Landslide Assessment Classification Using Deep Neural Networks Based on Climate and Geospatial Data
<p>Overall technical framework for landslide risk assessment.</p> "> Figure 2
<p>Distribution of landslide events by countries.</p> "> Figure 3
<p>Experimental Pipeline.</p> "> Figure 4
<p>Evolution of metrics for landslide size and trigger predictions across individuals.</p> "> Figure 5
<p>Confusion matrix for landslide size classification.</p> "> Figure 6
<p>Confusion matrix for landslide trigger classification.</p> "> Figure 7
<p>Map of landslide risk assessment on Viti Levu Island, Fiji. Red indicates areas with a high probability of landslides according to the model, while green represents areas with low risk.</p> "> Figure 8
<p>Research structure overview.</p> "> Figure A1
<p>Island landslides maps: (<b>a</b>) England and Ireland; (<b>b</b>) Philippines; (<b>c</b>) Hawaii; (<b>d</b>) Fiji.</p> "> Figure A2
<p>Landslides maps: (<b>a</b>) Caribbean Basin; (<b>b</b>) Indonesia and Malaysia; (<b>c</b>) East Australia and New Zealand; (<b>d</b>) Korea and Japan; (<b>e</b>) Columbia and Ecuador; (<b>f</b>) Rio de Janeiro.</p> "> Figure A3
<p>Landslides maps: (<b>a</b>) Alps and Balkans; (<b>b</b>) Caucasus; (<b>c</b>) Lake Victoria Region; (<b>d</b>) West Africa.</p> "> Figure A4
<p>Landslides maps (<b>a</b>) Himalaya, (<b>b</b>) China, (<b>c</b>) Western Ghats, (<b>d</b>) South-East Asia.</p> "> Figure A5
<p>USA landslides maps: (<b>a</b>) Washington; (<b>b</b>) California; (<b>c</b>) the North West states; (<b>d</b>) Utah and Colorado.</p> ">
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Global Landslide Catalog
2.2. Obtaining Climate Data
2.3. Classification Methodology
- Number of layers:
- Neurons per layer:
- Activation functions:
- Optimizers:
- Learning rates:
- Loss functions:The overall hyperparameter search space is given by the Cartesian product of these individual spaces:Here, each element of is a tuple of the form , where
- l is the number of layers chosen from ,
- n is the number of neurons per layer chosen from ,
- a is the activation function chosen from ,
- o is the optimizer chosen from ,
- r is the learning rate chosen from ,
- f is the loss function chosen from .
- Initialize a population of N candidate solutions (DNN architectures) at generation :
- Evaluate the fitness of each individual in the population using the classification accuracy on a validation set:
- Select a subset of individuals based on their fitness scores to act as parents for the next generation. This can be carried out using methods such as roulette wheel selection or tournament selection:
- Apply crossover operations to pairs of parent architectures to produce offspring architectures. For instance, if and are two parents, the offspring and can be generated as
- Apply mutation operations to the offspring architectures to introduce genetic diversity. For an architecture , a mutation might alter one or more hyperparameters:
- Evaluate the fitness of the offspring architectures:
- Replace the least fit individuals in the population with the new offspring, potentially incorporating elitism to retain the best solutions:
- Repeat the evaluation, selection, crossover, mutation, and replacement steps for a predefined number of generations G or until convergence criteria are met:
3. Results
3.1. DNN Results
3.2. Case Study: Application of the Approach on Viti Levu Island, Fiji
- Defining grid parameters: The first step involves setting the parameters for the grid of the study area. This includes specifying the minimum and maximum co-ordinates that define the region of interest. For Viti Levu Island, the boundaries selected were a minimum latitude of −18.5, a maximum latitude of −17.3, a minimum longitude of 177.0, and a maximum longitude of 179.5.
- Grid division: By using these parameters, the area is divided into a grid with evenly sized sectors. The number of sectors is determined based on the desired division in terms of latitude and longitude, resulting in a grid with specific sector sizes.
- Filtering out water surfaces: In order to refine the analysis, sectors with a large proportion of water surfaces (such as oceans) are excluded. These sectors are marked as non-informative for further analysis.
- Integration of climate data: For the remaining sectors, climate data for the 10 years preceding each landslide event are integrated. This includes variables such as rainfall, humidity, pressure, and temperature. These climate data are then reduced using principal component analysis (PCA), which helps to highlight the principal climate components relevant to landslide triggers.
- Classification and risk assessment: By using geospatial co-ordinates and reduced climate data, the probability of landslide occurrence is assessed. Optimized DNN models, with parameters tuned through GA, are employed to classify the likelihood of landslides. The optimized models achieved accuracies of 0.67 and 0.82 for classifying landslide triggers and sizes, respectively.
4. Discussion
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
Appendix A. Geographical Description of Landslides Worldwide
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Reference | Focus | Applied Method | Results | Limitations |
Merghadi et al. [9] | Overview of ML techniques in landslide susceptibility mapping | SVM, decision trees, logistic regression | Tree-based ensemble algorithms, random forest standout; robust performance in Algeria | Limited data on landslide types and sizes; potential overfitting and data quality issues |
Tehrani et al. [8] | ML applications in landslide detection; spatial and temporal forecasting | Various ML techniques | Significant advancements in complex landslide modeling; challenges remain in temporal forecasts | Lack of standardized model evaluation metrics; reliance on empirical data for temporal forecasts |
Wang et al. [10] | Landslide identification using ML and DL | CNN, SVM, random forest | CNN achieves 92.5% accuracy in landslide identification in Hong Kong; RF and SVM also effective | Data preprocessing challenges; limited improvement with additional data from DEM |
Korup et al. [12] | ML for landslide prediction based on historical data | ML, Data mining techniques | Success rates of 75–95% in predicting landslides; challenges with data quality and model selection | Difficulty in predicting specific landslide types and sizes |
Marjanovic et al. [13] | SVM in landslide susceptibility mapping | SVM, decision trees, logistic regression | SVM outperforms AHP in mapping landslide susceptibility in Fruška Gora Mountain (Serbia) | Challenges in integrating complex geological and morphological data into models |
Goetz et al. [14] | Comparison of ML and statistical models for regional susceptibility mapping | Logistic regression, GAM, SVM, random forest | Random forest and bundling show superior predictive performance; challenges with spatial artifacts | Variability in model performance across different geological settings |
Kavzoglu et al. [18] | ML versus traditional statistical methods in landslide susceptibility mapping | Various ML algorithms | ML techniques show promise in areas with limited geotechnical data; challenges in model selection | Limited studies on the scalability of ML models for large-scale landslide mapping |
Ghorbanzadeh [11] | ML methods for landslide detection using remote sensing data | ANN, SVM, RF, CNN | CNN achieves 78.26% mIOU in landslide detection; variability in CNN effectiveness based on design | Need for better understanding of CNN parameter effects; limitations in training data and augmentation |
Chen et al. [19] | KLR models for landslide susceptibility mapping | Kernel logistic regression (PLKLR, PUKLR, and RBFKLR) | PUKLR model outperforms others in Zichang City, China; valuable insights for hazard prevention | Dependence on historical data for model construction; challenges in integrating diverse datasets |
Micheletti et al. [15] | Adaptive ML techniques for landslide susceptibility mapping | SVM, random forest, AdaBoost | Random forest and AdaBoost effective in feature selection; challenges in deep-seated landslide characterization | Efficiency of adaptive SVM in landslide mapping; challenges with adaptive scaling in deep-seated landslides |
# | Num Layers | Neurons per Layer | Activation Functions | Optimizer | Alpha | Accuracy |
1 | 2 | [71, 126] | [‘tanh’, ‘tanh’] | adagrad | 0.100 | 0.677789 |
2 | 2 | [64, 28] | [‘gelu’, ‘softsign’] | adam | 0.001 | 0.680290 |
3 | 9 | [72, 94, 60, 64, 55, 106, 37, 74, 9] | [‘linear’, ‘gelu’, ‘linear’, ‘softsign’, ‘softsign’, ‘sigmoid’, ‘gelu’, ‘softsign’, ‘hard_sigmoid’] | nadam | 0.0001 | 0.813857 |
4 | 4 | [59, 114, 84, 76] | [‘gelu’, ‘softmax’, ‘softplus’, ‘relu’] | rmsprop | 0.0100 | 0.818859 |
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Tynchenko, Y.; Kukartsev, V.; Tynchenko, V.; Kukartseva, O.; Panfilova, T.; Gladkov, A.; Nguyen, V.; Malashin, I. Landslide Assessment Classification Using Deep Neural Networks Based on Climate and Geospatial Data. Sustainability 2024, 16, 7063.
Tynchenko Y, Kukartsev V, Tynchenko V, Kukartseva O, Panfilova T, Gladkov A, Nguyen V, Malashin I. Landslide Assessment Classification Using Deep Neural Networks Based on Climate and Geospatial Data. Sustainability. 2024; 16(16):7063.
Chicago/Turabian StyleTynchenko, Yadviga, Vladislav Kukartsev, Vadim Tynchenko, Oksana Kukartseva, Tatyana Panfilova, Alexey Gladkov, Van Nguyen, and Ivan Malashin. 2024. "Landslide Assessment Classification Using Deep Neural Networks Based on Climate and Geospatial Data" Sustainability 16, no. 16: 7063.
APA StyleTynchenko, Y., Kukartsev, V., Tynchenko, V., Kukartseva, O., Panfilova, T., Gladkov, A., Nguyen, V., & Malashin, I. (2024). Landslide Assessment Classification Using Deep Neural Networks Based on Climate and Geospatial Data. Sustainability, 16(16), 7063.