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Whack A Rat is fun for all ages. Pummel rats with the many types of hammers you can unlock throughout the game. Bored of the regular mode? Go to advanced mode, where you'll have to hit the right rat according to your hammer color. The best part is that there's no penalty for not hitting any. You can play this game relaxingly or competitively, it's up to you! Either way, if you love whack a mole, you'll love this. However I do recommend a large space to play this game.

No actual rats were harmed in the making of this game.

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Car-toon Chaos is an action-packed game where high-speed chases and combat converge. Play as vigilante driver Daniel Hardknockers, equipped with fully loaded automatic weapons and rocket launchers for taking out criminal scum and beasts from the past, as well as your friends in deathmatch! The game is a mix of an arcade racer and a first person shooter - a new style not seen in any game previous.

New Project 57


Playable on both PC and VR, the game features all sorts of cartoon physics, including the car shrinking and growing, cars flying in the air when exploding, cars crunching on impact, and more. More funny effects are planned to be added, including cars dodging by being raised on stilts, or cars jumping by splitting in half.

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Car-toon Chaos is more than just a concept. Currently the game includes:

  • 2 complete single player maps (1 that is basically free-roam)
  • 2 weapons
  • Over 15 different enemy types
  • Multiplayer with up to 3 players (bigger limits planned)
  • A lobby system and connection system without needing to allow through a firewall
  • Playable with a controller, virtual reality set, or good ol' mouse and keyboard

Problems I Went Through

Originally I intended it as a VR only title, and had worked tirelessly to get the steering wheel movement to work within a moving vehicle. The wheel would often fly out of the car or lose control, and the car would end up spinning. I also had to learn so much more about car physics than I ever thought I would need to. After researching and testing many different control systems and vehicle types, I ended up settling on a very solid one from Rav3. Of course I had to tweak it a lot to fit the speed and tenacity of my game, but it was a big step forward. Other problems I overcame include:

  • Building and testing the game with VR, keyboard and controller
  • Creating and testing a multiplayer environment
  • Creating an artificial intelligence that could navigate the city, chase after and shoot at multiple targets including rival gangs and players
  • Creating a lobby system to remove the need for port forwarding
  • Altering the physics of the vehicle so it could drift and speed up
  • Creating 90% of the animations in the game
  • Making a shop and getting skins to show up in single player and multiplayer

Additional Features

• Master Driving Mechanics in VR: Experience the challenge of driving with a VR stick shift and using rearview mirrors for improved situational awareness.
• High-Speed Shootouts: Equip a rapid-fire machine gun to engage in intense, high-speed battles with your vehicular enemies and rivals. Leave no toon behind.
• Dynamic HUD: Your dashboard will feature a heads-up display (HUD) that tracks your objectives, health, and potential threats. You can use this to get the drop on unsuspecting players or setup ambushes at intersections.
• Target Weak Points: Enemies have multiple weak points depending on their vehicle, including passengers and windows, providing varied strategies for takedowns.
• Explosive Action: Create chaos with gas stations and misplaced oil cans, literally melting the skin off your foes in glorious cartoony explosions.
• Moral Choices: Navigate the game by choosing to stay on the good side of the law—or the bad—depending on your play style. Take out the evil-doers, or destroy every city resident. The choice is yours.

Why Do I Need Funding?

The reason I made this Kickstarter is because I'm currently a student at UF and the bills will not pay themselves. More than that though, I want to add more cool features to this game, such as connections to spotify so you can play your favorite playlists while driving. I want to have additional skins, maps and multiplayer game modes. I can't do it alone though, and that's why I need your support.

Here's how I will spend the funds:

  • 60% Development costs and miscellaneous fees
  • 25% Marketing
  • 15% Asset purchases

If you're interested, support me here!

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