As a mentor, I'm going to show you how to work through setbacks and upheavals, as well as healthy ways to manage stress and release painful emotions. I'm going to help you connect with that deeper part of yourself that knows exactly what you want and already has the answers.
Body-Focused Therapy works on the underlying mental-emotional issues that can be a contributing factor to a range of health and life issues.
There's a lot of scope to what I offer, and how I work with people, but in a nutshell: I guide and encourage clients to go beyond the surface level of a problem or situation to find out what's really going on, so they can start to create lasting change from the inside out.
I can definitely say I was uplifted, emotionally, from the first session onward. This had a chain reaction with things like my ability to concentrate, be more present with my partner and friends, be healthier in my mind (less negative thoughts), become very accepting and appreciative of exactly what is; and most importantly, my relationship with myself. This last point really reflects outwardly toward everything I do in life.
- Alex Korpijaakko -
Cairns, Australia / Canada
is your own courage to know and love yourself completely."
Yung Pueblo