
Odoo’s Referrals application is a centralized place where all information regarding referrals is housed - from points earned, coworkers hired, and rewards selected. Users can recommend people they know for job positions, and then earn referral points as those people progress through the recruitment pipeline. Once enough referral points are earned, they can be exchanged for prizes. The Referrals application integrates with the Employees, Recruitment, and Website applications, all of which must be installed in order for the Referrals application to function.

The only configurations needed for the Referrals application after it has been installed, are related to the rewards; everything else is pre-configured when Odoo Referrals is installed.

Users with either Referral User, Officer, or Administrator access rights for the Recruitment application have access to the Referrals application. Only users with Administrator access rights for the Recruitment application have access to the reporting and configurations menus. For more information on users and access rights, refer to these documents: Användare and Tillträdesrättigheter.


When opening the Referrals application for the first time, a pre-configured onboarding script appears. This is in the form of four slides, each explaining the different parts of the Referrals application. At the top of the dashboard, the following message is displayed throughout all the onboarding slides: GATHER YOUR TEAM! Job Referral Program. Behind this main message is an image, and beneath it some more explanatory text.

Var och en av onboarding-sidorna har en motsvarande bild och ett meddelande som visas. När du har läst varje meddelande klickar du på knappen Nästa för att gå vidare till nästa bild.

Texten som visas på varje bild är följande:

  1. Oh nej! Skurkar lurar i staden! Hjälp oss att rekrytera ett team av superhjältar för att rädda dagen!

  2. Browla bland lediga jobb, marknadsföra dem på sociala medier eller värva vänner.

  3. Samla poäng och byt dem mot fantastiska gåvor i butiken.

  4. Tävla mot dina kollegor för att bygga den bästa Justice League!


The onboarding slides will appear every time the Referrals application is opened, until all the slides have been viewed and the Start Now button has been clicked. If the onboarding is exited at any point, or if the Start Now button has not been clicked, the onboarding slides will begin again when the Referrals application is opened. Once the Start Now button has been clicked, the onboarding slides will not be seen again, and the main dashboard will load when the Referrals application is opened from that point on.

At any point during onboarding, the Skip button may be clicked. This exits the onboarding, and the main Referrals dashboard loads. If Skip is clicked, onboarding slides will not load anymore when opening the Referrals application.

En onboarding-slide med knapparna Hoppa över och Nästa synliga längst ner.


Om det finns några kandidater som anställts som användaren hade hänvisat till innan han/hon öppnade appen Referrals (vilket innebär att onboarding-bilderna inte har visats tidigare), när Start Now klickas i slutet av onboarding, istället för att gå till huvudpanelen, visas en hired skärm istället för huvudpanelen.

Ändra presentationsbilder för onboarding

Onboarding slides can be modified if desired. Only users with Administrator rights for the Recruitment application can modify onboarding slides. To edit a slide, navigate to Referrals app ‣ Configuration ‣ Onboarding. Each line displays the text for the individual onboarding slide. To edit an onboarding slide, click on an individual slide line to open the slide’s onboarding form.

Make any changes to the message in the Text field. A Company may be selected, as well. However, if this field is populated, that slide is only displayed for that particular company.


The Company field only appears when in a multi-company database.

The image can be modified, as well. Hover over the image thumbnail in the top-right corner of the form. A ✏️ (pencil) icon and 🗑️ (garbage can) icon appear. Click the ✏️ (pencil) icon to change the image. A file navigator window loads. Navigate to the desired image, select it, then click Open. The new image appears in the thumbnail. To delete an image, click the 🗑️ (garbage can) icon, then select a new image using the ✏️ (pencil) icon.

En onboarding-slide i redigeringsläge, med de viktigaste fälten markerade.

The sequence in which the slides appear can be changed from the Onboarding dashboard. Click the (six small gray boxes) icon to the left of the the slide text, and drag the slide to the desired position.

Onboarding-slides i en lista, med drag-och-släpp-pilarna markerade.

Anlitade referenser

När en kandidat som har rekommenderats av en användare anställs, ”utökar användaren sitt superhjälteteam” och lägger till superhjälteavatarer i sin Referrals-instrumentpanel.

När en värvning har anställts och användaren öppnar appen Värvningar nästa gång, istället för huvudpanelen, laddas en sida med anställningar. Texten (Hänvisningens namn) har anställts! Välj en avatar för din nya vän! visas.

Below this message are five avatar thumbnails to choose from. If an avatar has already been assigned to a referral, the thumbnail is grayed out, and the name that the avatar has been chosen for appears beneath the avatar. Click on an available avatar to select it.

If more than one referral was hired since opening the Referrals application, after selecting the first avatar, the user is prompted to select another avatar for the subsequent hired referral. Once all avatars have been selected, the dashboard loads and all the avatars are now visible. Mouse over each avatar and their name is displayed above them.

Den anlitade skärmen. Ett urval av avatarer presenteras att välja mellan, med redan redan valda är gråmarkerade.

Ändra vänner

Friend avatars are able to be modified in the same manner that levels are modified. Only users with Administrator rights for the Recruitment application can make modifications to friends. The pre-configured friends can be seen and modified by navigating to Referrals app ‣ Configuration ‣ Friends. Each friend avatar appears in the Dashboard Image column, and the corresponding name appears in the Friend Name column. The default images are a motley group of hero characters, ranging from robots to dogs.

To modify a friend’s dashboard image, thumbnail, name, or position, click on an individual friend to open the referral friend form. Click Edit to make modifications. Type the name in the Friend Name field. The name is solely to differentiate the friends in the configuration menu; the friend’s name is not visible anywhere else in the Referrals application.

Position kan ställas in till antingen Front eller Back. Detta bestämmer vännens position i förhållande till användarens superhjälteavatar. Klicka på alternativknappen bredvid önskat val, så kommer vännen att visas antingen framför eller bakom användarens avatar när den aktiveras.

If desired, both the thumbnail Image and the Dashboard Image can be modified. Hover over the image being replaced to reveal a ✏️ (pencil) icon and 🗑️ (garbage can) icon. Click the ✏️ (pencil) icon, and a file explorer window appears. Navigate to the desired image file, then click Open to select it.

The referral friend form automatically saves, but can be saved manually at any time by clicking the Save manually option, represented by a (cloud upload) icon, located in the top-left corner. To cancel any changes made, click the ✖️ (Discard all changes) icon to delete any changes, and revert to the original content.

Ett vänformulär i redigeringsläge.


It is not advised to edit the images. An image file must have a transparent background in order for it to render properly. Only users with knowledge about transparent images should attempt adjusting any images in the Referrals application.

Once an image is changed and the friend is saved, it is not possible to revert to the original image. To revert to the original image, the Referrals application must be uninstalled then reinstalled.


The Referrals application has pre-configured levels that are reflected in the user’s avatar on the Referrals dashboard. As a user refers potential employees and earns points, they can level up, much like in a video game.

Nivåerna har ingen funktionell inverkan på applikationens prestanda. De används enbart för att lägga till prestationsnivåer som deltagarna kan sträva efter, vilket gör hänvisningar till spel för användaren.

The user’s current level is displayed at the top of the main Referrals application dashboard, directly beneath their photo, in a Level: X format. In addition, a colored ring appears around the user’s photo, indicating how many points the user currently has, and how many additional points they need to level up. The cyan colored portion of the ring represents points earned, while the white colored portion represents the points still needed before they can level up.

Ändra nivåer

Only users with Administrator rights for the Recruitment application can modify levels. The pre-configured levels can be seen and modified by navigating to Referrals app ‣ Configuration ‣ Levels. Each avatar appears in the Image column, and the corresponding level number appears in the Level Name column. The default images are of Odoo superheroes, and each level adds an additional element to their avatar, such as capes and shields.

To modify a level’s image, name, or points required to reach the level, click on an individual level in the list to open the level form, then make modifications.

Type in the name (or number) of the level in the Level Name field. What is entered is displayed beneath the user’s photo on the main dashboard when they reach that level. Enter the number of referral points needed to reach that level in the Requirements field. The points needed to level up are the total accumulated points earned over the lifetime of the employee, not additional points from the previous level that must be earned.

If desired, the Image can also be modified. Hover over the image to reveal a ✏️ (pencil) icon and 🗑️ (garbage can) icon. Click the ✏️ (pencil) icon, and a file explorer window appears. Navigate to the desired image file, then click Open to select it.

The level form saves automatically, but can be saved manually at any time by clicking the save manually option, represented by a (cloud upload) icon, located in the top-left corner. To cancel any changes made, click the ✖️ (Discard all changes) icon to delete any changes, and revert to the original content.

En nivåform i redigeringsläge.


It is not advised to edit the images. An image file must have a transparent background in order for it to render properly. Only users with knowledge about transparent images should attempt adjusting any images in the Referrals application.

Once an image is changed and the level is saved, it is not possible to revert to the original image. To revert to the original image, the Referrals application must be uninstalled then reinstalled.

Nivå upp

När tillräckligt många poäng har samlats för att gå upp i nivå fylls cirkeln runt användarens foto helt med en cyan färg, en stor bild med texten Level up! visas ovanför fotot och frasen Click to level up! visas under användarens foto och nuvarande nivå.

Klicka på antingen LEVEL UP!-grafiken, användarens foto eller texten Click to level up! under användarens foto för att höja användarens nivå. Användarens avatar ändras till den aktuella nivån, och ringen runt fotot uppdateras för att ange det aktuella antalet poäng.

Att gå upp i nivå kostar inte användaren några poäng, användaren behöver bara tjäna det angivna antalet poäng som krävs.

Ett "Klicka för att gå upp i nivå!" visas under användarens bild, och ett stort "Gå upp i nivå!" visas ovanför deras bild.


När en användare har nått den högsta konfigurerade nivån fortsätter de att samla poäng som kan lösas in mot belöningar, men de kan inte längre gå upp i nivå. Ringen runt deras foto är fortfarande cyan.