Customer interaction

Odoo offers many ways to interact with customers and for customers to interact with your website.

Product reviews

Customers can give a rating to your products. This is a great way to promote your products or services since reviews can influence purchase processes. To activate the rating feature, from your shop page, select a product, go to Edit ‣ Customize and enable Rating.

Rating of a product on the product page


Only portal users which purchased the product or service can leave ratings.


Customer reviews can be hidden by clicking the Visible button next to a published review.


A chatbot is available and can simulate a human-like conversation with website visitors via text messages in a chat box.

Contact forms


Customers may need support after purchasing a product or subscribing to a service. It is possible to create a contact form, which, when fulfilled, automatically creates a new ticket for your support team.

Contact form to submit a ticket to the support team

หากต้องการเพิ่มแบบฟอร์มติดต่อ ให้สร้างหน้าใหม่ (+ สร้าง ‣ หน้า) หากจำเป็น จากนั้นลากและวางบล็อก ฟอร์ม จากส่วน เนื้อหาไดนามิก ลงในหน้า เมื่อวางแล้ว ให้คลิกที่แบบฟอร์ม (ขณะอยู่ในโหมด แก้ไข) และในฟิลด์ ดำเนินการ ให้เลือก สร้างทิกเก็ต จากนั้นคุณสามารถเลือกได้ว่าต้องการกำหนดทิกเก็ตให้กับ ทีม Helpdesk ทีมใด

Action field to create a task upon submitting a form


A 'Contact Us' page makes it easier for customers and prospects to contact your company and get in touch.

To have a 'Contact Us' page, create a new page (+ New ‣ Page) if necessary, and click on Edit ‣ Customize. Then, drag and drop a Form block onto the page. Select the form and define the action to be performed when submitted in the Action field.

When clicking on a field, or when adding a new field (+ Field), you can select its Type. This enables different options, such as Multiple Checkboxes, which customers can use to indicate the services they are interested in, for example.

Tags to be selected on the 'Contact Us' form 'Checkboxes' configuration settings


Customers can get updates on your eCommerce activities by subscribing to a newsletter. Visitors subscribing to the newsletter are automatically added to the mailing list of the Email Marketing application. You can either choose a newsletter block, a newsletter popup, or both.

  • Popup: prompts up a newsletter box when visitors scroll down the page;

  • Block: displays a field on the page where customers can sign up by entering their email.

The newsletter block can be configured according to different Templates. To do so, click the block while in Edit ‣ Customize, and select a Template in the Newsletter Block section. There are three templates available:

  • Email Subscription: visitors can sign up by email to the newsletter, without any choice to the content. The content is defined in Edit ‣ Customize in the Newsletter field;

  • SMS Subscription: is the same as Email Subscription, but by SMS;

  • Form Subscription: allows adding several fields, as well as a checkbox for the visitor to agree to the GDPR policy of your website.

Form subscription configuration and settings


Alternatively, you can select Subscribe to Newsletter as Action when creating a contact form, allowing for the same level of customization. Make sure to add a checkbox stating visitors agree to be added to the mailing list.