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A firm offer of credit or insurance is defined as any offer of credit or insurance to a consumer that will be honored if the consumer is determined, based on the consumer's credit report, to meet the specific criteria used to select the consumer for the offer, subject to certain confirmation requirements.
Equifax, Experian, Innovis, and TransUnion, (collectively the "Consumer Credit Reporting Companies"), encourage you to make an informed decision about receiving firm (preapproved / prescreened) offers of credit or insurance. There are several benefits of receiving firm offers.
For more information on the benefits of receiving firm offers, click on the link below to view a PDF version of the report to Congress from the Federal Reserve on Unsolicited Offers of Credit and Insurance. See pages 32-40, "Benefits of Receiving Written Offers of Credit or Insurance".
Benefits of Receiving Written Offers of Credit or InsuranceUnder the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA), the Consumer Credit Reporting Companies are permitted to include your name on lists used by creditors or insurers to make firm offers of credit or insurance that are not initiated by you ("Firm Offers"). The FCRA also provides you the right to "Opt-Out", which prevents Consumer Credit Reporting Companies from providing your credit file information for Firm Offers.
Through this website, you may request to:
If you choose to Opt-Out, and if the Consumer Credit Reporting Company maintains a credit file for you, and is able to locate your credit file based on the information you provide, you will no longer be included in firm offer lists provided by these four consumer credit reporting companies. If you are not receiving firm offers because you have previously completed a request to Opt-Out, you can request to Opt-In. In doing so, you may soon be among the many consumers who can significantly benefit from having ready access to product information on credit and insurance products that may not be available to the general public.