


要查看 库存调整 页面,请导航至 库存应用程序 ‣ 操作 ‣ 库存调整


库存调整 页面上,列出了当前库存的所有产品,每个产品系列包含以下信息:

  • 位置:产品存放在仓库中的具体位置。

  • 产品:库存调整行中列出其数量的产品。

  • 批次/序列号:分配给所列特定产品的追踪标识符。它可以包含字母、数字或两者的组合。


如果特定产品的库存数量超过 1.00,且分配给该产品的序列号(或批号)不止一个,则每个唯一标识的产品都会显示在自己的产品行中,并在 批次/序列号 列下显示自己的批次/序列号。

  • 手头数量:数据库中当前记录的产品数量。

  • UoM:产品的*计量单位*。除非另有规定(例如,以 盎司 为单位),默认 UoM (计量单位)单位

  • 已清点数量:库存清点时清点的实际数量。该字段默认为空,但可以根据是否与 库存数量 匹配进行更改。

  • 差额:库存调整后,:guilabel:`库存数量`与:guilabel:`已计算数量`之间的差额。每次库存调整后,差额都会自动计算。

  • 预定日期:应进行计数的日期。如果未另行指定,该日期将默认为当年的 12 月 31 日。

  • 用户:数据库中指定的清点人员。可以是实际清点库存的人,也可以是在数据库中应用清点的人。

  • 产品类别:内部分配给特定产品的类别。除非另有说明(即 消耗品租赁),默认 产品类别 设置为 全部

  • 可用数量:当前可用的特定产品数量,基于任何未完成/未完成的销售订单、采购订单或生产订单,这些订单一旦完成可能会改变可用数量。

  • 会计日期:调整将在 Odoo 会计 应用程序中入账的日期。

  • 公司:正在对其数据库进行库存调整的公司。该公司列在数据库的右上角,紧邻当前登录的用户。


某些列默认隐藏。要显示这些列,请点击表单顶行最右侧的 其他选项 按钮(三个圆点图标),然后通过点击选项旁边的复选框选择要显示的列。



在此空白库存调整行上,点击 产品 列下的下拉菜单,选择一个产品。如果所选产品使用批号或序列号跟踪,也可从 批次/序列号 列下的下拉菜单中选择所需的批次或序列号。

然后,将 计算数量 列中的值设置为库存调整过程中该产品的计算数量。


新库存调整的 计算数量 默认设置为 0.00。库存移动的 已计算数量 会记录在产品的库存调整历史记录中,因此应设置为反映实际清点数量。

计算数量 列的右侧,预定日期用户 也可以通过各自的下拉菜单更改。更改 预定日期 会更改库存调整处理的日期,选择负责的 用户,则为特定库存调整指定一个用户(已便追踪)。


如果 计算数量 的值大于 库存数量 的值,则 差异 列中的值为 绿色。如果 计算数量 小于 库存数量,则 差异 列中的值为**红色**。如果数量相匹配,且未作任何更改,则 差异 列中不显示任何值。



有两种方法可以应用新的库存调整。第一种方法是点击页面最右边一行的 应用 按钮。第二种方法是点击该行最左边的复选框。这样做会在页面顶部显示新的按钮选项,其中一个是 应用 按钮。点击该按钮会弹出一个 库存调整参考/原因 窗口。

在弹出菜单中,可为库存调整指定参考或原因。默认情况下,库存参考/原因 字段预先填入调整日期,但也可以更改,以反映所需的参考或原因。

准备就绪后,点击 应用,以应用库存调整。


同时应用库存调整会在 移动历史 报告中创建 库存移动行(SML) 以进行追踪。

Apply all option applies the inventory adjustment once a reason is specified.

Count products

Counting products is a recurring activity in a warehouse. Once a count is complete, go to Inventory app ‣ Operations ‣ Inventory Adjustments to update the Counted Quantity column for each product line.

On each product line, identify whether the value in the On Hand Quantity column recorded in the database matches the newly-counted value. If the recorded value and the counted value do match, click the Set button (target icon) at the far right of the product line.

Doing so copies the value from the On Hand Quantity column over to the Counted Quantity column, and sets the value of the Difference column to 0.00. Subsequently, once applied, an inventory move with 0.00 Quantity Done is recorded in the product’s inventory adjustment history.

Zero count inventory adjustment move.

If the newly-counted value for a given product does not match the value in the On Hand Quantity recorded in the database, instead of clicking the Set button, record the real value in the field in the Counted Quantity column.

To do so, click the field in the Counted Quantity column on the specific inventory adjustment line for the product whose count is being changed. This automatically assigns a Counted Quantity of 0.00.

To change this value, type in a new value that matches the real, newly-counted value. Then, click away from the line. Doing so saves the adjustment, and automatically adjusts the value in the Difference column.

如果 计算数量 的值大于 库存数量 的值,则 差异 列中的值为 绿色。如果 计算数量 小于 库存数量,则 差异 列中的值为**红色**。如果数量相匹配,且未作任何更改,则 差异 列中不显示任何值。

Subsequently, once applied, a move with the difference between the On Hand Quantity and the Counted Quantity is recorded in the product’s inventory adjustment history.

Inventory Adjustments History dashboard detailing a list of prior product moves.


Sometimes a count occurs, but cannot be applied in the database right away. In the time between the actual count and applying the inventory adjustment, product moves can occur. In that case, the on-hand quantity in the database can change and no longer be consistent with the counted quantity. As an extra precaution, Odoo asks for confirmation before applying the inventory adjustment.


By default, the scheduled date for inventory adjustments are always scheduled for the 31st of December of the current year. However, for some companies, it is crucial that they have an accurate inventory count at all times. In such cases, the default scheduled date can be modified.

To modify the default scheduled date, go to Inventory app ‣ Configuration ‣ Settings. Then, in the Operations section, locate the Annual Inventory Day and Month setting, which includes a drop-down menu that is set to 31 December by default.

Adjust the next inventory count date with the Annual Inventory Day and Month setting.

To change the day, click the 31, and change it to a day within the range 1-31, depending on the desired month of the year.

如要更改月份,请单击 12 月 显示下拉菜单,并选择所需的月份。

Once all desired changes have been made, click Save to save all changes.

Plan big inventory counts

To plan big inventory counts, such as a full count of everything currently in stock, first navigate to Inventory app ‣ Operations ‣ Inventory Adjustments.

Then, select the desired products to be counted by clicking the checkbox on the far left of each product line.


To request a count of all products currently in stock, click the checkbox at the very top of the table, in the header row next to the Location label. This selects all product lines.

Request a count popup on inventory adjustments page.

Once all desired products have been selected, click the Request a Count button at the top of the page. This causes a Request a Count pop-up window to appear. From this pop-up, fill in the following information:

  • Inventory Date: the planned date of the count.

  • User: the user responsible for the count.

  • Accounting Date: the date at which the inventory adjustment will be accounted.

  • Count: to leave the on-hand quantity of each product line blank, select Leave Empty. To pre-fill the on-hand quantity of each product line with the current value recorded in the database, select Set Current Value.

Finally, once ready, click Confirm to request the count.


In the Odoo Barcode app, users can only view inventory counts that are assigned to them, and are scheduled for today or earlier.


Cycle counts