On the Different Fair Allocations of Economic Benefits for Energy Communities
<p>Energy community with commercial (Com) and residential (Res1) consumers, and agricultural (Agr) and residential (Res2) prosumers. The blue and green arrows represent the energy exchanged with the electric distribution grid (i.e., P2G energy) and the energy shared among users (i.e., P2P energy), respectively.</p> "> Figure 2
<p>The figure shows 8 typical days of (<b>a</b>) global solar irradiance in Padova (Italy) and (<b>b</b>) electricity demands of the commercial (Com) and residential (Res1) consumers as well as the agricultural (Agr) and residential (Res2) prosumers.</p> "> Figure 3
<p>The figure shows 8 typical days of the Peer-to-Grid (P2G) sale price.</p> "> Figure 4
<p>Peer-to-Grid (P2G) and Peer-to-Peer (P2P) purchase and sale prices for one typical day, considering (<b>a</b>) scenario 1 (grid tariff of 0.1 €/kWh) and (<b>b</b>) scenario 2 (grid tariff of 0.015 €/kWh).</p> "> Figure 5
<p>Optimal annual cost savings [€] obtained by using the Social Welfare (SW) and Nash Bargaining (NB) optimization approaches (left axis) and relative difference [%] in the annual cost savings between SW and NB considering SW as reference (right axis), in (<b>a</b>) scenario 1 (grid tariff of 0.1 €/kWh) and (<b>b</b>) scenario 2 (grid tariff of 0.015 €/kWh). The dashed orange circles highlight the Price of Fairness, i.e., the reduction in the total annual cost savings by moving from the SW solution to the NB solution.</p> "> Figure 6
<p>Optimal P2G power of users in the 8 typical days considered by the NB optimization, in (<b>a</b>) scenario 1 (grid tariff of 0.1 €/kWh) and (<b>b</b>) scenario 2 (grid tariff of 0.015 €/kWh).</p> "> Figure 7
<p>Optimal P2P power between users in the 8 typical days considered by the NB optimization, in (<b>a</b>) scenario 1 (grid tariff of 0.1 €/kWh) and (<b>b</b>) scenario 2 (grid tariff of 0.015 €/kWh).</p> "> Figure 8
<p>Input electricity demands and optimal shifted electricity demands due to the PBDR (solid and dashed lines, respectively), and PV generation profiles, in the 8 typical days considered by the NB optimization in scenario 1 (grid tariff of 0.1 €/kWh) for the (<b>a</b>) Com, (<b>b</b>) Res1, (<b>c</b>) Agr and (<b>d</b>) Res2 users.</p> "> Figure 9
<p>Allocation of the optimal annual cost savings [€] by Shapley value and Nucleolus (left axis) and relative differences [%] in the re-distributed annual cost savings compared to those obtained with only the Social Welfare (SW) approach (right axis), in (<b>a</b>) scenario 1 (grid tariff of 0.1 €/kWh) and (<b>b</b>) scenario 2 (grid tariff of 0.015 €/kWh).</p> "> Figure 10
<p>Excess of each coalition, given the allocation of the annual cost savings by Shapley value, in (<b>a</b>) scenario 1 (grid tariff of 0.1 €/kWh) and (<b>b</b>) scenario 2 (grid tariff of 0.015 €/kWh). Negative and positive excess values represent coalitions willing to stay in the EC and willing to leave the EC, respectively.</p> "> Figure 11
<p>Relative differences [%] in the optimal annual cost savings of the users, allocated by the Shapley value and Nucleolus criteria and the Nash Bargaining (NB) optimization, compared to the base Social Welfare (SW) optimization, in (<b>a</b>) scenario 1 (grid tariff of 0.1 €/kWh) and (<b>b</b>) scenario 2 (grid tariff of 0.015 €/kWh). The dashed black circles show that NB allows to satisfy at least one consumer and one prosumer, contrary to Shapley value and Nucleolus.</p> ">
:1. Introduction
1.1. Literature Review
1.2. Objective and Novelty
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Cooperative Optimization Model of the EC
2.2. Social Welfare and Nash Bargaining Optimization Approaches
2.3. Shapley Value and Nucleolus Allocation Criteria
2.4. Input Data
3. Results and Discussion
3.1. Social Welfare and Nash Bargaining
3.2. Shapley Value and Nucleolus
3.3. Critical Remarks
- The cooperative operation of users, with the possibility of exchanging energy with the electric distribution grid (i.e., realizing P2G energy flows) and sharing energy within the EC (i.e., realizing P2P energy flows), is always profitable compared to the “disagreement” case, where each user operates individually by exchanging energy only with the grid (Table 1).
- The NB optimization approach provides a distribution of the optimal annual cost savings that satisfies the notion of “proportional fairness”, rewarding both the consumer with the lowest electricity demand (Com) and the PV prosumers (Agr and Res2) that contribute to the P2P energy sharing (Figure 5, Figure 6 and Figure 7). Compared to the base optimal SW solution (i.e., without re-distribution using Shapley value or Nucleolus), the optimal NB one allocates 39% (49%) and 17% (9%) higher annual cost savings to consumer Com and prosumer Agr (Com and Res2) in scenario 1 (2), respectively, with a POF (i.e., the reduction in the optimal total cost savings of the EC compared to those of the SW solution) of 1.4% (5.5%), in exchange for a distribution of the optimal annual cost savings that could be perceived as fair by both consumers and prosumers of the EC. The low POF sheds light on the low “price” to be paid (i.e., a small part of the total annual cost savings of the EC) to switch from a SW solution to an NB solution, which, being “proportional fair”, can satisfy both consumers with low electricity demands and prosumers contributing to the P2P energy sharing (and not only prosumers, as in the base SW solution, which is also unfair since prosumers have higher electricity demands and higher shares in the annual costs of the EC than consumers, Table 1). Thus, the main difference between the SW and NB solutions does not lie in the optimal total annual cost savings of the EC, but in how the optimal individual annual cost savings are distributed among the different EC members.
- The Shapley value criterion provides a re-distribution of the optimal total annual cost savings, found by SW, which is consistent with the notion of “individual fairness”, rewarding the users with the lowest electricity consumption more (Com and Res1 consumers) because the electricity demand of some users (Agr and Res2 prosumers) strongly influences the annual operational cost of the EC. Compared to the base optimal SW solution, Shapley value allocates 45% (72%) and 18% (21%) higher annual cost savings to Com and Res1 consumers with the lowest electricity demand in scenario 1 (2) (Figure 9). However, while Shapley value allocation might be appreciated by the most virtuous EC members with low electricity consumption, it could lead to unstable coalitions willing to leave the EC (see Figure 10).
- The Nucleolus criterion, also applied to re-distribute the optimal total annual cost savings of the EC found by SW, provides an alternative solution to the Shapley value allocation. Similar to the Shapley value, the Nucleolus re-distributes higher annual cost savings to Com and Res1 consumers compared to the base optimal SW solution (i.e., 18% and 21% higher in scenario 1, 15% and 14% higher in scenario 2, respectively). Moreover, the Nucleolus allocation embodies the notion of “collective fairness”, which ensures that all user coalitions are satisfied with the allocation of the total annual cost savings, resulting in a stable EC without objective reasons for coalitions to leave the EC. To avoid the instability problem raised by some coalitions in the Shapley value allocation, Nucleolus increases the annual cost savings of Res1 and Res2 in scenario 1 and Agr in scenario 2 compared to Shapley value just enough to persuade them to stay in the EC. For example, in scenario 1, the annual cost savings of Res1 and Res2 increase by 21% (18% with Shapley value) and decrease by 5% (10% with Shapley value), respectively, compared to the base optimal SW solution. However, the homogeneous distribution of annual cost savings by Nucleolus could be perceived as less “individually fair” compared to that of the Shapley value.
4. Conclusions
- The Shapley value and Nucleolus criteria can effectively reward users with low electricity consumption (i.e., Com and Res1 consumers in the considered case study). The Shapley value re-distributes 45–72% and 18–21%, respectively, while the Nucleolus re-distributes 15–18% and 14–21%, respectively, higher annual cost savings to Com and Res1 consumers compared to the base SW optimization. However, the Shapley value carries a risk of instability, as it could incentivize some coalitions to leave the EC due to perceived inequities associated with the lower benefits within the EC than in the case where the coalitions act independently. On the other hand, the Nucleolus criterion provides a more stable allocation, ensuring that all user coalitions are satisfied and want to stay in the EC, even though this allocation could be seen as less “individually fair” compared to the Shapley value (i.e., due to the smaller variations in the optimal annual cost savings with respect to the base SW solution).
- The NB approach rewards both the user with the lowest electricity consumption (i.e., Com) and PV prosumers (i.e., Agr and Res2) who contribute to the P2P energy sharing. Compared to the base SW optimization, NB distributes 39–49% higher annual cost savings to Com consumer and 9–17% higher savings to Agr and Res2 prosumers, albeit with an acceptable Price of Fairness (POF, i.e., the reduction in the optimal total benefit compared to the base SW solution) of 1.4% (scenario 1) and 5.5% (scenario 2).
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
Acronyms | |
Agr | Agricultural |
Com | Commercial |
EC | Energy Community |
MILP | Mixed-Integer Linear Programming |
NB | Nash Bargaining |
PBDR | Price-Based Demand Response |
POF | Price of Fairness |
PV | Photovoltaic |
P2G | Peer-to-Grid |
P2P | Peer-to-Peer |
RES | Renewable Energy Sources |
Res | Residential |
RTP | Real-Time Pricing |
SW | Social Welfare |
Symbols | |
Excess of coalition S | |
N | Number of members of the EC |
Coalition of users within the EC | |
/ | Cost of member i in the cooperative/disagreement case for typical day k, € |
/ | Profit of prosumer j in the cooperative/disagreement case for typical day k, € |
Cost saving of member i for typical day k, € | |
Profit increase in prosumer j for typical day k, € | |
Annual incremental economic benefit of member i, € | |
Value of coalition S, € | |
Weight of typical day k | |
Subscripts and superscripts | |
c | Consumer |
dis | Disagreement case |
exp | Export to the grid |
i | Member of the EC |
imp | Import from the grid |
incr | Incremental |
j | Prosumer |
k | Typical day of the year |
max | Maximum |
shift | Shifted electricity demand |
t | Hour of typical day |
tr | Mid-market rate price |
tr,b | P2P purchase |
tr,s | P2P sale |
−/+ | Purchase/sale |
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(a) | |||
Annual Costs [€], Scenario 1 with Grid Tariff Equal to 0.1 €/kWh | |||
Member | Disagreement Case | Nash Bargaining | Social Welfare |
Com | −1000.52 | −967.18 | −976.65 |
Res1 | −2285.05 | −2241.50 | −2235.77 |
Agr | −6153.55 | −6073.26 | −6084.82 |
Res2 | −2751.90 | −2671.60 | −2652.69 |
Total | −12,191.02 | −11,953.54 | −11,949.94 |
(b) | |||
Annual Costs [€], Scenario 2 with Grid Tariff Equal to 0.015 €/kWh | |||
Member | Disagreement Case | Nash Bargaining | Social Welfare |
Com | −476.17 | −463.40 | −467.61 |
Res1 | −1085.24 | −1066.80 | −1066.33 |
Agr | −2794.09 | −2754.18 | −2741.61 |
Res2 | −1178.48 | −1145.49 | −1148.24 |
Total | −5533.98 | −5429.86 | −5423.79 |
Annual Cost Savings of Coalitions [€], Scenario 1 with Grid Tariff Equal to 0.1 €/kWh | ||||
{1}: 0 | {1,2}: 18.46 | {1,2,3}: 124.65 | {1,2,3,4}: 241.08 | {1,2,4}: 177.6 |
{1,3}: 87.17 | {1,3,4}: 169.95 | {1,4}: 113.68 | {2}: 0 | {2,3}: 110.04 |
{2,3,4}: 208.45 | {2,4}: 153.65 | {3}: 0 | {3,4}: 109.02 | {4}: 0 |
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Share and Cite
Volpato, G.; Carraro, G.; Dal Cin, E.; Rech, S. On the Different Fair Allocations of Economic Benefits for Energy Communities. Energies 2024, 17, 4788. https://doi.org/10.3390/en17194788
Volpato G, Carraro G, Dal Cin E, Rech S. On the Different Fair Allocations of Economic Benefits for Energy Communities. Energies. 2024; 17(19):4788. https://doi.org/10.3390/en17194788
Chicago/Turabian StyleVolpato, Gabriele, Gianluca Carraro, Enrico Dal Cin, and Sergio Rech. 2024. "On the Different Fair Allocations of Economic Benefits for Energy Communities" Energies 17, no. 19: 4788. https://doi.org/10.3390/en17194788
APA StyleVolpato, G., Carraro, G., Dal Cin, E., & Rech, S. (2024). On the Different Fair Allocations of Economic Benefits for Energy Communities. Energies, 17(19), 4788. https://doi.org/10.3390/en17194788