Scientometric Analysis and Visualization of Carbon Emission Studies in the Construction Industry
<p>Trends in publication quantity (1997–10 July 2023).</p> "> Figure 2
<p>Dual-map overlay of the literature on carbon emissions in the construction sector.</p> "> Figure 3
<p>Journal co-citation network.</p> "> Figure 4
<p>Keyword co-occurrence network.</p> "> Figure 5
<p>Timeline view of keyword co-occurrence network clustering.</p> "> Figure 6
<p>Top 30 keywords with the strongest citation bursts.</p> "> Figure 7
<p>Institution co-authorship network.</p> "> Figure 8
<p>Country co-authorship network of construction-sector carbon-emission literature.</p> ">
:1. Introduction
2. Methodology
2.1. Science Mapping Tools
2.2. Data Collection
- Science Citation Index Expanded (SCI-EXPANDED)—1997–present
- Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI)—2000–present
- Arts & Humanities Citation Index (AHCI)—2005–present
- Conference Proceedings Citation Index–Science (CPCI-S)—1998–present
- Conference Proceedings Citation Index–Social Science & Humanities (CPCI-SSH)—2001–present
- Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI)—2019–present
- Current Chemical Reactions (CCR-EXPANDED)—1985–present
- Index Chemicus (IC)—1993–present
2.3. Scientific Techniques
3. Scientometric Analysis of Carbon Emissions in the Construction Industry
3.1. Annual Publishing Trends
3.2. Structure of the Body of Knowledge
3.2.1. Macro Knowledge Flow
3.2.2. Meso Research Carrier
3.2.3. Micro Main Research Interests
3.3. Research Trends and Frontiers over Time
3.3.1. Research Trends
3.3.2. Research Frontiers
3.4. Scientific Collaboration Networks
3.4.1. Institution Co-Authorship Analysis
3.4.2. Country Co-Authorship Analysis
4. Discussion and Recommendations
4.1. Discussion
4.2. Recommendations
- (1)
- Strengthen top-level designs and improve policy systems, management systems, and guarantee mechanisms. Specifically, this includes formulating policies, regulations, and standards that are tailored to local conditions, and clarifying work objectives and measures. At the same time, strengthen the construction of management and execution capabilities, and improve the quality and efficiency of execution. Actively promote the labeling system for building energy efficiency. Building energy efficiency labeling can make building energy consumption information more transparent and provide incentives for improving energy efficiency in the construction industry. By providing appropriate policy guidance and actively conducting policy lectures and educational training, increase the participation and willingness of construction-related enterprises, institutions, and individuals in conducting practical and research activities.
- (2)
- Adhere to technological innovation. Technological innovation is the primary driving force for solving the problem of carbon emissions in the construction industry. The development and maturity of new technologies can reduce the cost of implementing carbon reduction plans, and even lead to the emergence of new and more efficient solutions. For example, breakthroughs in fields such as clean energy technology and carbon capture and storage technology will have a significant impact on the field of carbon emissions.
- (3)
- Pay attention to all aspects of the whole life cycle of the building. In the materials production stage, improve the energy efficiency of the materials production process, and use low-carbon environmental protection materials or raw materials instead of traditional materials. In the construction phase, promote the use of low-energy construction machinery and equipment, and utilize information technology for low-carbon production management. For example, by inputting data such as equipment configurations, construction progress, and personnel information into a database for overall management, it is possible to optimize the allocation of personnel, machines, raw materials, methods, and environmental factors, ultimately achieving high efficiency, low energy consumption, and low emissions. At the same time, it can also accelerate the progress of the project. During the operational phase, improve the electrification level in the fields of building heating, cooling, and living consumption, and minimize fossil fuel consumption as much as possible. Moreover, encourage people to use energy-efficient appliances. At the stage of maintenance and demolition, improve the recycling rate of construction waste. For example, promote the recycling and utilization of construction waste resources from aspects such as classification, recycling, regeneration, resource utilization, and product application.
- (4)
- Strengthen cooperation. Active cooperation between enterprises, research institutions, and countries is crucial. Climate change is a global challenge, and cooperation brings together stakeholders to address this challenge and contribute to the global carbon reduction goals of the construction industry. Carbon reduction in the construction industry is not only related to the construction industry itself but also to the entire supply chain. Enterprise cooperation can promote carbon reduction measures in all aspects of the supply chain, achieving overall low-carbon development. In addition, cooperation between enterprises and countries is conducive to fully leveraging their respective technological, management, and financial advantages. Collaboration between research institutions can facilitate the exchange of technology and knowledge, thereby accelerating technological innovation and transformation.
5. Conclusions
- (1)
- Researchers and practitioners have paid much attention to carbon emissions in the construction industry in recent years. From 1997 to 2006, the number of articles published annually was below 100 and the growth was slow. Since 2007, the annual publication of articles has maintained a rapid growth. In 2022, the number of articles published reached 2265.
- (2)
- The research on carbon emissions in the construction industry has a clear interdisciplinary phenomenon. This field is not only closely related to the environment and economy but also has a significant impact on the lives of animals and humans, as well as social development. Research carrier analysis is expected to guide researchers and practitioners in finding suitable journals for learning and publishing. In terms of research interests, energy is the most relevant topic. In addition, “carbon emission”, “life cycle assessment”, and “performance” are the three keywords that have received the most attention in existing research. “Energy efficiency”, “barrier”, “China”, “concrete”, “design”, “building stock”, “refurbishment”, and “optimization” are highly influential topics.
- (3)
- The existing research topics can be identified as 17 clusters, with the largest five clusters corresponding to “energy management”, “life cycle analysis”, “energy”, “embodied carbon”, and “building performance”. Other hot research trends include “passive house”, “uncertainty”, “carbon neutral”, “climate change”, “thermal energy storage”, “refurbishment”, and “economic growth”. The fields of “prefabrication”, “transportation”, “recycling”, and “machine learning” have been briefly overlooked, but they still have high research potential. In addition, the research frontiers analysis results indicate that scholars and practitioners pay more attention to the impact of potential factors, and the research topic continues to deepen. “Driving force”, “circular economy”, “household”, “waste management”, and “circular economy” are currently research frontiers.
- (4)
- The analysis of the scientific collaboration networks has identified institutions and countries with a high number of publications or high influence, as well as the connections between institutions and countries, thus providing a reference for seeking communication and cooperation. In the field of carbon emissions in the construction industry, the connections between institutions with high publications or high influence and between countries are limited. It is recommended to further strengthen cooperation. In addition, China and the United States have published the most articles through a series of policy tools.
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Share and Cite
Luo, Q.; Yang, D.; Huang, L.; Chen, L.; Luo, D.; Cheng, K.; Yang, F. Scientometric Analysis and Visualization of Carbon Emission Studies in the Construction Industry. Buildings 2024, 14, 1181.
Luo Q, Yang D, Huang L, Chen L, Luo D, Cheng K, Yang F. Scientometric Analysis and Visualization of Carbon Emission Studies in the Construction Industry. Buildings. 2024; 14(4):1181.
Chicago/Turabian StyleLuo, Qiming, Depo Yang, Lepeng Huang, Lin Chen, Diyuan Luo, Kang Cheng, and Fan Yang. 2024. "Scientometric Analysis and Visualization of Carbon Emission Studies in the Construction Industry" Buildings 14, no. 4: 1181.
APA StyleLuo, Q., Yang, D., Huang, L., Chen, L., Luo, D., Cheng, K., & Yang, F. (2024). Scientometric Analysis and Visualization of Carbon Emission Studies in the Construction Industry. Buildings, 14(4), 1181.