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227 (1985-1990)

5 seasons
No votes

State: Ended

Genre: Comedy

Origin: United States

Developed by: Michael G. Moye, Bill Boulware and Jack Elinson

Stars: Marla Gibbs, Hal Williams and Jackée Harry

IMDb score: 6,7 (4.166)

Releasedate: Saturday 14 September 1985


227 plot

The focus is on the residents of apartment building 227 in Washington, DC. It is not a luxury building and the inhabitants are hardworking workers. However, the neighborhood 227 is in is changing; more and more chic people are living here. Mary Jenkins is a housewife who didn't fall for her mouth. Her best friend is Rose Lee Holloway, a widow who likes to gossip. The two try to live their lives as best as possible and will also have to deal with their fellow residents from 227 and the new residents from the neighborhood.

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Full Cast & Crew

Actors and actresses

Mary Jenkins

Lester Jenkins

Rose Lee Holloway

Sandra Clark

Brenda Jenkins

Pearl Shay

Calvin Dobbs

Dylan McMillan

Alexandria DeWitt

Julian C. Barlow

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