Reinvoice expenses to customers

While working on a project for a client, employees often have to spend their own money on various expenses related to the project.

For example, an employee may need to use their own money to pay for a hotel, while they provide an on-site service for a client. As a company, this expense should be reinvoiced to the customer. With Odoo, these kinds of expenses can quickly be reinvoiced to the customer related to the project.

Expenses application


要安装 费用 应用程序,请导航至 Odoo 主仪表板 ‣ 应用程序,然后点击 费用 应用程序块上的 安装。点击后,Odoo 将安装应用程序,刷新页面并返回 Odoo 主仪表板。


首先,在 销售 应用程序中确认销售订单,并在其中添加重新开具发票的费用。或者,从头开始创建一个新的销售订单。为此,请导航至 销售应用程序 ‣ 新建。这样会显示一个空白的报价单。

然后,添加一个 客户,点击 添加产品,在 :guilabel:`订单行`选项卡中添加一个产品。然后,从下拉菜单中选择产品。

最后,点击 确认,以确认销售订单。

已确认的销售订单在 Odoo 销售应用程序中的展示。


要执行此操作,请进入 Odoo 主仪表板 ‣ 费用 浏览*费用*应用程序。

然后,在*费用*仪表板中,点击 新建,显示一个空白的费用表单。

Odoo 费用应用程序中的空白费用表单。

在费用表单中,添加 说明 以方便引用费用。

然后,在 类别 字段中,从下拉菜单中选择以下选项之一:

  • 沟通:与项目/订单有关的任何形式的沟通。

  • guilabel:其他:不属于任何其他类别的费用。

  • 餐费:与项目/订单相关的任何形式的餐费。

  • 礼品:与项目/订单相关的任何形式的礼品费用。

  • 里程:与项目/订单有关的任何形式的里程(汽油)费用。

  • 差旅和住宿:与项目/订单相关的任何差旅或住宿费用。


通过点击 类别 字段下拉菜单,选择 查看全部,并在弹出的 搜索:类别 窗口中点击 新建,可在费用表单中创建新的费用类别。

从 Odoo 费用中的空白费用表单弹出 “搜索:类别” 窗口。

对于这个样例工作流程,将重新向客户开具一份短期酒店住宿的发票,此示例中的:guilabel:类别是:guilabel:[交通&住宿] 旅行&住宿


下面的示例需要 销售会计开支 应用程序来查看/修改工作流程中提到的所有字段。

类别 字段下的 总计 字段中,输入要报销的支出金额。

接下来,指定 总计 中是否有任何 含税项。如果从 含税项 字段中选择了预先配置的税额,Odoo 将根据在 总计 字段中输入的金额,自动计算税额。

然后,选择费用由哪个 员工 负责,并在 付款者 字段中选择一个选项:员工(待报销)`或 :guilabel:`公司

In this case, our employee paid for the hotel with their own money, so the Employee (to reimburse) option is chosen.

On the right-hand side of the expenses form, the option to add a Bill Reference is available. Beneath that, the auto-populated Expense Date and Account fields are available.


The Expense Date and Account field can be modified, if needed.

Next, in the Customer to Reinvoice field, click the blank field to reveal a drop-down menu. From this drop-down menu, select the appropriate sales order to which this expense should be attached. This field must be filled, in order to reinvoice a customer for an expense.

Lastly, the option to modify the Analytic Distribution and Company fields are available. These fields are not required to complete a reinvoiced expense to a customer, but are available to modify, if needed.

Also, at the bottom of the expense form, there is a Notes… section, wherein any notes related to this expense can be added, if needed.

A filled out expenses form in the Odoo Expenses application.

At the top of the expense form, there are buttons to Attach Receipt, Create Report, and Split Expense.

If there is a physical or digital receipt that should be attached to the expense, click Attach Receipt.

If the cost of this expense needs to be split, click Split Expense. This feature can be used for a number of reasons (spitting expense with another employee, to accommodate different tax rates, etc.).

If neither of these options are necessary, click Create Report to lock in the expense report that was just configured.

Doing so reveals an Expense Report Summary for the new expense.

An expense report summary in the Odoo Expenses application.

Here, once the details related to the expense have been confirmed, click Submit to Manager. This sends the expense report to the approving manager, who will review the expense.

负责审查和批准费用的经理将检查与费用相关的详细信息,如果没有问题,他们将点击 批准 按钮,该按钮*只*会出现在经理查看员工提交给经理的 费用报告摘要 的视图中。


批准后,费用报告摘要 顶部的按钮将再次更改。此时,费用报告摘要 顶部的按钮为:发布日记账分录在下一张工资单中报告拒绝`和:guilabel:`重置为草稿


当经理对 费用报告摘要`满意时,他们会点击 :guilabel:`发布日记账分录

点击:guilabel:发布日记账分录 后,该按钮将消失,:guilabel:`费用`选项卡中的 :guilabel:`分析分配`列将填入最初配置到 :guilabel:`客户重新开具发票`字段中费用的销售订单。


By default, the Customer to Reinvoice field is enabled for the [TRANS & ACC] Travel & Accommodation, [COMM] Communication, [FOOD] Meals, and [MIL] Mileage expense category.

It should be noted that not all of the default expense categories that come installed with the Expenses application have reinvoicing policies activated. The setting may have to be manually activated.

To do that, navigate to Expenses app ‣ Configuration ‣ Expenses Categories to view a list of all expense categories in the database.

Look in the Re-Invoice Expenses column to see which selections have been made for each expense category.

The Re-Invoice Expenses column on the Expense Categories page in the Odoo Expenses app.

To modify an expense category, click the (right arrow) in the Category field, to reveal that specific expense from.

Under the Invoicing section, in the Re-Invoice Expenses field, select either At cost or Sales price.

The Re-Invoice Expenses field on an Expense Category form in the Odoo Expenses app.



要执行此操作,请导航至 Odoo 主仪表板 ‣ 销售应用程序,然后选择应重新开具费用发票的相应销售订单。

在销售表单中,新配置的费用现在位于 订单行 选项卡中, 已交货 列已填好,可以开具发票。


确认费用详情后,点击销售订单顶部的 创建发票。点击后,弹出 创建发票 窗口。


在弹出窗口中,将 创建发票 字段保留为默认的 普通发票 选项,然后点击 创建发票草稿


A customer invoice draft with the expense in the Invoice Lines tab of the form.

If all the information related to the expense is correct, click Confirm to confirm the invoice. Doing so moves the status of the invoice from Draft to Posted.

To send the invoice to the customer, click Send & Print. Doing so reveals a Send pop-up window, with a preconfigured message and PDF invoice in the body of the message. The message can be reviewed and modified, if needed.

Once ready, click Send & Print to send the invoice to the customer. When clicked, the pop-up window disappears, and Odoo sends the message/invoice to the customer. Additionally, a PDF of the invoice is automatically downloaded for record-keeping and/or printing purposes.

Back on the Customer Invoice, click the Register Payment button when the customer pays for the invoiced expense.

A customer invoice with the register payment button ready to be clicked.

When Register Payment is clicked, a Register Payment pop-up window appears. In this pop-up window, the necessary fields are auto-populated with the correct information. After reviewing the information, click Create Payment.

A register payment pop-up window on a customer invoice in Odoo Sales.

Once Create Payment is clicked, the pop-up window disappears, and a green In Payment banner is in the upper-right corner of the invoice, signifying this invoice is paid for in full. Thus, completing the workflow.

A register payment pop-up window on a customer invoice in Odoo Sales.