Wetlands of Sri Lanka

Diyawanna Lake

Diyawanna Oya Wetland , also known as Diyawanna Lake (දියවන්නා ඔය), is an urban wetland located about 11 km away from Colombo in Sri Jayewardenepur…

Anawilundawa Wetland

The Anawilundawa Wetand Sanctuary (Sinhala: ආනවිළුන්දාව තෙත්බිම) is one of the Sanctuaries in Sri Lanka . It is situated between the coast and the …

Bellanwila Attidiya Sanctuary

The Bellanwila–Attidiya Sanctuary (Sinhala: බෙල්ලන්විල අත්තිඩිය අභයභූමිය) is one of the Sanctuaries in Sri Lanka . It is situated near Bellanwila V…

Beddagana Wetland Park

Beddagana Wetland Park (Sinhala: බැද්දගාන තෙත් බිම් උද්‍යානය) is an urban wetland park situated in Beddagana in Sri Jayawardanapura Kotte, Sri Lan…

Diyasaru Uyana Park

Diyasaru Uyana Park , also known as Thalawathugoda Wetland (Sinhala: දියසරු උයන), is an urban wetland park situated in Thalawathugoda in Colombo D…
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