In November 2024, Hannah Kobayashi and her boyfriend Amun Miranda had planned a holiday to New York. Hannah, who was an aspiring photographer, had planned to visit her aunt and enjoy the city's renowned art scene, as per NBC News.
But when Hannah and her boyfriend broke up shortly before the trip — and found themselves unable to get a refund — the two decided to still travel to New York together and part ways once they arrived at the airport. On November 8, they boarded their flight in Maui, and arrived safely in Los Angeles to await a connection.
But Hannah never boarded her connecting flight. She never made it to New York, and was missing for over a month.
Hannah was found safe on December 11 and crossed back into the US from Mexico on December 12.
On Monday, December 16, Hannah spoke about the ordeal for the first time, sharing a statement.
"My focus now is on my healing, my peace and my creativity. I am deeply grateful to my family and everyone who has shown me kindness and compassion during this time," she said in the statement provided to PEOPLE.
The 30-year-old said she didn't know about the media coverage after she went missing.
"I was unaware of everything that was happening in the media while I was away, and I am still processing it all. I kindly ask for respect for myself, my family, and my loved ones as I navigate through this challenging time. Thank you for your understanding," the statement concluded.
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