Least packages removal

The Least Packages removal strategy fulfills an order by opening the fewest number of packages, which is ideal for maintaining organized stock without needing to open multiple boxes.

To understand how the removal strategy works, consider the following example, featuring a warehouse that stores packages of flour in bulk packages of 100 kg.

To minimize moisture, and/or prevent pests from entering open packages, the least packages removal strategy is used to pick from a single, opened package.


A package of 100 kg of flour is depleted to 54 kg after fulfilling some orders. There are other packages of 100 kg in stock.

  1. When an order for 14 kg of flour is placed, the package of 54 kg is selected.

  2. When an order for more than 54 kg of flour is placed, an unopened 100 kg package is used to fulfill the order. While this temporarily results in two open packages, these open packages are prioritized in the next picking.


Using the least package removal strategy, the fewest number of packages is used to fulfill an order.


要使用此策略,必须 启用 套餐功能

请看下面的示例,产品是 面粉。产品表单上的 计量单位 字段设置为 kg。产品以 100 kg 的包装储存,其中一个剩余包装的重量为 54 kg。产品类别的 强制移除策略 设置为 最少包裹


要查看产品的在手库存,请导航至产品表单,然后点击 现有 智能按钮。


进入 销售应用程序,创建一个新的报价单,然后创建一个 80 公斤面粉的 <inventory/delivery/one-step> 交货单。点击 确认 后,交货单就创建好了。

在交货单上,数量 字段显示根据移除策略自动拾取的数量。

要了解*在哪里*拣选单位的更多详细信息,请选择位于最右侧的 :guilabel:`⦙≣(项目符号列表)`图标。这样做会启动 :guilabel:`打开:库存移动`弹窗,根据移除策略显示预留物品的拣选方式。

在弹出的 打开:库存移动 窗口中,拣选自 字段显示了满足 需求 的数量。由于订单需求 80 千克,超过了已打开包装的数量 54 千克,因此选择了未打开包装的 100 千克

在 *拣选自* 字段中显示选中了哪个软件包。