
Worldline is a France-based company and the world’s fourth largest payment provider.

Settings in Worldline

API 사용자 만들기

Odoo에서 거래를 생성할 API 사용자 를 설정하는 것을 권장하며, 설정해 둘 경우 자격 증명이 손상되더라도 Worldline 설정이 안전하게 유지될 수 있습니다. 또한 API 사용자는 일반 계정처럼 자주 비밀번호를 업데이트할 필요가 없습니다.

To create an API user, proceed as follows:

  1. Log into your Worldline Merchant Portal, click the (menu) icon, and select Back Office.

  2. Go to Configuration ‣ Users and click on New User.

  3. Configure the following fields:

    1. Specify a UserID, User’s name, E-mail address, and Timezone of your choice.

    2. Set the Profile field to Admin.

    3. Enable Special user for API.

If you have already set up a user, make sure it is activated without any error.

Set up Worldline for Odoo

Worldline must now be configured to accept payments from Odoo.

  1. From your merchant portal, go to Developer ‣ Payment API and click on Generate API key. Copy the API key ID and the Secret API key and save them for later.

  2. Go to Developer ‣ Webhooks and click on Generate webhook keys. Copy the Webhook ID and the associated Secret webhook key and save them for later.

  3. Click Add webhook endpoint, enter your Odoo database’s URL followed by /payment/worldline/webhook in the Endpoint url field, and Confirm.
    For example:

Odoo에서 설정하기

To set up Worldline in Odoo:

  1. Navigate to the payment provider Worldline and change its state to Enabled.

  2. 자격 증명 탭에서 Worldline 계정 PSPID 를 입력하고 API 키, API 비밀번호, 웹훅 키, 웹훅 비밀번호Odoo용 Worldline 설정 단계에서 저장한 값으로 입력합니다.

  3. 나머지 항목은 원하는 대로 설정합니다.

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