1. Introduction
In recent years, soil erosion has attracted significant research interest as a major global natural disaster [
3]. Soil erosion causes soil degradation and reduces agricultural crop yields, directly affecting agricultural productivity, the national economy, and the quality of life for residents [
5]. In southern China, the combination of high temperature, heavy rainfall, and steep mountainous and hilly terrain makes the soil highly susceptible to erosion, leading to the widespread occurrence of exposed slopes [
6]. Consequently, fine particles are more easily separated and transported by soil erosion than coarse particles. Moreover, larger coarse particles are retained on the soil surface, while partially transported coarse particles are deposited more readily on the soil surface than fine particles. This process results in significant gravel cover on the scoured surfaces [
8]. Gravel alters the texture of slopes, which affects soil hydrology and erosion processes [
12]. Therefore, investigating the impact of gravel coverage on soil erosion is crucial to comprehensively elucidating the mechanisms of soil erosion on slopes.
Slope flow facilitates soil erosion. However, surface gravel cover alters the hydraulic characteristics of the flow, thereby affecting slope roughness. This results in increased runoff resistance, energy dissipation, and longer water flow paths [
18]. Liu et al. [
14] found a positive correlation between flow depth and the Reynolds number with the level of gravel cover (ranging from 0% to 56.52%); conversely, flow velocity and the Froude number exhibited a negative correlation with gravel cover during a scour test with uniform gravel size. Chen et al. [
19] observed that the stream power and shear stress increased as the gravel cover ranged from 0% to 80%; however, both the Reynolds number and the Froude number first increased and then decreased with the increase in gravel cover. Guo et al. [
20] found that stream power and the Reynolds number remained significantly unchanged with the increase in coverage (0–20.8%). Additionally, Xia et al. [
18] found that with the increase in gravel size, stream power increased, while flow depth decreased. However, Guo et al. [
20] found that gravel size had minimal effect on flow velocity, Manning’s coefficient, and the Reynolds number under 5.1% gravel cover conditions. Overall, the effects of gravel cover and its size differences on runoff hydraulic characteristics are complex and lead to diverse findings. Further research is needed to investigate the effects of gravel cover on surface runoff generation and propagation. This insight is crucial to thoroughly elucidating these processes.
Soil erosion involves three processes: soil separation, sediment transport, and sediment deposition [
22]. A key parameter for soil erosion is sediment transport capacity (
Tc), which represents the maximum amount of sediment carried by runoff under certain hydraulic conditions [
Tc serves as a key indicator of the sediment transported by runoff owing to the dynamic equilibrium between sediment deposition and particle separation during the erosion process [
24]. Therefore, accurately quantifying
Tc is crucial to developing soil erosion forecasting models. Changes in surface roughness induced by gravel coverage alter the hydraulic characteristics of runoff, which affects
Tc [
27]. Under certain cover conditions,
Tc increases with the size of the overlying gravel [
29]. Li and Abrahams et al. [
30] found that
Tc was negatively correlated with gravel cover. However, other studies have shown that localized eddies around gravel can promote
Tc formation. Consequently, the behavior of
Tc varies at different levels of gravel cover [
31]. Additionally,
Tc is closely related to hydrodynamic parameters, which differ significantly between surfaces with and without gravel coverage. In bare channels with constant surface roughness,
Tc predictions based on hydrodynamic parameters tend to be more accurate [
33]. Under gravel cover conditions, equations based on current power and water depth can accurately estimate
Tc. The inclusion of gravel size and coverage parameters in these equations does not significantly improve their accuracy [
34]. At low coverage, the equation based on hydrodynamic parameters developed by Abrahams et al. [
35] exhibits high predictive accuracy, and as the coverage exceeds 20%, the estimated
Tc is lower than the measured value. Hence, the dynamic change of gravel cover on
Tc increases the complexity of soil erosion modeling. Therefore, to accurately quantify
Tc, it is crucial to further investigate the relationship between
Tc and the hydraulics parameters.
In summary, gravel coverage significantly influences slope runoff and soil erosion processes. Most previous studies have investigated slopes with uniform gravel sizes and spacing. However, gravel on natural slopes is typically arranged irregularly and varies in size, leading to different levels of submersion and disturbance as water flows through gravel. This increases the complexity and disturbance of flow pathways, making it challenging to accurately quantify the hydraulic properties of slope runoff and Tc. In this study, a runoff scour test was conducted by using mixed-size gravel arranged randomly on the flume surface to control variations in gravel coverage. The impact of gravel coverage on the hydrodynamic properties of slope runoff and Tc was investigated. Moreover, the hydrodynamic mechanisms of runoff and Tc under different levels of gravel coverage were elucidated. A new equation was established for estimating Tc on gravel-covered slopes. These findings provide insights into the impact of gravel on soil erosion and serve as a basis for exploring erosion mechanisms on red soil slopes.
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Overview of Study Area
The soil collected in this experiment was from the Yangkeng watershed (118°05′ E, 24°57′ N), Longmen Township, Anxi County, Fujian Province, Southeast China. This region is located on the southeastern slope of the Daiyun Mountain range and features terrain slopes from south to north. The landscape is dominated by low hills and river valleys, with elevations ranging from 200 to 400 m. The region has a subtropical oceanic monsoon climate, with abundant sunshine, rainfall, light, and heat, and water resources. The average annual temperature is 19 °C, and the region accumulates 1800 mm of precipitation each year. The soil, formed from the weathering of medium–coarse crystal granite, mainly contains quartz and feldspar. This soil exhibits high gravel content and poor erosion resistance.
2.2. Sample Collection and Processing
Three slopes, formed from the collapse and accumulation of typical granitic weathered crusts, were selected to investigate the distribution of surface gravel. Surface gravel particles, which caused surface undulation in a 20 cm × 20 cm area, were collected at 1 m intervals along the slope from the ground surface, and their mechanical composition was analyzed. The average mechanical composition of the gravel is presented in
Table 1. The collected soil was air-dried indoors, mixed, and sieved through 10, 8, 5, and 2 mm screens. Gravel (2–5, 5–8, 8–10, and >10 mm) was applied to the sinks to simulate the rough surfaces of the slopes in the field, while fine soil (<2 mm) served as a scouring material.
2.3. Test Equipment
The experiment was conducted in the rainfall simulation laboratory at the Science and Technology Research Center for Soil and Water Conservation of Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University. The test setup (
Figure 1) consisted of three components: flume, water supply system, and sand supply system. The device was positioned in a hydraulic slope steel trough, with a variable slope and a maximum adjustable slope of 40°.
The water supply system included a water supply tank, a peristaltic pump, and an overflow tank. A 10 m3 water supply tank was used to provide water for the test. The peristaltic pump (WT600-4F-C; LONGER Precision Pump Co Ltd., Baoding, China) ensured stable water flow through dual pump head control to achieve the preset flow rate. The overflow tank with dimensions of 0.3 × 0.12 × 0.3 m, features a partition with sizes of 0.12 × 0.15 m positioned 0.1 m below the top of the tank. The top of the partition aligned with the top of the overflow tank, creating a 0.15 m space beneath the partition to facilitate the free circulation of water between the two separated tanks, thereby ensuring steady flow. The sand transfer section comprised a transfer device and a Gaza funnel. The transfer device featured a conveyor belt design controlled by a motor, and a baffle plate was installed on the soil outlet side of the soil sample box to regulate the height of the soil outlet, ensuring a precise and stable sand supply rate. The lower end of the sand funnel was aligned parallel to the water tank to facilitate the even distribution of the soil sample into the water tank. The scouring section comprised a scouring trough, a soil sample chamber, and a collection bucket. The scouring trough was a water flume with dimensions of 4 m in length, 0.12 m in width, and 0.1 m in height. The soil sample chamber was positioned 0.2 m above the lowest point of the flume and contained a sample box with dimensions of 0.2 m in length, 0.1 m in width, and 0.1 m in height. The bottom of the box featured uniformly punched holes to facilitate the discharge of water under gravity. The soil sample in the box was used to determine the sediment saturation level of the flow. If the sample box remains unflushed, the sediment flow reaches a saturated state.
2.4. Test Design
Shallow surface runoff is characterized by non-uniform and unsteady flow. To manage the boundary conditions of shallow surface runoff, this study aims to conduct an indoor experiment and design a fixed-bed simulated scour test. The test specifically controls changes in the roughness of the trough surface caused by variations in gravel cover. This approach eliminates the effects of bed morphology and sediment exchange at the bottom of the bed on the turbulence of the water flow [
Field investigations revealed that a typical gravel-covered slope can reach a maximum gradient of ~40°. Therefore, the slope was designed with four gradients: 10°, 20°, 30°, and 40°. The flow discharge was converted from field rainfall and slope catchment area. The rainfall data analysis for the Yangkeng watershed revealed that the highest 30 min rainfall intensity (I
30) over the past 20 years reached 2.5 mm min
−1. Field investigations revealed that the upper slope of a fine ditch in the area could have a catchment area of 4 m² (calculated as 8 m × 0.5 m). With a slope runoff coefficient of 0.8, the corresponding upper inlet flow discharge is 8 L min
−1. Additionally, on a 10° slope, a flow discharge of 2 L min
−1 is sufficient to achieve the uniform transport of most soil particles by water flow in a 12 cm wide fine-groove flume. Therefore, four flow discharge values were selected for the study: 2, 4, 6, and 8 L min
−1. The corresponding unit flow discharge values were 0.28 × 10
−3, 0.56 × 10
−3, 0.83 × 10
−3, and 1.11 × 10
−3 m
2 s
−1. According to the field survey, the gravel cover in the study area reached 93.2%. To simulate the natural conditions of gravel-covered slopes, this study established five gravel cover gradients, i.e., 20%, 35%, 50%, 75%, and 90%, with 0% cover as a control group, resulting in a total of six cover conditions (
Figure 2a). A layer of universal adhesive glue of appropriate thickness was evenly applied to the flatbed surface, with the amount of glue adjusted based on the size of the gravel particles. Gravel was then randomly and evenly distributed on the flume bed surface without overlap of the particles. The mass of gravel required for each coverage level was determined based on the established relationship between gravel coverage and mass. First, a specific mass of mixed gravel was uniformly spread without overlapping on 0.12 m × 0.4 m colored cardboard, ensuring high contrast between the gravel and the background. This setup was then photographed vertically by using a fully automatic optical camera with a fixed 28 mm focal length, positioned 50 cm from the cardboard. The original image was processed by using Image J (1.54f; win64) software to create a binary image containing two pixel values: 0 and 255 (representing black and white, respectively) (
Figure 2b). The ratio of black pixels to the total number of pixels was calculated by using MATLAB (R2021b) to determine the coverage degree. A linear equation was established between the degree of gravel coverage and the quality of gravel. Therefore, the quality of gravel required for different coverage levels (20%, 35%, 50%, 75%, and 90%) was calculated. The relationship between gravel coverage and mass was expressed as Y = 0.59X + 2.29. The accuracy of the linear equation was assessed by using the coefficient of determination R
2 [
36] and Nash–Sutcliffe efficiency (NSE) [
37]. Both metrics yielded values of 0.97, indicating a high degree of accuracy. Therefore, the equation can be used to calculate the gravel mass required for different cover levels based on their relationship.
2.5. Test Procedures
Before the test, the variable slope steel trough was adjusted to the desired steepness, and the flow rate of the peristaltic pump was set to a specified value. The glass box at the bottom of the tank was filled with the test soil, which was then saturated with absorbed water to ensure that the top of the soil was even with the bed surface. A thin piece of iron was placed on top of the soil for coverage. The water supply was then activated. As the water flow stabilized, parameters such as water temperature, depth, and velocity were measured. The water temperature was measured by using a thermometer to calculate fluid viscosity, while 0.8% (w/w) potassium permanganate (KMnO4) was used as a tracer to measure flow velocity. The travel time of the front edge of the tracer over a marked distance of 0.5 m was recorded by using a stopwatch. Surface flow velocity was measured five times at the left, center, and right positions of the flume. The mean flow rate was determined from the average of 15 velocity measurements by using a correction factor. Flow depths of 0.5, 0.7, and 0.9 m from the lower end of the sampling port were measured by using level probes (with an accuracy of 0.1 mm), positioned at the left, center, and right sides of the flume across the flow section. For each flow and slope combination, nine depth measurements were conducted and repeated thrice. The average flow depth was calculated from the 27 measurements for each combination of flow conditions. After the hydraulic characteristics were measured, the Gaza system was activated, and the volume of Gaza was controlled through the adjustment of the speed of the conveyor belt and the height of the bulkhead. Upon introduction into the flume, the soil samples were continuously stirred with a fine wire to ensure proper dispersion. A small portion of the sand was deposited into the water stream to enable the stream to reach a state of saturated sand content. After the sand supply stabilized and the cover was removed from the supplemental sand source, sampling was initiated at the flume outlet. A total of five water and sand samples were collected, and the time of each sampling was recorded by using a stopwatch. As the Plexiglas box was scoured during the test, additional test soil was added to the box. Subsequent tests were performed with different discharge and slope combinations.
After the sand and water mixture was allowed to stand for 24 h, the supernatant was removed. The remaining sediment was dried by using forced ventilation until it reached constant mass, which was then weighed. Tc was calculated from the division of the dry weight of the sediment by the flume width and the sampling time. The average Tc value for each discharge and slope combination was determined from five samples.
2.6. Data Processing and Statistical Analysis
2.6.1. Calculation of Indicators
Calculation of Tc
Tc is calculated by using the following formula:
M represents the dry weight of sediment, kg;
W denotes the width of the flume, m; and
t is the sampling time, s. Here, the sampling time indicates the duration of sampling.
Calculation of hydrodynamic parameters
The hydrodynamic parameters, such as effective flow depth, effective flow width, the Reynolds number, the Froude number, Manning’s roughness factor, shear stress, stream power, unit stream power, and other related parameters, are calculated as follows [
be represents the effective flow depth, mm;
h denotes the mean flow depth, mm;
Q indicates the flow discharge, m
3 s
v represents the flow velocity, m s
b denotes the flow depth, mm;
R indicates the hydraulic radius, m;
Re is the Reynolds number;
νm is the viscosity coefficient at different water temperatures, m
2 s
k is the water temperature, °C;
Fr denotes the Froude number;
g represents the acceleration due to gravity, 9.8 m s
S is the slope steepness, m/m;
τ indicates the shear stress (a force generated by the slope flow in its direction of motion), Pa;
ρ denotes the mass density of water, kg m
ω is the stream power, N m
−1 s
−1 (the rate of change of potential energy per unit area of water with time); and
P is the unit stream power, m s
−1 (the rate of change of potential energy per unit mass of water with time).
The total shear stress can be classified into two components: grain shear stress τ
g, which is caused by the drag of individual grains, and form shear stress τ
f, which results from the roughness of the bed surface [
To calculate grain shear stress, this study utilized an equation derived from the roughness coefficient in Manning’s formula [
K = n’/n, n represents the total roughness coefficient in Manning’s formula,
n’ denotes Manning’s roughness coefficient due to grain roughness, and
D50 is expressed in meters.
The Box–Lucas equation is expressed as follows [
The volume concentration is calculated by using the following formula:
Cv denotes the volumetric concentration,
Cvm represents the concentration at the maximum volume, and the product of
Cvm and k denotes the fraction of the stream power needed to maintain suspended sediment at its transport limit at low stream power [
To evaluate the accuracy and validity of the model, we employed R
2, the NSE coefficient, and the relative root mean squared error (RRMSE) as assessment metrics.
Oi represents an observed value,
O denotes the mean of the observed values,
Pi denotes a predicted value,
P indicates the mean of the predicted values, and n denotes the number of samples. An NSE greater than 0.7 indicates good performance of the model in accurately predicting observed values, while an NSE between 0.4 and 0.7 is considered satisfactory. An NSE of 0.4 or less is regarded as unsatisfactory performance [
2.6.2. Statistical Analysis
Data processing and statistics were performed by using Excel 2021. Regression analysis and nonlinear fitting were conducted with IBM SPSS Statistics 21. Graphs were generated by using Origin 2021pro. Pathway analysis was performed by using Amos 24.0 to elucidate the direct and indirect relationships between variables and reveal their potential mechanisms. Additionally, to investigate the impacts of gravel cover, slope, and flow discharge on
Tc, two-way ANOVA was used to examine the interaction effects. Pearson’s correlation analysis [
46] was used to assess the correlation between the different factors. A correlation was considered significant at
p < 0.05 and highly significant at
p < 0.01.
4. Discussion
4.1. Effect of Gravel Coverage on Hydrodynamic Parameters
The results of this study reveal that gravel coverage increased the mean flow depth across different slopes and discharge by a factor of 2.41 to 6.35 compared with the control group with no gravel cover. Omidvar et al. [
17] concluded that gravel reduces the cross-sectional area and effective flow width, leading to the buildup of water flow and an increase in the flow depth. Moreover, gravel splits the flow into multiple small flow paths, further increasing the local water depth [
52]. Liu et al. [
14] suggested that the hydraulic radius is approximately equal to the depth of the flow in an open channel. Thus, the shear stress increases with water depth, which is supported by the study by Chen et al. [
19]. However, Fu et al. [
52] found that gravel cover in erosion beds reduces the direct impact of rainfall on the soil surface, slows down the formation of soil crust, increases permeability, and leads to a decrease in flow depth.
This study found that gravel significantly reduced flow velocity under low-coverage conditions (≤20%). As the coverage exceeded 20%, the flow velocity stabilized. Moreover, Bunte and Poesen [
53] found that once gravel coverage exceeded 20%, flow velocity did not significantly decrease with the increase in cover. As more gravel accumulated, the increased flow depth increased the probability of gravel submersion, which reduced the disturbance of the surface flow velocity. Consequently, flow velocity remained significantly unchanged in the main flow zone near the flow surface. Liu et al. [
14] found that flow velocity decreased continuously with the increase in cover for uniform gravel arrangement spacing. However, the gravel in this study was irregularly arranged, and wake disturbance and gravel interactions affected flow resistance and local flow velocity [
54]. Additionally, unit stream power was derived from flow velocity. Therefore, the trend in potential energy per unit mass of water followed a pattern similar to that of flow velocity. Although stream power was influenced by both flow depth and velocity, the impact of cover on flow depth was significantly greater than its effect on flow velocity. Consequently, stream power increased with the increase in gravel cover, which is consistent with the findings of Xia et al. [
Additionally, the flow regimes in this study transitioned from laminar flow to transitional flow and eventually to turbulent flow. This transition was due to the lower gravitational potential energy, which reduced inertial forces and increased friction in the slope flow, thereby intensifying the turbulence of the flow. However, Ma et al. [
55] found that at 2.5–20% gravel cover, the flow regimes on the slope were concentrated in the transition and turbulent zones without laminar flow. This may be attributed to the high-flow setup in their experiments. Liu et al. [
15] and Liu et al. [
14] found that on lower slopes (<15°) with gravel cover, the flow transitioned from laminar flow to transition flow, without reaching turbulence. Xia et al. [
18] found that the Reynolds number decreased with small gravel cover, which is consistent with the findings of the present study. However, the Reynolds number increased with the increase in gravel size, suggesting that gravel size differences significantly affected hydraulic properties. Additionally, Pan and Shangguan [
56] found that the Reynolds number decreased with the increase in vegetation cover under simulated rainfall conditions. The Froude number was influenced by the subsurface conditions. As the gravel cover increased, the flow pattern shifted from rapid to slow flow, which is consistent with the results of most studies [
20]. The Froude number represents the ratio of flow rate to water depth. Gravel cover is positively correlated with water depth. The flow rate decreased with the increase in water depth, leading to a decrease in the Froude number.
4.2. Effect of Gravel Coverage on Tc
The results of this study reveal that
Tc tended to increase and then decrease with the increase in gravel cover, reaching a peak at 20% coverage. This phenomenon was mainly due to the deceleration of water flow upon coming into contact with the gravel under low-coverage conditions, followed by the formation of reverse jets and backflow [
35]. Lv et al. [
57] and Yang et al. [
58] suggested that this interaction generates horseshoe-like eddies around gravel, forms scour holes, and rolls up soil particles that have not been fully transported. These particles are deposited and resuspended for secondary transport, leading to an increase in
Tc. However, Bunte and Poesen [
53] indicated that as the cover increased, the spacing of gravel decreased, which was insufficient to form complete eddies. Consequently, the local scouring capacity around the gravel decreased, leading to a reduction in scour; Abrahams et al. [
35] further demonstrated that
Tc fluctuated with the increase in gravel cover, reaching a minimum value in the range of 40–60% cover.
Moreover, Ding et al. [
26] and Mu et al. [
59] found that an increase in plant cover consistently reduced
Tc. This reduction may be attributed to the regular shape and tandem arrangement of plants at the bottom, which effectively reduced the concentration of water flow and local high-velocity areas, thereby reducing the risk of soil erosion. Conversely, irregularly arranged roughness elements tended to form concentrated flow areas, thereby increasing local erosion. However, this study did not observe a significant decrease in
Tc at cover levels greater than 60% compared with bare slopes. This may be attributed to the increase in water depth, which caused the gravel to be mostly submerged, thereby reducing their interference with sediment movement [
54]. Unlike Liu et al. [
14], who used rounded gravel of ~2 cm, this study utilized gravel of different sizes, which increased the vertical pulsation of the water flow. This increased the Reynolds number and intensified the turbulence of the water flow. The resulting fluid uplift promoted the suspension of fine-grained sediments. Consequently, the effect of gravel in weakening
Tc remained relatively unchanged.
4.3. Influence of Hydrodynamic Parameters on Sediment Transport Capacity
In the absence of gravel coverage, flow velocity, stream power, and shear stress are effective indicators for predicting
Tc, with stream power being the most optimal predictor. This result is consistent with previous studies [
6] conducted under fixed-bed conditions. However, under gravel cover conditions, the effects of shear stress and stream power on
Tc significantly decrease. This is mainly due to the constant surface roughness on a slope without gravel coverage, leading to relatively stable slope resistance. Moreover, flow shear stress and stream power exert a uniform force across the surface of the soil particles, resulting in minimal loss of force and energy. Therefore, these hydrodynamic parameters can effectively quantify
Tc. The gravel cover on the slope increases surface roughness, resulting in greater resistance and enhanced dissipation of shear stream and stream power. Additionally, the size, shape, and distribution of gravel lead to complex interactions as the water flows through the gravel, resulting in the formation of eddies, diversions, and rapid changes in localized velocities. These interactions weaken the direct influence of stream power and shear stress on the soil particles. Moreover, the localized inhomogeneity in flow dynamics introduces complexities to
Tc, making it challenging to model
Tc across the entire system by using a single hydrodynamic parameter.
Under gravel cover conditions, the correlation between shear stress and
Tc is the weakest because total shear stress comprises grain shear stress and form shear stress. At shallow water depths, the prominence and arrangement of bed particles can lead to larger localized form shear stress, which increases with greater coverage, making form shear stress a more significant component of the total shear stress [
60]. Form shear stress is generated by water flowing over rough surfaces. As sand-holding currents encounter stationary gravel, the moving particles in the water tend to slow down or rebound at lower velocities. This interaction increases momentum losses, which reduces the effective proportion of form shear stress acting on runoff
Tc. In contrast, during particle-to-particle collisions, as particles move at similar velocities and directions, momentum is transferred between them. This minimizes momentum loss from collisions, resulting in a higher effective proportion of grain shear stress acting on runoff
Tc. Because shear stress comprises a significant proportion of the total shear stress,
Tc responds more significantly to grain shear stress compared with the combined effects of shear stress and form shear stress.
4.4. Improvements to the New Tc Equation
Under gravel cover conditions,
Tc equations (Equations (18) and (19)) are developed. Equation (18) utilizes unit flow discharge and slope as independent variables, while Equation (19) incorporates slope, unit flow discharge, and gravel coverage. Compared with Equation (19), Equation (18) has one fewer parameter (cover). Owing to the similar accuracy of both equations, the effect of coverage can be considered negligible for quantifying
Tc by using the slope and unit flow discharge. Moreover, Mu et al. [
59] and Ding et al. [
61] used the square equation to predict runoff
Tc under plant-covered surface conditions. This suggests that equations incorporating the combined effects of slope and unit flow discharge have wider applicability. Although these equations exhibit greater accuracy, they do not capture the intrinsic mechanisms of
Tc influenced by runoff on gravel-covered slopes.
Therefore, the Tc equation is developed by using hydrodynamic parameters. If only stream power or grain shear stress is considered in constructing the Tc equation, the degree of coverage must be included in the equation. As gravel coverage is ignored, the Tc equation based on grain shear stress and flow velocity exhibits higher predictive accuracy than the equation based on flow velocity alone. However, the variation in Tc is neither linear nor monotonic owing to the influence of gravel. Therefore, equations based on these hydrodynamic parameters cannot achieve high accuracy in simulations.
To improve both the predictive accuracy and structure of the Tc equation, the Box model is introduced and adapted for gravel cover conditions based on the high-sand-content characteristics of slope flow. This indicates that the volumetric concentration derived from the original Box model, converted into the sediment transport capacity, is typically lower than the measured value. This occurs as the volume concentration does not continuously increase with the dimensionless number Λ. Instead, the volume concentration tends to stabilize after reaching a certain value. To achieve optimal fitting results, the small K value leads to a low volume concentration of sediments calculated from the entire equation, resulting in a low Tc. Additionally, the response of Tc to flow power is influenced by gravel coverage, which is not included in the original Box equation. This omission is the main factor contributing to the significant error in the equation.
Therefore, this study substituted the dimensionless number in the Box equation with dimensionless grain shear stress, flow velocity, and slope. The new equation exhibits significantly improved accuracy, as the coverage parameter is disregarded, making it the optimal predictive equation for Tc on slopes. Furthermore, the reorganized box equation has a more comprehensive structure than the Sq model, which neglects the effect of coverage. This new equation further elucidates the mechanism by which gravel coverage influences Tc and provides a more accurate representation of the overall Tc process.
5. Conclusions
This study investigated the effects of different gravel coverage (0–90%) on the hydrodynamic characteristics of slope runoff and Tc through fixed-bed tests. The results revealed that the flow depth, shear stress, and stream power increased with the increase in gravel coverage. However, once the coverage exceeded 20%, both flow velocity and unit stream power decreased and stabilized. Additionally, an increase in gravel coverage caused the hydraulic characteristics to shift from laminar flow to transitional flow and eventually to turbulent flow. Conversely, the flow state transitioned from critical flow to subcritical flow. With the increase in gravel coverage, Tc first increased and then decreased, reaching a peak at 20% coverage. Grain shear stress emerged as the most accurate predictor of Tc. A new equation, based on the Box–Lucas function, incorporated slope, grain shear stress, and flow velocity, thereby accurately simulating the Tc of runoff from gravel-covered slopes (R² = 0.94, NSE = 0.94). These results highlight the impact of different gravel sizes on the Tc of slope runoff and elucidate the hydrodynamic mechanisms of Tc in runoff from gravel-covered slopes. The findings provide valuable guidance for modifying and improving soil erosion models for gravel-containing slopes.