
Leads act as a qualifying step before an opportunity is created. This provides additional time to review its potential, and gauge its viability, before the opportunity is assigned to a salesperson.


リード 設定を有効にするには、 CRMアプリ ‣ 設定 ‣ 管理設定`に移動し、 :guilabel:`リード というラベルの付いたボックスにチェックを入れます。そして 保存 をクリックします。


Activating this feature adds a new menu option, Leads, to the header bar, located along the top of the screen.


Once the Leads setting has been activated, it applies to all sales teams by default. To turn off leads for a specific team, navigate to CRM app ‣ Configuration ‣ Sales Teams. Then, select a team from the list to open that team's configuration page. Clear the Leads checkbox, located beneath the Sales Team field, then click Save.



To convert a lead into an opportunity, navigate to CRM app ‣ Leads, and click on a lead from the list to open it.


If a Similar Leads smart button appears at the top of the page for the lead, it indicates a similar lead or opportunity already exists in the database. Before converting this lead, click the smart button to confirm if the lead should be merged.

Close up of a lead with emphasis on the Similar Leads smart button.

Click the Convert to Opportunity button, located at the top-left of the page.


This opens a Convert to opportunity pop-up modal. Here, in the Conversion Action field, select the Convert to opportunity option.


To merge this lead with an existing similar lead or opportunity, select Merge with existing opportunities in the Conversion Action field. This generates a list of the similar leads/opportunities to be merged.


Then, select a Salesperson and a Sales Team to which the opportunity should be assigned. Neither field is required, though if a selection is made in the Salesperson field, the Sales Team field is populated automatically, based on the salesperson's team assignments.



guilabel:顧客 の見出しの下、以下のオプションから選択して下さい:

  • Create a new customer: choose this option to use the information in the lead to create a new customer record.

  • Link to an existing customer: choose this option, then select a customer from the resulting drop-down menu, to link this opportunity to an existing customer record.

  • Do not link to a customer: choose this option to convert the lead, but not link it to a new or existing customer.

最後に、全ての設定が完了したら、案件作成 をクリックします。

To view the newly created opportunity, navigate to CRM app ‣ My Pipeline.


Some filters may need to be removed from the Search... bar on the top Pipeline page to view all opportunities.