Half-Life 2 Weapons RIP 3.25c (Final)
Full Version 43 commentsLast updated: 2024. Final release of this mod, fixed for multiplayer. Improved several Decorates, added brightmaps, and improved Bot's behaviour. Compatible...
Well, this is the final version of this mod. Made it back then on 2011, worked on it until 2013.
Then tweaked it for multiplayer purposes back on 2014 and fixed several scripts last month.
Although the mod was originally designed for Deathmatch purposes, it can be played on singleplayer and coop as well.
Hope you guys like it ;)
2018 Update:
Welp, I wasn't really expecting to update this mod in such a way, but toying again with half-life 2 gave me the itch, so i've decided to do a quick rip.
All weapons were ripped again on a frantic 2-3 week span.
2024 update:
Replaced all pickup sprites, added few multiplayer levels, rebalanced all weapons and added even more optional hl2/hl alyx music.
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Last updated: 2024. Final release of this mod, fixed for multiplayer. Improved several Decorates, added brightmaps, and improved Bot's behaviour. Compatible...
Last updated: 2022. Optional 720p weapons rips for those with high-end computers. Put either 720p or 360p inside customfiles, not both.
This is a Overhaul / Rebalance addon for the Half-Life 2 Weapons RIP 3.25b mod for Doom 2, created by AlphaEnt that fixes a few personal issues i have...
For those that wants to tip/donate/contribute on future projects:
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Can you do tft weapons next?
When attempting load the monster mod in GZDoom 4.10, 4.11.3, or 4.12.2, it gives me these errors, I also get similar errors with the Quake 4 monsters from Quake 4 Weapons Rip, ik versions this recent aren't really the target for you mods, but most of them work fine despite that, so I figured I'd mention it.
Attempt to get invalid state See from actor QCDE_BaseMonster.
Attempt to get invalid state See from actor QCDE_BaseMonster.
Script warning, "hl2_monsters.pk3:decorate/missing.qcd" line 120:
Tried to define class 'Token' more than once. Renaming class to 'Token@hl2_monsters.pk3@decorate/missing.qcd'
Script error, "hl2_monsters.pk3:decorate/missing.qcd" line 197:
Parent type 'Token' not found in ImDead
Script error, "hl2_monsters.pk3:decorate/missing.qcd" line 252:
Parent type 'Token' not found in SlideKicked
Execution could not continue.
Script error, "hl2_monsters.pk3:decorate/missing.qcd" line 252:
'@property@inventory.interhubamount' is an unknown actor property
Figured out what the issue is, it appears to be a conflict with Immerse and not GZDoom Forum.zdoom.org
It's here !!
Thanks sooo much!
Could you do the same but with the weapons of the MMOD or Project Hl2?
Not on my plans (to be honest, i don't know any of those projects)
This is so beautiful!!
Thanks for this awesome mod! Gonna make a video soon.
Btw. Did you ever think about creating a COMBINE and HL2 monster pack? We need that badly for doom.
As well as some HL2 maps..
Ravenholm looking ones or the canal ..
With these 2 we could create the craziest HL2 modcombos.. Roguelike, arena shooter and more.
I think there are HL2 monsters in QCDE but not sure..
And those are 2d anyway. Since doom2 is getting more and more 3d model monster mods..
Oh .just saw the question about MMMod .. that one has some absolutely amazing weapons. Even if you don't wanna port them, I would recommend looking then up. Worth it
Just checked..wanted to play with CiTY 17..but it gives me an error. I would've used DCS to spawn the combine monsters.
Fixed.. garret fixed it for me
Kind of a waste that this doesn't include any weapons from the HL2 Beta Leak. :\
this isnt hl2 beta weapons rip
Yeah well sorry but HL2's arsenal is boring as eating paste for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
And don't even get me started on the poor enemy variety.