An Enhanced Retroviral Vector for Efficient Genetic Manipulation and Selection in Mammalian Cells
<p>Flow cytometric analyses for EGFP- and TagBFP fluorescence of 38B9 cells infected with different retroviral supernatants. 38B9 cells were (<b>A</b>) mock infected or infected with different retroviral supernatants derived from (<b>B</b>) pBMN-I-GFP, (<b>C</b>) pBMN-I-TagBFP, (<b>D</b>) pBMN-I-EGFP/Puro, and (<b>E</b>) pBMN-I-EGFP/Puro long and incubated for one day before flow cytometric analysis to determine infection efficiencies. A detailed gating and analysis strategy is shown in <a href="#app1-biomolecules-14-01131" class="html-app">Supplemental Figure S4</a>. Cells (COUNT) are shown in histogram plots for EGFP- [FI (EGFP), gate “I”, upper row] or BFP- [FI (BFP), gate “H”, bottom row] fluorescence intensities. Percentages of gated cells are shown in the graphs.</p> "> Figure 2
<p>Western blot analysis of EGFP proteins in wild-type- and infected 38B9- and NIH3T3 cells. Cell lysates from 1 × 10<sup>6</sup> uninfected and unselected (<b>A</b>) 38B9- or (<b>B</b>) NIH3T3 cells (“WT”) or from 1 × 10<sup>6</sup> (<b>A</b>) 38B9- or (<b>B</b>) NIH3T3 cells infected with retroviral supernatant from the respective vectors pBMN-I-EGFP-T2A-Puro (“EGFP-T2A-Puro”), pBMN-I-EGFP/Puro (“EGFP/Puro”), pBMN-I-EGFP/Puro long (“EGFP/Puro long”), pBMN-I-EGFP/Puro Myc long (“EGFP/Puro Myc long”) or pBMN-I-EGFP-T2A-Puro Myc (“EGFP-T2A-Puro Myc”) and Puromycin-selected for 5 days were reduced, separated by 13.5% SDS-PAGE, and transferred to a nitrocellulose membrane. The membrane was blocked, stained with monoclonal mouse anti-GFP antibodies, and developed with an appropriate HRP-conjugated secondary antibody using the ECL method for a short (upper panel) or prolonged exposure (middle panel). The loading of same cell equivalents was assessed with polyclonal rabbit antibodies against beta-actin (bottom panel). Dashed arrows in the beta-actin blots indicate signals from previous probing with the GFP antibody. Original images can be found in <a href="#app1-biomolecules-14-01131" class="html-app">Supplemental Figures S9 and S10</a>.</p> "> Figure 3
<p>Flow cytometric analyses for EGFP fluorescence in 38B9 cells infected with EGFP/Puro cassette-containing retroviral supernatants and subsequent Puromycin selection. 38B9 cells were infected with retroviral supernatants derived from (<b>A</b>) mock-, (<b>B</b>) pBMN-I-EGFP/Puro-, or (<b>C</b>) pBMN-I-EGFP/Puro long-transfected Platinum-E cells. Puromycin was added at 5 µg/mL 24 h after infection. EGFP fluorescence intensities to determine infection efficiency were measured by flow cytometry on the day of infection, one day after infection, and every other day for 5 days. Data acquisition and gating strategy were identical to those described in <a href="#biomolecules-14-01131-f001" class="html-fig">Figure 1</a>. EGFP fluorescence intensities of FSC/SSC-gated single cells are presented as overlay histograms, and relative cell numbers of each measurement are normalized and presented as %Max.</p> "> Figure 4
<p>Flow cytometric analyses for EGFP fluorescence in 38B9 cells infected with EGFP-T2A-Puro cassette-containing retroviral supernatants and subsequent Puromycin selection. 38B9 cells were infected with retroviral supernatants derived from (<b>A</b>) mock-, (<b>B</b>) pBMN-I-EGFP-T2A-Puro-, or (<b>C</b>) pBMN-I-EGFP-T2A-Puro Myc-transfected Platinum-E cells. Puromycin was added at 5 µg/mL 24 h after infection. EGFP fluorescence intensities to determine infection efficiency were measured by flow cytometry on the day of infection, one day after infection, and every other day for 5 days. Data acquisition and gating strategy were identical to those described in <a href="#biomolecules-14-01131-f001" class="html-fig">Figure 1</a>. Data of mock infection are identical to those in <a href="#biomolecules-14-01131-f003" class="html-fig">Figure 3</a>. EGFP fluorescence intensities of FSC/SSC-gated single cells are presented as overlay histograms, and relative cell numbers of each measurement are normalized and presented as %Max.</p> ">
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Cloning of Retroviral Vectors
2.1.1. Cloning of pBMN-I-TagBFP
2.1.2. Cloning of pBMN-I-EGFP/Puro
2.1.3. Cloning of pBMN-I-EGFP/Puro Long
2.1.4. Cloning of pBMN-I-EGFP/Puro Myc Long
2.1.5. Cloning of pBMN-I-EGFP-T2A-Puro
2.1.6. Cloning of pBMN-I-EGFP-T2A-Puro Myc
2.2. Cell Lines and Culture Conditions
2.3. Transient Transfection of Platinum-E Cells for Retrovirus Production
2.4. Retroviral Infection of 38B9- and NIH3T3 Cells
2.5. Structural Alignment of Predicted EGFP/Puro Fusion Proteins
2.6. Western Blot Analysis
2.7. Flow Cytometry
3. Results
3.1. Modifying the EGFP/Puro Cassette by Extending the PAC C-Terminus
3.2. Testing the Functionality of the Puromycin Resistance Cassette
3.3. Cloning and Testing of an Improved Retroviral Vector with EGFP/Puro Cassette
4. Discussion
5. Conclusions
Supplementary Materials
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
Appendix A. Supplementary Methods
Appendix A.1. Quantification of Reverse Transcriptase Activity by Real-Time PCR for Titration of Retroviral Vectors
Appendix A.2. Titration of Puromycin on 38B9- and NIH3T3 Cells
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Triller, J.; Prots, I.; Jäck, H.-M.; Wittmann, J. An Enhanced Retroviral Vector for Efficient Genetic Manipulation and Selection in Mammalian Cells. Biomolecules 2024, 14, 1131.
Triller J, Prots I, Jäck H-M, Wittmann J. An Enhanced Retroviral Vector for Efficient Genetic Manipulation and Selection in Mammalian Cells. Biomolecules. 2024; 14(9):1131.
Chicago/Turabian StyleTriller, Jana, Iryna Prots, Hans-Martin Jäck, and Jürgen Wittmann. 2024. "An Enhanced Retroviral Vector for Efficient Genetic Manipulation and Selection in Mammalian Cells" Biomolecules 14, no. 9: 1131.
APA StyleTriller, J., Prots, I., Jäck, H.-M., & Wittmann, J. (2024). An Enhanced Retroviral Vector for Efficient Genetic Manipulation and Selection in Mammalian Cells. Biomolecules, 14(9), 1131.