Integration of Heterogeneous Sensor Systems for Disaster Responses in Smart Cities: Flooding as an Example
<p>Proposed architecture for flooding emergency responses.</p> "> Figure 2
<p>Flood sensor information and inundation depth sensing data from the Water Resources: Department of Taiwan’s Civil IoT Taiwan of Things SensorThings API Service. URL source: <a href="" target="_blank"></a> (accessed on 8 April 2023, using the shorten URL tool). The Chinese in the figure represents the metadata elements: “name: flooding depth”, “description: flood height measurement the height below five centimeters returns every hour, five centimeters return every ten minutes”, “authority: The 5th River Management Office”.</p> "> Figure 3
<p>UML design of flood hazard equipment and observation metadata for smart cities in emergency responses.</p> "> Figure 4
<p>Flowchart for emergency response with a CCTV camera and a water level station meter equipment search.</p> "> Figure 5
<p>(<b>a</b>) CCTV recording for monitoring traffic. URL source: <a href="" target="_blank"></a> (accessed on 1 July 2022) (<b>b</b>) CCTV recording showing flooding in a local area (accessed on 28 August 2018).</p> "> Figure 6
<p>The experimental area of this study is the Sinshih District of Tainan City, Taiwan (Datum: WGS84, Coordinate system: WGS84, Projection system: EPSG:3857).</p> "> Figure 7
<p>Three-dimensional FOVs of water level meter and CCTV cameras. Disaster notification location 1 at time: 2022/11/05 04:32 buffered 500 m devices: Camera ID 1639, ID 497, and ID 44; Water Level ID 284.</p> "> Figure 8
<p>Disaster notification location 2 at time: 2022/11/05 06:28 buffered 500 m. The blue colors are devices: Camera ID 44 and ID 497; Water Level ID 284 and ID 88.</p> ">
:1. Introduction
2. Related Work
3. Methodology
3.1. Smart Flooding Disaster Response
3.2. Sensor Systems and Services
- Ownership of sensor systems: This information focuses on the authority governing each sensor system. Contact information must be available to coordinate access to the sensor systems.
- Subject of the sensor: This describes the object or range of observation. In addition to the sensor type and deployment status, the observed targets should be identifiable and clearly described.
- Sensor specifications and content of observations: This information describes the specifications of the sensors and the content and format of the observations. Sensor specifications describe the hardware and software characteristics of sensors, and the schema describes the content and structure of the data obtained, including time and location information.
- Sensor system services: This information describes the operations and parameters of the services. Typical information includes web addresses, interface standards, access operations, and parameters. The use of common standards helps simplify the acquisition of observations from different sensor systems.
- Time information of sensor observations: In addition to the time recorded for each observation, this information describes the operation time limit of the sensor system and the frequency of data updates.
- Sensor status parameters: This describes the conditions of the sensors, such as the threshold values for triggering alarms.
3.3. Metadata Design
- Each agency develops its own sensor systems according to its responsible missions.
- A sensor system comprises multiple sensors that provide observations at different locations over time.
- The sensor system observations followed a chosen schema. The designed schemas may differ from one sensor system to another.
- The time series and quality characteristics of the observations limit their possible applications.
- Sensors may be produced by different manufacturers with different specifications.
- The sensing apparatus has specific targets and sensing capabilities.
- Individual sensor system often distributes observations through a service with a specific Internet link.
- Access to sensor system services may follow specific interfaces (e.g., APIs), including various types of operations.
- Sensor services from different stakeholders may follow the same standards, facilitating interoperable applications and reducing system development costs.
- Different stakeholders may adopt their own preferred service interface standards.
- The interface and content of the sensor system may have access restrictions; for example, only for governmental use.
3.4. Workflow for Decision Making
- Tracking list: This tracking list records all the available cross-domain sensor systems whose metadata are registered in a metadata database. Standardized metadata must be established before being included in a database.
- Candidate list: The candidate list records the selected sensor systems based on time, location, and sensor constraints according to the reported disaster. This list shows the quick filtering results based on preliminary constraints. Furthermore, the request for observations from a sensor service determines whether the selected sensor systems should be closely monitored. The list of candidates is updated when a new disaster report is received.
- Monitoring list: When a sensor is added to the monitoring list, it implies that a disaster is confirmed according to its acquired observations; for example, a water level meter that exceeds the alert threshold or a CCTV streaming service that shows the occurrence of a disaster. The monitoring list must be updated continuously until the threat ends.
- Disaster list: Data collected by the sensor systems during emergency responses can be archived later in the disaster list. In addition to the role of historical data, such information can be used as a reference for the subsequent deployment and adjustment of sensor systems (e.g., disaster hotspots).
4. Test and Results
4.1. Test Area and Selected Sensor Systems
- System 1: This system was developed by the Water Resources Administration and Tainan City Government Water Resources Bureau to monitor hydrological regimes. Three sensors were located in the experimental area: two water level meters (ID 284 and ID 88) and one CCTV camera (ID 44). The three sensors use the SensorThings API to distribute the observation information.
- System 2: This system was developed by the Freeway Bureau to monitor freeway traffic using CCTV. In addition to routine traffic monitoring, any disaster that occurs on freeways can be observed. Three CCTV cameras (ID 497, ID 1035, and ID 1582) were used. Distributed data are based on the schema of the system.
- System 3: This was developed by the Directorate General of Highways to monitor local traffic. Three cameras (ID 1639, ID 1760, and ID 1761) were used. The distributed data are also based on the schema of the camera system.
4.2. Standardized Metadata
4.3. Workflow Test
- Assume a disaster at (23°03′46.15″ N 120°17′12.92″ E) is reported on 5 November 2022 at 04:32, as illustrated by the arrow symbol in Figure 7. A spatial constraint of buffered distance (500 m) and the element of metadata “Deployed location” of sensors are used for searching sensor deployed in the neighborhood via ArcGIS Pro. Any sensors whose location was within the search constraints were added to the list of candidates.
- In addition to spatial constraints, the search for sensors further considers the types of sensors related to the flooding scenario, i.e., water level meters and CCTV cameras in this example.
- After two types of searches, one water level station (ID 284) and three CCTV cameras (ID 1639, ID 44, and ID 497) were selected (Figure 7). The selected sensors were added to the candidate list for further analysis.
- For the CCTV systems in the candidate list, the FOV information is obtained from the “3D FOV” metadata element and illustrated in the visual interface, as shown in Figure 7.
- From the map-based interface, only a portion of the experimental area is covered by the three cameras; there is no overlap among their coverage areas, and the commander knows which area they will be supplied with continuously updated information. The recorded information of every camera in the candidate list must be visually inspected to determine whether there is a flood in the coverage area. For the three elements of the designed metadata elements, “ServiceURL”, “Operation”, and “observation”, the URLs are used for establishing the required link (for example, the URL for the camera with ID 1639 is accessed on 6 July 2023). If a flood was visually confirmed from the acquired image, the corresponding CCTV image was added to the monitoring list. In this example, although the location of the reported disaster is not visible, we assume that the disaster was visually confirmed in all three CCTVs; therefore, all of them are added to the monitoring list.
- 6.
- For the water level meter, observations obtained from the metadata element “Observation_Result” is compared against the metadata element of “Warning” to determine whether a warning should be issued. All sensors that qualified for the specified constraints were added to the monitoring list (Table 8). On 2022/11/05 at 04:42, the sensors ID 284, ID 44, ID 497, and ID 1639 were continuously monitored until the disaster ended. With the selected metadata elements, the recorded information in the monitoring list provides a quick summary of the sensors, which can provide an immediate reference for the ongoing disaster. A typical operation involves simultaneously displaying continuously updated observations of the monitored sensor on the dashboard for further emergency response reference.
- 7.
- Assume the commander receives a new disaster report (23°03′34.0″ N 120°17′26.1″ E) at 2022/11/05 06:28; as illustrated in Figure 8, the buffered distance (500 m) and “Deployed location” of sensors are used. Steps 1–6 were repeated to update the candidate and monitoring lists. In this case, one CCTV camera (ID 44) and one water-level meter (ID 88) were added to the monitoring list at 2022/11/05 06:37. One CCTV camera (ID 1639) was removed from the monitoring list at 2022/11/05 10:48 after visual inspection. When the returned observations of the floodwater level were lower than the water level warning set value, ID 284 was removed from the monitoring list at 2022/11/05 10:04. Similarly, the water level of the flood sensor of ID 88 was lower than the warning setting value; the monitoring list became empty at 2022/11/05 12:12.
- 8.
- Because the observations of all the sensors in the monitoring list record confirmed information for certain aspects of the disaster, they should be kept as a reference for disaster history. In addition to the information regarding the identification of sensors (ID, Device Type, Authority) and location (Deployment Location), temporal information must record the time a particular sensor is added and removed from the monitoring list (Table 9). The title of this disaster event should be assigned to the table of the disaster list, which can be traced back to provide a reference for all disasters that occurred in this area. All related observations are stored in a database and can be accessed via a unique sensor ID and specified time period.
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Name | Definition | Optional Condition | Model Elements or Data Type | Remark |
Device | Device | Class | ||
ID | Unique object ID | M | String | Equipment number |
Type | Types of devices | M | String | Equipment type |
Deployment location | The location where a device is deployed | M | GM_point | Represented by 2D or 3D coordinates |
Deployment time | The time when the device is deployed | M | Date | Reference for historical data available |
Authority | The name and contact information of the organization that deploys the device | M | String | Responsible for the equipment |
Active | Whether the device is active | M | Boolean | 1 = yes, 0 = no |
Manufacturer | Name of the device manufacturer | O | String | Equipment manufacturers |
Serial number | Serial number of the device | O | String | Manufacturer’s equipment serial number |
Street address | Street address of the building where the device is deployed | O | String | |
Auxiliary location information | Facilities that can be used for spatial reference | O | String | Name of the buildings or facilities |
Name | Definition | Optional Condition | Model Elements or Data Type | Remarks |
Camera | CCTV Camera | Class | ||
Visible object | The ID of the features that are visible via CCTV | O | String | CCTV viewable object ID |
Night vision | If the CCTV can capture images during the night-time | O | Boolean | 1 = yes, 0 = no |
The angle of view α | The viewing angle of the CCTV | O | Double | CCTV viewable range of angles |
Far effective range D | The viewing distance of the CCTV | O | Double | CCTV sets the maximum viewable distance |
Roll | The angle set for an X axis | O | Double | CCTV vertical axis X in three-dimensional space |
Pitch | The angle set for a Y axis | O | Double | CCTV horizontal axis Y in stereoscopic space |
Yaw | The angle set for a Z axis | O | Double | CCTV vertical axis Z in stereoscopic space |
3D FOV | The 3D presentation of the CCTV field of view | O | Geometry | GM_MultiSurface/GM_Solid |
Name | Definition | Optional Condition | Model Elements or Data Type | Remark |
Water Level Meter | Water Level Meter | Class | ||
Maximum of range | Water level meter upper limit | M | Integer | Units in centimeters |
Minimum of range | Lower limit of water level meter | M | Integer | Units in centimeters |
Warning | Threshold value for triggering alerts | M | Integer | Units in centimeters |
Name | Definition | Optional Condition | Model Elements or Data Type | Remark |
Service | Service | Class | Service identification information OGC ISO19115/ISO19119 | |
ServiceIdentification | ID of service | M | String | Unique of services ID |
ServiceType | Name of service standard type | M | String | Types of geo-networking services provided, such as standard specifications defined by OGC, e.g., Sensor Web Enablement (SWE) and SensorThings API |
ServiceTypeVersion | The version of the service standard adopted | O | String | Version of the service standards described in ServiceType element |
ServiceProvider | Service providers | M | String | Internet service providers |
Keyword | Keyword | O | String | Place or theme keywords |
Binding | Conforming protocols; links to call execution procedures | M | String | Web Services Description Language (WSDL), Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP), eXtensible Markup Language (XML), Object Access Protocol (SOAP), Universal Description, Discovery (UDDI), etc. |
Operation | Name of executable action provided by the service | M | String | e.g., Getcapabilities |
ServiceURL | Web link | M | URL | URL link paths for packaging images, maps, information, instructions, etc. |
Constraints | Information about the authorization to access the service | O | String | Instructions on how to link or limiation about the use of services |
Spatial extent | Set spatial extent BoundingPolygon uses polygon items to precisely describe the spatial extent of data or services | M | EX_GeographicExtent | The area information for the service |
Schema for observation | The schema description of the distributed data | M | String | Can be a particular standard or schema defined by responsible units |
Operating Procedures | Operation Details |
| Receive disaster information either from the general public or alerts from sensor systems. Check if all the required information is included, e.g., location and time (sensor ID). |
| Select the sensor systems that may provide a useful reference for the reported disaster.
| According to the selected sensor systems in the candidate list, acquire observations from their respective services.
| Depending on the acquired observations, determine if the sensor systems will be added to the monitoring list.
| Continuous updating observations to aid disaster response.
| Build an archive for the historical records of disasters.
Data Resource | System 1 | System 2 | System 3 | ||
Metadata Elements | |||||
CCTV camera | Type 1 | 4 | 3 | 3 | |
Type 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 | ||
Type 3 | 12 | 13 | 13 | ||
Observation | Type 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
Type 2 | 1 | 1 | 1 | ||
Type 3 | 5 | 5 | 5 | ||
Service | Type 1 | 3 | 4 | 4 | |
Type 2 | 4 | 3 | 3 | ||
Type 3 | 5 | 5 | 5 |
Data Source | System 1 | System 2 | System 3 | |
Metadata Elements | ||||
+ID [1]:string | 1: name: system 1366d6b38-68e5-45b9-8203-a944187dfa6a | 1: CCTVID: CCTV-N8-W-10.66-M | 1: CCTVID: CCTV-54-0010-321-001 | |
+Device_Type [1]:string | 1: ciCategory: Video surveillance images | 3: Video surveillance images | 3: Video surveillance images | |
+Deployed location [1]:GM_point | 2: [Longitude, Latitude]: 120.289403, 23.062014 | 2: [PositionLon, PositionLat] 120.287155 23.059651 | 2: [PositionLon, PositionLat] 120.28867 23.06608 | |
+Authority [1]:string | 1: Authority Water Resources Department(in conjunction with the county and city governments) | 1: SubAuthorityCode NFB-SR | 1:SubAuthorityCode THB-5R | |
+Street address [0..1]:string | 1: stationName: Yongjiu, Xinshi Dist. No. 135 | 1: RoadName: National Highway No. 8 | 1:RoadName: Provincial Highway 1 | |
+Observation Result [0..1]:String | Only for water level meter | Only for water level meter | Onlyfor water level meter | |
+Phenomenon_Time:TM_Object | 1: phenomenonTime From Images’ Tag of Date | 3: Available from Tag of Date of image | 3: Available from Tag of Date of image | |
+Warning [1]:Integer | Only for water level meter | Only for water level meter | Only for water level meter | |
+Visible object [0..*]:string | 3: water_level_meter_284, 15,886,15,892,15,879 | 3: No Visible Objects | 3: 18,542, 18,562, 18,547, 18,551, 15,942, 17,193, 17,187, 17,206, 17,185, 17,184, 17,183, 18,529, 15,403, 18,528, 17,182, 18,533, 18,613 | |
+ServiceURL [0..1]:url | 2: Result (from the SensorThings API Observations class): (accessed on 23 November 2022) | 1: VideoStreamURL (accessed on 29 September 2022) | 1: VideoStreamURL (accessed on 29 September 2022) | |
+ServiceIdentification [1]:string | 1: properties/stationID:366d6b38-68e5-45b9-8203-a944187dfa6a | 1: LinkID 0000800101300D | 1: LinkID 3000100032142D | |
+ServiceProvider [1]:string | 1: OrgName Bureau of Water Resources, Tainan City Government | 3: Freeway Bureau, MOTC | 3: Directorate General of High-ways Ministry of Transportation and Communications | |
+Data Provider [0..1]:string | 3: Tainan City Government | 3: Freeway Bureau, MOTC | 3: Directorate General of Highways Ministry of Transportation and Communications | |
+Operation [1]:string | 2: Getobservation (from the SensorThings API data stream class) (accessed on 10 July 2023) | 1: URL (accessed on 29 September 2022) | 1: URL (accessed on 29 September 2022) | |
+Schema for observation [0..1]:string | 1: SensorThings API(from the SensorThings API Things class) (accessed on 10 July 2023) | 1: URL (accessed on 29 September 2022) | 1: URL (accessed on 29 September 2022) |
Devices | ID | Type | Deployed Location | Authority | Visible Object | Disaster Report Time | URL |
Camera | ID 497 | Camera | 120.287155; 23.059651 | Freeway Bureau, MOTC | Null | 5 November 2022 04:32 | (accessed on 29 September 2022) |
ID 1639 | Camera | 120.28867 23.06608 | Directorate General of Highways Ministry of Transportation and Communications | 18,542, 18,562, 18,547, 18,551, 15,942, 17,193, 17,187, 17,206, 17,185, 17184, 17,183, 18,529, 15,403, 18,528, 17182, 18,533, 18613 | 5 November 2022 04:32 | (accessed on 29 September 2022) | |
ID 44 | Camera | 120.289403; 23.062014 | Water Resources Department (in conjunction with Tainan City Government) | water_level_meter_284, 15,886, 15,892, 15,879 | 5 November 2022 04:32 | (accessed on 23 November 2022) | |
Water level meter | ID 284 | Water_Level_Meter | 120.289403 23.062014 | Water Resources Department of the Municipality of Tainan | Null | 5 November 2022 04:32 | Null |
Devices | ID | Type | Deployed Location | Phenomenon_Time (Begin/End) | Authority |
Camera | ID 44 | Camera | 120.289403; 23.062014 | 2022-11-5T04:42:00.000Z/ 2022-11-5T12:39:00.000Z | Water Resources Department (in conjunction with Tainan City Government) |
ID 497 | Camera | 120.287155; 23.059651 | 2022-11-5T04:42:00.000Z/ 2022-11-5T12:39:00.000Z | Freeway Bureau, MOTC | |
ID 1639 | Camera | 120.28867 23.06608 | 2022-11-5T04:42:00.000Z/ 2022-11-5T10:48:00.000Z | Directorate General of Highways Ministry of Transportation and Communications | |
Water level meter | ID 284 | Water_Level_Meter | 120.289403 23.062014 | 2022-11-5T04:42:00.000Z/ 2022-11-5T10:04:00.000Z | Water Resources Department of the Municipality of Tainan |
ID 88 | Water_Level_Meter | 120.291294 23.056533 | 2022-11-5T04:42:00.000Z/ 2022-11-5T12:12:00.000Z | Water Resources Department of the Municipality of Tainan |
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Hong, J.-H.; Shi, Y.-T. Integration of Heterogeneous Sensor Systems for Disaster Responses in Smart Cities: Flooding as an Example. ISPRS Int. J. Geo-Inf. 2023, 12, 279.
Hong J-H, Shi Y-T. Integration of Heterogeneous Sensor Systems for Disaster Responses in Smart Cities: Flooding as an Example. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information. 2023; 12(7):279.
Chicago/Turabian StyleHong, Jung-Hong, and Yi-Tin Shi. 2023. "Integration of Heterogeneous Sensor Systems for Disaster Responses in Smart Cities: Flooding as an Example" ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information 12, no. 7: 279.
APA StyleHong, J.-H., & Shi, Y.-T. (2023). Integration of Heterogeneous Sensor Systems for Disaster Responses in Smart Cities: Flooding as an Example. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 12(7), 279.