Chapter 13: Interact With Other Modules

In the previous chapter, we used inheritance to modify the behavior of a module. In our real estate scenario, we would like to go a step further and be able to generate invoices for our customers. Odoo provides an Invoicing module, so it would be neat to create an invoice directly from our real estate module, i.e. once a property is set to ‘Sold’, an invoice is created in the Invoicing application.

Concrete Example: Account Move


Goal: at the end of this section:

  • A new module estate_account should be created

  • When a property is sold, an invoice should be issued for the buyer

Invoice creation

Any time we interact with another module, we need to keep in mind the modularity. If we intend to sell our application to real estate agencies, some may want the invoicing feature but others may not want it.

Invoice Creation

It’s now time to generate the invoice. We want to add functionality to the model, i.e. we want to add some extra logic for when a property is sold. Does that sound familiar? If not, it’s a good idea to go back to the previous chapter since you might have missed something ;-)

As a first step, we need to extend the action called when pressing the ‘Sold’ button on a property. To do so, we need to create a model inheritance in the estate_account module for the model. For now, the overridden action will simply return the super call. Maybe an example will make things clearer:

from odoo import models

class InheritedModel(models.Model):
    _inherit = "inherited.model"

    def inherited_action(self):
        return super().inherited_action()

A practical example can be found here.


Add the first step of invoice creation.

  • Create a file in the correct folder of the estate_account module.

  • _inherit the model.

  • Override the action_sold method (you might have named it differently) to return the super call.

Tip: to make sure it works, add a print or a debugger breakpoint in the overridden method.

Is it working? If not, maybe check that all Python files are correctly imported.

If the override is working, we can move forward and create the invoice. Unfortunately, there is no easy way to know how to create any given object in Odoo. Most of the time, it is necessary to have a look at its model to find the required fields and provide appropriate values.

A good way to learn is to look at how other modules already do what you want to do. For example, one of the basic flows of Sales is the creation of an invoice from a sales order. This looks like a good starting point since it does exactly what we want to do. Take some time to read and understand the _create_invoices method. When you are done crying because this simple task looks awfully complex, we can move forward in the tutorial.

To create an invoice, we need the following information:

  • a partner_id: the customer

  • a move_type: it has several possible values

  • a journal_id: the accounting journal

This is enough to create an empty invoice.


Add the second step of invoice creation.

Create an empty account.move in the override of the action_sold method:

  • the partner_id is taken from the current

  • the move_type should correspond to a ‘Customer Invoice’


  • to create an object, use self.env[model_name].create(values), where values is a dict.

  • the create method doesn’t accept recordsets as field values.

When a property is set to ‘Sold’, you should now have a new customer invoice created in Invoicing / Customers / Invoices.

Obviously we don’t have any invoice lines so far. To create an invoice line, we need the following information:

  • name: a description of the line

  • quantity

  • price_unit

Moreover, an invoice line needs to be linked to an invoice. The easiest and most efficient way to link a line to an invoice is to include all lines at invoice creation. To do this, the invoice_line_ids field is included in the account.move creation, which is a One2many. One2many and Many2many use special ‘commands’ which have been made human readable with the Command namespace. This namespace represents a triplet command to execute on a set of records. The triplet was originally the only option to do these commands, but it is now standard to use the namespace instead. The format is to place them in a list which is executed sequentially. Here is a simple example to include a One2many field line_ids at creation of a test_model:

from odoo import Command

def inherited_action(self):
            "name": "Test",
            "line_ids": [
                    "field_1": "value_1",
                    "field_2": "value_2",
    return super().inherited_action()


Add the third step of invoice creation.

Add two invoice lines during the creation of the account.move. Each property sold will be invoiced following these conditions:

  • 6% of the selling price

  • an additional 100.00 from administrative fees

Tip: Add the invoice_line_ids at creation following the example above. For each line, we need a name, quantity and price_unit.

This chapter might be one of the most difficult that has been covered so far, but it is the closest to what Odoo development will be in practice. In the next chapter, we will introduce the templating mechanism used in Odoo.