresponding subsidence of D-InSAR (H1-H21 are the leveling monitoring points, XL1-XL21 are the corresponding D-InSAR detections The position of the image element point of the continuous deformation result, LH1-LH21 is the corresponding image element point position of the cumulative deformation result detected by D-InSAR, the range between the two red lines is the reasonable settlement interval, and the outside the red line is the vigilant settlement value).</p>
Full article ">Figure 12
<p>Time Baseline and Common Main Image Selection (green—valid data pairs; yellow—super main image).</p>
Full article ">Figure 13
<p>TS-InSAR deformation velocity field in the sludge area (The yellow part of (<b>a</b>) is the PS point in the sludge area, (<b>b</b>) is the deformation rate of PS point in the vertical direction (unit: mm/a),H1-H11 is the leveling monitoring point, (<b>c</b>) is the average deformation situation in this area and the relative position of the leveling point. (<b>d</b>) is the vertical deformation of the ground obtained by SBAS-InSAR).</p>
Full article ">Figure 14
<p>Overall settlement law of PS points near the embankment (PS11, PS8, PS5, PS3, PS1, SBAS17, SBAS14, SBAS11 corresponding to points H11, H8, H5, H3, H1, H17, H14, H11respectively).</p>
Full article ">Figure 15
<p>Relative accuracy of TS-InSAR measurement results and leveling results.</p>
Full article ">Figure 16
<p>Time sequence analysis of SBAS10-SBAS17 of the monitoring feature points of the southwest section of Haidi Road in the mud area.</p>
Full article ">Figure 17
<p>The difference between the three measurements and the normal expected value.</p>
Full article ">Figure 18
<p>(<b>a</b>) the road settlement monitored by SBAS-InSAR (<b>b</b>) The road settlement obtained after the fusion of PS-InSAR (<b>c</b>) the grid center points extracted by fusion InSAR (<b>d</b>) the buffer established according to the road width and the grid center points extracted.</p>
Full article ">Figure 19
<p>(<b>a</b>) All grid centers with settlement values and the overall interpolation direction of the seawall road section. T1-T9 is the 9 level monitoring points on the soil embankment road. (<b>b</b>) Interpolation examples near the level point H8 of the Seawall road are the real settlement area after InSAR fusion. The red line is the line map of the road terrain (<b>c</b>) the optical image of the road near H8, and (<b>d</b>) the settlement law of the H3 level section of HaiDi Road, whose default value type is completely missing.</p>
Full article ">Figure 20
<p>(<b>a</b>) the deformation of H9-H10 section of Seawall Road pavement, (<b>b</b>–<b>e</b>) the first type of adjacent edge missing, interpolation process and results using the adjacent method, (<b>f</b>–<b>h</b>) the type of completely missing road deformation data of the second type and its processing method.</p>
Full article ">Figure 21
<p>Comparison of real values and interpolation results of level monitoring points on seawall road and soil embankment road (Figure right) error.</p>
Full article ">Figure 22
<p>(<b>i</b>) Pavement deformation and settlement map integrating PS-InSAR and SBAS-InSAR (<b>ii</b>) Pavement deformation corrected by proximity interpolation and bilinear interpolation (<b>iii</b>) the image with deformation and settlement range adjusted to −10–10 (mm).</p>
Full article ">Figure 23
<p>DEM and DEM profile of the surrounding roads in the Mud receiving area after interpo lation optimization. (<b>a</b>,<b>c</b>) show the profile of the DEM in both latitude and longitude, (<b>b</b>) shows the DEM of the area, and (<b>d</b>) shows the scales of different roads.</p>
Full article ">
13 pages, 3583 KiB  
The Methodology for Assessing and Predicting the Geotechnical Stability of Agricultural Facilities Based on the Methods of Chaos Theory and Multiparametric Analysis
by Anastasia Grecheneva, Elena Khudyakova, Alexandra Shitikova and Marina Stepantsevich
Computation 2022, 10(11), 192; - 27 Oct 2022
Viewed by 1642
The purpose of this study is to describe a methodology for assessing the geotechnical stability of agricultural facilities, enabling prediction of the state of the geotechnical system, taking into account the influence of external factors and combinations of reactions of the geotechnical system [...] Read more.
The purpose of this study is to describe a methodology for assessing the geotechnical stability of agricultural facilities, enabling prediction of the state of the geotechnical system, taking into account the influence of external factors and combinations of reactions of the geotechnical system under study. According to the methodology, the heterogeneous geotechnical monitoring data obtained are used in an adjusted geotechnical system model, allowing a bifurcation analysis to be carried out. The bifurcation analysis determines critical values of influencing factors, and the limits of stability of the geotechnical system studied parameters are adjusted. The developed methodology was used to assess and predict the geotechnical stability of agricultural facilities during the processing of geoelectric, resistive acoustic, accelerometric and strain-gauge control data obtained in the period from 2016 to 2021. A feature of the geotechnical system under study is the periodic flooding of the building basement caused by the processes of reclamation and irrigation, leading to changes in the groundwater level. The results show that the permissible calculated elastic limit of the foundation elements (32.2–35.1 MPa) before the loss of stability should be significantly reduced with a change in the water content coefficient (W) of the soil base: at W = 0.15 Eb = 30.7–32.0 MPa; at W = 0.35 Eb = 26.8–28.2 MPa; at W = 0.55 Eb = 24.9–25.3 MPa. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Numerical Methods in Geotechnical Engineering)
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Figure 1

Figure 1
<p>A model of a geotechnical system.</p>
Full article ">Figure 2
<p>An identification algorithm for hidden destructive processes in geotechnical systems.</p>
Full article ">Figure 3
<p>The plan of 3-story brick building with a ribbon foundation under study: (<b>a</b>) The building basement plan; (<b>b</b>) The 1st floor plan.</p>
Full article ">Figure 4
<p>Placement of the sensor network of the geotechnical monitoring system.</p>
Full article ">Figure 5
<p>The most vulnerable key points with the development of hidden destructive processes.</p>
Full article ">Figure 6
<p>A ground cross section diagram.</p>
Full article ">Figure 7
<p>Simulation results for a soil base with a moisture content of W = 0.25.</p>
Full article ">Figure 8
<p>Dependences of the change in the elastic limit of the structure foundation materials on the arising mechanical stresses, taking into account the level of waterlogging of the soil base.</p>
Full article ">
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