Remake of all Quake 2 weapons models, player models in future. Md3 and Iqm format, animations, new textures and old-style.
Updated Railgun and Grenade Launcher for q2xp and berserker quake 2.
railgun and grenade launcher updates
I made new version of Grenade Launcher and it's cool.
updated grenade launcher
Finally is first release of high-poly weapons models for Berserker@quake2, KmQuake and Q2xp.
first public release of high-poly models for quake 2
More polygons, better textures and full support for q2xp source-mod.
hi-poly super shotgun refine for q2xp
True pbr materials in q2xp and custom muzzle flash for machinegun.
quake 2 hi-poly machinegun with muzzle flash in q2xp
New model - machinegun with textures and animations.
hi-poly machinegun ingame
Check addon section at 12:00 of sunday and get biggest weapon in the Quake 2
hi-poly bfg goes to public. berserker and kmquake release!
First release of my models pack, also patreon, feedback and other things.
hi-poly blaster goes to public. berserker and kmquake release!
It was hard. Really hard. 3 days of work, failures, bugs, improvements, but now it looks good. Big **** gun.
high-poly quake 2 bfg
Last week updates. A lot of video, models and animations. Hyperblaster, shotgun, blaster and chaingun.
a lot of updates
High-poly quake 2 super shotgun and grenade launcher ingame.
super update - super shotgun and grenade launcher
High-poly weapon models now in-game! New video from berserker@quake2 source port, quake2xp in future!
we are winning! project still alive!
You can see my boot at Quake Expo 2016! More updates in future!
models booth at quake expo 2016
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