1. Introduction
Hazardous material transportation trucks (HMTTs) are a critical component of logistics and supply chain management due to their significant implications for public safety, environmental health, and operational efficiency. As carriers of potentially dangerous substances, HMTTs require meticulous planning and management to minimize risks and ensure safe transportation. However, the challenges associated with HMTTs extend beyond safety concerns, encompassing environmental impacts such as heightened greenhouse gas emissions and fuel consumption.
Compared to standard freight vehicles, HMTTs face unique operational constraints due to the hazardous nature of their cargo. These constraints result in distinct travel and emission patterns. HMTTs are typically required to follow specific routes, avoid high-risk areas (e.g., densely populated zones, tunnels), and adhere to speed limits to minimize the risk of hazardous material spills. These operational factors not only influence travel behavior but also lead to higher fuel consumption and increased emissions. Additionally, HMTTs often carry heavier loads, further reducing fuel efficiency. As a result, HMTTs emit more greenhouse gases and pollutants than traditional freight vehicles [
6], contributing to serious environmental issues such as climate change, air pollution, and acid rain. This underscores the importance of studying their emissions in greater detail. By identifying emission profiles and the factors that drive these emissions, effective strategies can be developed to reduce the carbon footprint of hazardous material transportation [
Despite the growing recognition of these challenges, existing research has primarily focused on risk prediction and route planning for HMTTs, leaving critical gaps in the analysis of their travel dynamics and environmental impacts [
12]. Specifically, there is a lack of detailed exploration into the decomposition of HMTT travel patterns. Travel pattern decomposition is crucial for uncovering the underlying connections among HMTT trips, allowing for more precise and targeted management strategies tailored to different travel modes and risk levels [
14]. Furthermore, the specific emission characteristics of HMTTs have not been sufficiently studied, despite their relevance to environmental sustainability and the urgent need to develop policies that address the ecological consequences of hazardous material transportation.
This study seeks to address these research gaps by focusing on three key objectives: extracting and analyzing the travel characteristics of HMTTs, decomposing their travel patterns, and evaluating their carbon emissions. By leveraging BeiDou satellite data, this research provides detailed insights into HMTT movements and emission profiles, enabling a more comprehensive understanding of their impact. By studying the relationship between HMTT emissions and building environmental factors, the research reveals distinct emission characteristics of HMTTs compared to regular vehicles. The findings of this study contribute to the development of targeted strategies for reducing HMTT-related emissions, offering guidance for policymakers, transportation planners, and environmental advocates.
The remainder of our paper is structured as follows.
Section 2 provides a detailed review of the related literature and establishes the theoretical framework for our study.
Section 3 introduces the methodology used.
Section 4 introduces the BeiDou data utilized in this study, providing a detailed description of the data format and outlining the methods used for data processing.
Section 5 presents the results, accompanied by an in-depth discussion of key findings.
Section 6 discusses how our findings echo the current literature and the critical new knowledge from our study.
Section 7 concludes the paper by summarizing the main contributions and outlining potential future research directions.
2. Literature Review
Trip generation methods can be divided into two methods: traditional travel survey methods like paper questionnaires, telephone interviews, and mail inquiry [
15]; and positioning data such as bus IC card data, smartphone satellite data, and vehicle positioning data. Traditional travel survey methods are widely used as they can provide many detailed descriptions and catch subtle travel phenomena. However, disadvantages such as high cost, long update cycle, and collection bias make it difficult to collect and use in a macroscope travel characteristics analysis.
Various methodologies to identify trip ends from trajectory data have been proposed in previous studies and most of them consist of two parts: (1) stop points identification from trajectory data and (2) trip ends (ODs) identification from stop points. For the former part, spatial clustering and speed threshold setting are two of the most widely used methods employed. The density-based spatial clustering of applications with noise (DBSCAN) algorithm has been widely used for its capability to recognize high-density areas. Diana et al. [
16] used the DBSCAN method to identify the loading and unloading locations of trucks in urban areas. Sun et al. [
17] implemented a customized DBSCAN to identify stop points based on passive trajectory data. However, clustering-based methods are highly dependent on parameter selection and perform poor transferability across different datasets. Speed threshold setting is a simple and commonly used method but is often considered to be subjective. Yang et al. [
18] used a Gaussian mixture distribution model to fit the speed distribution of trucks and obtained similar distribution characteristics to select a proper threshold in four cities. For the latter part, the methods include stop threshold setting [
21] and stop time-based one-dimensional clustering [
Travel characteristics can be recognized based on the identification of trip ends. Previous studies have comprehensively investigated travel characteristics by various methods from temporal and spatial aspects. Yang et al. [
27] estimated intercity heavy truck mobility flows using a deep gravity framework. Siripirote et al. [
28] proposed a statistical approach to estimate truck activities. The negative matrix factorization method (NMF) is proposed and applied to traffic spatial–temporal characteristics analysis, which provides a way to combine temporal and spatial characteristics and catch the correlation [
Emission calculation and the relationship between land use and emission intensity have long been research hotspots. Research on carbon emission estimation primarily encompasses top-down and down-top methods. The top-down approach starts from energy consumption to estimate total emissions over large regions, but this method only provides low-resolution emission characteristics with administrative districts as units. Conversely, the bottom-up approach, represented by trajectory data-based calculations, offers a low-cost method for calculating road traffic carbon emissions and has gradually become a new research direction for estimating traffic carbon emissions over large scales [
Based on the high-resolution emission distribution map, factors that affect emission and their relationship can be estimated. Plenty of studies have investigated the built environment, land use, and their effects on traffic emissions [
42]. Cui et al. [
40] incorporated massive vehicle trajectory big data and vehicle type data to calculate all on-road emissions and estimated their relationship with the built environment in Shenzhen. Feng et al. [
43] conducted similar research on a provincial level. The results show that different land use types, as well as cross-factors (i.e., job–home balance), significantly impact the emissions. Though such research has been conducted comprehensively, few studies have considered the travel and emission characteristics of HMTTs.
The travel patterns of HMTTs are influenced by time-based restrictions and the need to avoid peak traffic hours, leading to specific travel windows such as early mornings or late nights [
44]. These time-based patterns are critical for understanding the efficiency and environmental impact of hazardous materials transport. Despite recognition of these unique travel patterns, research on the operational constraints and travel dynamics of HMTTs remains limited. Additionally, studies related to HMTTs often involve route models that focus on accident prevention and spill mitigation, as accidents involving hazardous materials can have significant environmental consequences [
46]. These risk factors make HMTT route models more complex and safety-sensitive compared to standard freight operations [
47]. Some studies have incorporated carbon emissions into HMTT route planning, aiming to minimize both costs and hazard risks while limiting emissions [
48]. However, macro-level research on the operational and emission characteristics of HMTTs is still insufficient. In this study, a framework from trip generation based on trajectory data for the analysis of the travel and emissions characteristics is proposed and applied to HMTTs. The travel modes are decomposed and their characteristics are analyzed, and relationships between HMTTs’ emissions and land use are estimated separately.
3. Materials and Methods
This study proposes a trip generation method using trajectory data and applies it to HMTTs. Then, based on the trips of HMTTs, trip and emission characteristics are analyzed relatively. The research framework for this study is shown in
Figure 1. The trip generation method consists of two parts: (1) stop identification using a speed threshold given by the saddle point of the Gaussian mixture distribution model, and (2) OD extract by stop time K-medoid clustering. Travel characteristics are recognized as three modes by non-negative matrix factorization. For emission characteristics, firstly, HMTTs’ emissions are estimated considering mileage, speed, environment, and traffic conditions as Equations (3) and (4). Secondly, the relationships between emission and land use are caught by GWR as Equation (5), through which different land use types’ effects on emission are quantified. The methodologies used are introduced in sequence.
3.1. Gaussian Mixture Distribution Model
This method corresponds to the ① step in
Figure 1, where a Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM) is used to fit the velocity distribution in the trajectory data to determine the threshold velocity separating driving points from drifting points. Among all locating points of HMTTs, the distribution of speed is composed of a combination of drifting points with lower speed and driving points with higher speed. The speed threshold for identifying vehicle stop points can be determined by identifying the breakpoint between the two distributions.
The Gaussian mixture distribution model is used to determine the threshold of stop speed to avoid the inaccuracy caused by manual setting. In this distribution, the minimum value between the two peaks is referred to as the stationary point of the distribution function, which is a critical feature for distinguishing and identifying the two components of the mixed distribution and marks the boundary between the two distribution intervals. Therefore, the speed corresponding to the stationary point can be used as the threshold to distinguish between a static drift state and a normal driving state. When the vehicle speed is below this threshold, the vehicle is considered to be in a stationary state. The Gaussian mixture distribution is shown in Equation (1):
denotes the logarithm of speed to avoid losing information of low-speed interval since drifting points concentrate on this interval;
represent weights of the two Gaussian distributions;
represents the means of the two Gaussian distributions (mean of the logarithm of drifting and driving speed); and
represent standard deviations of the two Gaussian distributions.
3.2. K-Medoid Clustering
The K-medoid Clustering method corresponds to the ② step in
Figure 1. After the identification of stop points, it is essential to determine which of them are OD points and which are not. Stop time is a common index since HMTTs need time to load and unload. The K-Medoids clustering algorithm is used to distinguish OD stops from other stops by stop time clustering. Similar to the K-Means clustering algorithm, it weakens the influence of abnormal outliers to a certain extent and has stronger robustness. The objective function K-Medoids clustering algorithm is shown in Equation (2):
is the number of clusters;
denotes the set of data points assigned to the
i cluster;
denotes the stop time of each stop point and
is the medoid point of the
i cluster; the distance
is calculated by Euclidean distance. The K-Medoids clustering algorithm minimizes the objective function
J iteratively, aiming to reduce intra-cluster variance. In the context of this study, this corresponds to minimizing the difference in stop time within the OD stop point cluster and the non-OD stop point cluster.
3.3. Non-Negative Matrix Factorization
Matrix Factorization methods correspond to the ③ step in
Figure 1, which is widely used in the study of travel mode decomposing in the transportation field. By decomposing a travel spatiotemporal matrix, it can be broken down into multiple matrices composed of simple patterns. Travel mode information can be represented with several recapitulative and focused spatiotemporal patterns. For any given non-negative matrix
(Original-Destination Matrix, with
denote the number of origins and destinations relatively), the Non-negative Matrix Factorization (NMF) algorithm can find two non-negative matrices
that satisfy Equation (3), which are more in line with the actual situation of travel.
This algorithm decomposes the original non-negative matrix into two non-negative matrices. Where is the basis matrix, with each column representing a latent travel pattern; is the coefficient matrix, indicating the contribution of each latent pattern to specific destinations; is a critical super parameter that denotes the number of latent travel patterns. Each can be considered as a “travel pattern” and represents a distinct latent feature or travel pattern. The decomposition tends to minimize redundancy so the travel patterns can capture unique features in the data with minimal overlap. All form a complementary decomposition of the original Original-Destination Matrix. These components capture different aspects of the travel behavior, ensuring that the reconstructed matrix provides a comprehensive and more focused representation of the observed data.
3.4. Trip Carbon Emissions Estimation
Carbon emissions of HMTTs are estimated considering mileage, speed, environment, and traffic conditions based on the identified trips. High-resolution emissions maps as precise as 0.005° × 0.005° are drawn to capture the characteristics and accurately estimate HMTTs’ emissions. Carbon emissions of each trip are systematically calculated as Equation (4):
denotes the carbon emissions of trip
denotes the distance of trip
, and
denotes the emission factor under
speed and can be calculated as Equation (5):
denotes the base emission factor of the vehicle’s type of trip
represent the correction factors for environmental and traffic conditions, respectively. These factors are calibrated according to the actual situation and vehicle characteristics.
3.5. Geographically Weighted Regression
After the calculation of HMTTs’ emissions, we investigate the effect factors of HMTTs’ emissions and the difference with other on-road vehicles. The relationship between land use and HMTTs’ emissions is modeled from a spatial aspect. In spatial statistics, the coefficients obtained from a multiple linear regression model do not take into account the spatial relationships between samples. In contrast, in a GWR model, the regression coefficients for the same independent variable are not fixed values, but instead change with geographic zones as in Equation (6) [
50], according to which the relationship between land use and HMTTs’ emissions can be estimated more precisely.
is the estimated emissions of zone
denotes the number of independent variables (land use types),
denotes the land use types
for geographic
; and
denotes the regression coefficient of the geographic zone
to the independent variable
4. Data Description and Data Preprocessing
The data used in this study are from the BeiDou Satellite Navigation System (BDS) data of hazardous materials transport vehicles in Shanghai from 1–14 November 2021. This dataset includes about 7800 road hazardous materials transport vehicles. Each record represents a successful upload of information by the Beidou vehicle-mounted terminal, with a data sampling interval of about 30 s. The dataset includes data fields such as vehicle license plate number, positioning time, vehicle latitude, vehicle longitude, vehicle travel azimuth, and vehicle transport industry code, among other attributes. This study conducts an analysis of the original data and identifies four major categories of data issues (i.e., data redundancy, data anomalies, data drift, and invalid travel data).
For each category, specific data-cleaning principles have been established to address these issues effectively. First, the data contains a large number of duplicate entries, where fields such as the positioning time and latitude/longitude for the same vehicle are exactly the same. This situation occurs because the vehicle’s data collection terminal uploads the same record multiple times during data transmission. In the processing stage, duplicate data needs to be removed, keeping only the first entry from the duplicates. Second, data drift refers to sudden and significant abnormal fluctuations in vehicle positioning data over a short period of time. Even if a vehicle is traveling at its maximum speed, significant position changes are unlikely to occur in a short time when the vehicle’s positioning data sampling frequency is stable. To address the issue of data drift, it can be detected and resolved by calculating the changes in position and speed between two trajectory points. We define two consecutive trajectory points in the vehicle’s trajectory as
. The distance
between the two points can be calculated using their latitude and longitude coordinates. Then, using the time difference
between the two points, the average speed
between the two points can be computed. If
, delete point
, and proceed to calculate the average speed between points
. If
, calculate the average speed between points
, and the speed limit for large buses and freight vehicles,
, is set to 100 km/h. Third, in cases where duplicate vehicle data points with minor differences in latitude and longitude are collected at the same time, only the first record is retained to maintain analysis integrity. Additionally, discrepancies between recorded speeds and unchanged positions, or zero speeds with changing positions, are corrected by recalculating speed. Fourth, travel typically requires minimum time and distance; this study classifies trips shorter than 10 min or under 500 m as invalid and excludes them from the data. Data description and samples are shown in
Table 1.
5. Results
5.1. Trip Generation from Trajectory Data
The distribution of average vehicle speeds reveals a bimodal pattern: the left side corresponds to low speeds characteristic of static drift conditions, and the right side corresponds to normal speeds observed during driving conditions according to
Figure 2a. The horizontal axis represents the logarithm of speed to ensure the retention of a substantial amount of data in the low-speed part. This indicates that the overall distribution is a composite of these two distinct states. The saddle point that separates the two sides is located at 0.96 km/h, so this speed is taken as the speed threshold to distinguish drift points from driving points. Change of direction is used to evaluate the performance of this threshold since drifting and driving points behave differently.
Figure 2b shows the comparison of static drift points and moving points’ direction change, which shows a significant difference and suggests the reasonability of the threshold chosen. After identifying stop points by speed threshold, clustering is performed based on the duration of stops to obtain OD points. The travel OD distribution is shown in
Figure 3.
5.2. Travel Characteristics of HMTTs
5.2.1. Temporal and Spatial Travel Characteristics
The travel distances of HMTTs exhibit minimal variation between weekdays and weekends (
Figure 4a). The majority of these vehicles travel distances of less than 40 km. As the distance increases, there is a noticeable decline in the relative frequency of trips. In terms of travel time characteristics (
Figure 4b), there is a pronounced tendency for HMTTs to undertake short trips lasting between 0–3 h on both weekdays and weekends. The minimal variation in travel distances between weekdays and weekends suggests a consistent demand for hazardous material transportation, likely driven by industrial and logistical requirements that remain stable throughout the week.
The temporal distribution of departures and arrivals for HMTTs is extensive (
Figure 5). With the exception of there being fewer activities before dawn hours, departures and arrivals are observed throughout most of the day. It is noted that vehicles typically arrive within 1–3 h post-departure, aligning with the observed distribution of travel durations. This pattern can be attributable to the unique requirements of hazardous material transportation, which necessitates regular and timely deliveries, thereby lacking distinct peak times for departures and arrivals. Furthermore, due to Shanghai’s traffic control measurement on HMTTs, logistics companies may schedule nighttime transportation for these vehicles, leading to a notable number of departures and arrivals during night hours.
5.2.2. Spatiotemporal Pattern Analysis of Travel Analysis by NMF
To better identify the travel characteristics of HMTTs, their overall spatiotemporal distribution trends can be viewed as a composition of several distinct travel modes, each defined by unique and significant features. By identifying and decomposing these travel modes, more targeted and effective management strategies can be developed. The NMF method provides a powerful tool to facilitate this process. It is essential to determine the number of travel modes (i.e., the value of ) before applying NMF to split the travel modes. Four scenarios are examined with values set to 2, 3, 4, and 5, respectively, and the matrix decomposes best when r is set to 3. An excessively large value results in an excess of travel modes but with minimal differences between them, which makes it difficult to explain each travel mode, while the small value leads to incomplete identification of travel modes. Following this principle, travel modes of HMTTs are divided into three types accordingly (i.e., (1) Daytime—Surrounding cities, (2) Early morning—In-city, and (3) Midnight—Scattered).
Mode 1 has the most travel demand, and encompasses the majority of the daytime from the perspective of temporal distribution, and is mainly consistent with standard working hours (
Figure 6). In addition to industrial hotspot areas within the city, there is a significant volume of cross-province travel towards other provinces (Zhejiang and Jiangsu) from the perspective of spatial distribution. This reflects a normative demand for daytime hazardous material transportation. Within this travel demand pattern, the daytime demand remains relatively stable, with a slight increase observed during the early evening peak hours and a decrease after 18:00. Since cross-province travels have extended distances and increased time requirements, companies may typically allocate substantial daytime hours for these trips.
Mode 2 signifies the morning peak travel demand for HMTTs in terms of temporal distribution analysis (
Figure 7). In comparison to mode 1, the morning peak period exhibits a notably higher demand, with the peak concentrated between 5:00 and 7:00 a.m., which is earlier than the regular commuting morning peak. The spatial distribution corresponding to this temporal distribution tends to be more concentrated within the city, such as in the Chongming District in Shanghai. Compared with cross-province travel, HMTTs’ travels in Shanghai are under more strict traffic control. It is reasonable for HMTTs to schedule more concentrated transport during the early morning to adapt to urban traffic management and avoid disrupting regular commuting morning peak.
Mode 3 has the least travel demand compared with mode 1 and mode 2, which mainly distributes during the night from the temporal perspective (
Figure 8). Due to the cessation of regular production activities and the inconveniences of night on-road transportation, travel demand for HMTTs decreases consequentially.
5.3. Emission Characteristics of HMTTs
5.3.1. Temporal–Spatial Emission Characteristics
To explore the temporal–spatial distribution of HMTTs’ emissions, the average emission amount for each hour and each grid is calculated and drawn separately (
Figure 9). HMTTs have a high emission level between 6 a.m. and 6 p.m. and little fluctuation. This non-peak mode aligns with the intensity of travel and differs from the findings of previous studies on private cars [
53], which typically exhibit distinct morning and evening peaks in emissions since they have distinct peaks in travel. However, HMTTs do not exhibit such pronounced peaks both in travel and emissions due to their specific transportation needs.
The spatial characteristics of HMTTs’ emission are shown in
Figure 9b, with highways, expressways, and some main roads having the highest emission levels. Comparing traffic flows and average speed (
Figure 10), areas where the traffic flows are high and average speeds are low, which represent more travel and more congested traffic, tend to have higher emission levels. However, it is worth noting that although the traffic flow is large in some areas (e.g., middle ring, outer ring, and some cross-province highways), the emission intensity is not high due to the high average road speed, which means good traffic conditions. In contrast, the emission level on the inner ring road is relatively high due to the routine traffic congestion. These observations are aligned with previous research analyzing the emission characteristics of private cars [
55], specifically indicating that high-emission road networks extend from the city center to the suburbs. For heavy trucks like HMTTs, it is also not accurate to evaluate the environmental impact simply from the number of vehicles. Emission intensity often has a close relationship with traffic conditions and vehicle speed, and the emissions of vehicles at steady high speeds are usually lower than those at low speeds or frequent stop and start.
5.3.2. Relationship Between Emission and Land Use Analysis by GWR
Extensive research has been conducted to examine the impact of land use on emissions. However, few of them consider HMTTs separately. The GWR model is a commonly used geographical model that differs from Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) by providing estimated parameters that consider spatial heterogeneity [
57]. The GWR model in this study analyzed the relationship between HMTTs’ emissions and land use, which is quantified by the number of certain types of POIs obtained from a map. Middle traffic analysis zones are divided according to the street division subdistricts, which reflect the environment and land use of the real world, and the zones are divided more precisely in downtown areas and reversed in the suburban areas. The descriptive statistics of POI numbers in different traffic analysis zones are shown in
Table 2.
The statistics and parameter estimates are shown in
Table 3, including the mean (Mean), standard deviation (Std), minimum (Min), median (Mid), and maximum (Max) of the estimated parameter for each variable. An adaptive bandwidth approach is employed in the GWR model. Estimated parameters of all variables have a proportion of significant sample points exceeding 80% at the 5% significance level. More detailed parameter comparisons are shown in
Figure 11. We also conducted a multiple linear regression (MLR) using the ordinary least squares (OLS) method. The results indicate that GWR outperformed MLR across evaluation metrics such as
and Akaike Information Criterion (AIC), as shown in
Table 4.
Industrial and company-related POIs have a strong positive effect on HMTT emissions in almost all zones, as shown in
Figure 11a,b. This indicates that areas with a higher density of these POIs are associated with higher emissions from HMTTs. This finding differs from previous studies on emissions from all on-road vehicles, where company-related POIs were found to have a negative correlation with emissions, and industrial-related POIs exhibited a smaller impact [
Figure 11c demonstrates that entertainment-related POIs have a negative correlation with HMTT emissions across all zones. This suggests that areas with more entertainment-related POIs tend to experience lower HMTT emissions. This result contrasts with findings from studies on private car emissions, where entertainment-related POIs were identified as attractors for private car trips, leading to increased emissions [
58]. The geographical distribution of coefficients shows that the influence of entertainment-related POIs on HMTT emissions is stronger in western zones compared to eastern zones (primarily the Pudong district). This suggests spatial heterogeneity and possible cross-influences between different types of land use.
Education-related POIs, as illustrated in
Figure 11d, exhibit minimal impact on HMTT emissions. This finding differs from previous studies on all on-road vehicle emissions, where education-related POIs were found to have a significant positive effect [
6. Discussion
The spatiotemporal travel characteristics of HMTTs in the Shanghai metropolitan area exhibit notable differences from other types of vehicles. These differences include: (1) minimal variation between weekdays and weekends, as well as (2) the absence of peak periods throughout the day, except for a significant reduction in travel during the early morning hours (1:00–4:00 a.m.).
Based on these patterns, HMTT trips can be categorized into three primary modes: Daytime—Surrounding cities, Early morning—In-city, and Midnight—Scattered. These modes are likely influenced by Shanghai’s regulatory restrictions on large vehicles during specific hours and the unique demands of hazardous material transportation. For instance, daytime restrictions on large vehicles in urban areas may compel HMTTs to commence trips earlier or operate during midnight hours. While this scheduling helps avoid conflicts with regular traffic and enhances overall road safety, it also introduces new challenges. Nighttime and early morning travel periods are associated with poor visibility and increased driver fatigue, elevating the risks for HMTT operations, to which more attention should be paid.
The strong positive correlation between industrial and company-related POIs and HMTT emissions aligns with the functional roles of these areas. Many chemical and industrial companies rely heavily on HMTTs for the transportation of hazardous materials, making these land uses critical hubs for HMTT activity and consequently higher emissions. This insight underscores the necessity of incorporating emissions mitigation strategies in industrial zones. As for entertainment-related POIs, the negative correlation between entertainment-related POIs and HMTT emissions highlights the unique travel demands characteristic of HMTTs. Unlike private cars, HMTTs rarely serve entertainment-related trips, which explains the observed decrease in emissions in areas with higher entertainment POI densities. The influence also demonstrates significant geographical disparities. Coefficients of entertainment-related POIs density on HMTTs’ emissions are greater for the western zones than for the eastern ones (mainly Pudong district). This may suggest the presence of cross-influences between different types of land use. In the predominantly industrial area of Pudong, the effect of entertainment-related POIs on emissions is relatively less significant compared to the non-industrial southwestern regions.
Education-related POIs are also considered in this research but show little effect on the HMTTs’ emissions. The reasons for this phenomenon can be two-fold. Firstly, education-related POIs such as schools attract trips by taxis and private cars inherently but have little traffic demand and trip generation of HMTTs. Besides, it may also indicate that the HMTTs’ administrators seem not to take educational spots into consideration when they plan the routes of HMTTs. Making route plans for HMTTs and taking vulnerable educational sites into consideration should be added to future government works.
Based on the current results, some suggestions are put forward accordingly: (1) In terms of the establishment of new facilities, it is essential to thoroughly assess the various types of traffic movements they generate and the impact of generated trips on adjacent areas. Specifically, for facilities such as chemical or industrial developments, careful consideration of potential hazardous material transport is necessary, which involves integrating transport routes and scheduling to mitigate impacts on adjacent areas; (2) Additionally, the existing traffic generation and transit patterns of one area should be accounted for in the planning of new developments and construction. For instance, it is not recommended to establish educational or other sensitive land uses in areas with a high density of hazardous material transportation trucks’ movements, not only high density of chemical or industrial POIs. (3) Lastly, in traffic route planning and navigation, special vehicles such as those transporting hazardous materials should carefully consider the impact these vehicles may have on the areas they pass through, and if necessary, reduce their exposure in densely populated areas such as entertainment and educational POIs.
7. Conclusions
This study developed a trajectory data-based framework for the analysis of HMTTs travel and emission characteristics and the exploration of how land use affects HMTTs’ emissions. In this framework, the vehicle stop points are first identified using a speed threshold determined by the saddle point of a Gaussian mixture distribution model. Subsequently, OD is identified through stop time clustering, and travel characteristics are classified into three modes using non-negative matrix factorization. Next, HMTTs’ emissions are estimated by considering mileage, speed, environment, and traffic conditions. Finally, GWR is employed to capture the relationship between emissions and land use. The results reveal that: (1) HMTT travel in Shanghai can be categorized into three modes: Daytime—Surrounding cities, Early morning—In-city, and Midnight—Scattered, each with distinct spatiotemporal characteristics, and similar travel mode decomposing can be done in other cities; (2) HMTTs’ emissions show a positive relationship with travel density and a negative one with travel speed; (3) Industrial-related POIs and company-related POIs exhibit a significant positive impact on HMTTs’ emissions; (4) Unlike private cars, entertainment-related POIs have a minimal negative effect on HMTTs’ emissions, while educational sites show a minimal impact. These findings can help planners develop more targeted traffic and environmental policies and provide crucial insights for optimizing HMTTs’ emissions.
However, this study still has limitations in the following aspects: (1) Due to data limitations, this study focuses only on the analysis of HMTTs in Shanghai. Future research could conduct similar studies in different cities to identify the characteristics and variations of HMTTs transportation; and (2) The number of different POI types is utilized to represent the land use, which can be extended in the future with the four Ds (socio-demographic density, land use diversity, urban design, and distance to the urban center) [
66], which are often used to evaluate the built environment, for a more in-depth analysis. (3) This study focuses on the macro-level relationship between land use types and HMTT emissions in urban traffic zones. However, factors like vehicle types, cargo types, and road gradients, which are important in route planning, were not addressed. Future research could explore these factors to offer a more comprehensive understanding of HMTT emissions.
Author Contributions
Conceptualization, Y.Z. and W.H.; methodology, Y.Z. and Q.H.; software, Q.H.; validation, W.H., Y.Z. and S.Z.; formal analysis, W.H.; investigation, Q.H.; resources, Q.H.; data curation, Y.Z.; writing—original draft preparation, Y.Z., W.H. and Q.H.; writing—review and editing, Y.Z. and Y.C.; visualization, Q.H.; supervision, Y.Z.; project administration, Y.Z.; funding acquisition, Y.Z. and S.Z.; All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
This research was funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No.52472351), Shanghai Science and Technology Committee (Grant No. 24170742100) and the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities (Grant No. 22120230310).
Data Availability Statement
The data presented in this study are available on request from the corresponding author. The data are not publicly available due to privacy.
Conflicts of Interest
The authors declare no conflicts of interest.
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Figure 1.
Overall methodological framework.
Figure 1.
Overall methodological framework.
Figure 2.
Vehicle speed distribution and fitted curve (a); comparison of static drift points and moving points direction change (b).
Figure 2.
Vehicle speed distribution and fitted curve (a); comparison of static drift points and moving points direction change (b).
Figure 3.
Trip generation results (OD distribution) of HMTTs in Shanghai.
Figure 3.
Trip generation results (OD distribution) of HMTTs in Shanghai.
Figure 4.
Travel distance distribution (a) and time distribution (b) of HMTTs.
Figure 4.
Travel distance distribution (a) and time distribution (b) of HMTTs.
Figure 5.
Distribution of Vehicle Departure and Arrival Times.
Figure 5.
Distribution of Vehicle Departure and Arrival Times.
Figure 6.
Daytime—Surrounding cities travel mode of HMTTs. Spatial distribution of travel mode 1 is shown as sub-figure (a), and temporal distribution of travel mode 1 is shown as sub-figure (b).
Figure 6.
Daytime—Surrounding cities travel mode of HMTTs. Spatial distribution of travel mode 1 is shown as sub-figure (a), and temporal distribution of travel mode 1 is shown as sub-figure (b).
Figure 7.
Early morning—In-city travel mode of HMTTs. Spatial distribution of travel mode 2 is shown as sub-figure (a), and temporal distribution of travel mode 2 is shown as sub-figure (b).
Figure 7.
Early morning—In-city travel mode of HMTTs. Spatial distribution of travel mode 2 is shown as sub-figure (a), and temporal distribution of travel mode 2 is shown as sub-figure (b).
Figure 8.
Midnight—scattered travel mode of HMTTs. Spatial distribution of travel mode 3 is shown as sub-figure (a), and temporal distribution of travel mode 3 is shown as sub-figure (b).
Figure 8.
Midnight—scattered travel mode of HMTTs. Spatial distribution of travel mode 3 is shown as sub-figure (a), and temporal distribution of travel mode 3 is shown as sub-figure (b).
Figure 9.
Temporal (a) and spatial (b) emission characteristics of HMTTs.
Figure 9.
Temporal (a) and spatial (b) emission characteristics of HMTTs.
Figure 10.
Comparison of road traffic flow (a), average speed (b), and emission level (c).
Figure 10.
Comparison of road traffic flow (a), average speed (b), and emission level (c).
Figure 11.
Coefficients of GWR for different land use types: (a) Industrial-related POIs; (b) Company-related POIs; (c) Entertainment-related POIs; (d) Education-related POIs.
Figure 11.
Coefficients of GWR for different land use types: (a) Industrial-related POIs; (b) Company-related POIs; (c) Entertainment-related POIs; (d) Education-related POIs.
Table 1.
Examples and meanings of BDS data.
Table 1.
Examples and meanings of BDS data.
Variables | Sample | Meanings |
Vehicle ID | DZ2345 | Identical vehicle ID |
Direction | 75 | Range from 0–359 with 0 for north and incrementing clockwise |
Longitude | 120.894300 | Accurate to 0.000001 degree |
Latitude | 31.050563 | Accurate to 0.000001 degree |
Timestamp | 11 November 2021 08:34:41 | Timestamp accurate to second-degree |
Speed | 86 | Instantaneous speed (km/h) |
Table 2.
Descriptive statistics of POI numbers in different traffic analysis zones.
Table 2.
Descriptive statistics of POI numbers in different traffic analysis zones.
Variables | Mean | Std. | Min. | Max. |
Industrial-related POIs | 3.92 | 9.03 | 0 | 88 |
Company-related POIs | 370.62 | 437.47 | 0 | 2473 |
Entertainment-related POIs | 44.67 | 43.64 | 0 | 328 |
Education-related POIs | 7.95 | 9.90 | 0 | 77 |
Table 3.
Coefficients summary of GWR for different land use types.
Table 3.
Coefficients summary of GWR for different land use types.
Variables | Mean | Std. | Min. | Mid. | Max. | Band Width |
Industrial-related POIs | 0.040 | 0.035 | −0.010 | 0.033 | 0.103 | 427 |
Company-related POIs | 0.236 | 0.002 | 0.231 | 0.236 | 0.242 | 427 |
Entertainment-related POIs | −0.201 | 0.017 | −0.252 | −0.197 | −0.178 | 427 |
Education-related POIs | −0.014 | 0.004 | −0.025 | −0.013 | −0.009 | 427 |
Table 4.
Goodness of fit comparison of MLR and GWR.
Table 4.
Goodness of fit comparison of MLR and GWR.
Goodness-of-Fit | MLR | GWR |
Log-likelihood | −412.903 | −314.362 |
AIC | 849.805 | 745.278 |
R2 | 0.627 | 0.760 |
Adjust R2 | 0.618 | 0.725 |
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