Battlefield 1 Graphic Mod By Rob Viguurs v1
Full VersionOriginal made by Rob Viguurs
You can download the mod here:
Enjoy it and i hope the game feels a lot more realistic for all of you.
Here on a line what it changes: Color Tones, sharpening, and some filters.
The mod can be disabled and enabled by pressing key: ''0''
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Well, this rework contains more authetic\accurate playermodels (as possible) with reskins.
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Can I do with origin?
Doesn't work will the version of battlefield i bought in 2017.
wow, nice. :D
I like the idea but im sorry .... prepare your anus as DICE/EAs never ending army of lawyers are going to rape you in the bum for "modding" the game .... we all remember BF3 color mod now dont we?
DICE threatens permanent bans for users of color-editing Battlefield 3 mod
Yes, but this is bit different than that, i already made some Reshade mods for Star Wars Battlefront, and i already use them for months in online and uploaded them a while ago. Same in battlefield 1. i already use it everyday.
after you downloaded it, how do you activate?
Frosite Mod Management
Awesome!! :D