


By going to Documents ‣ Configuration ‣ Settings, you can enable the centralization of files attached to a specific area of your activity. For example, by ticking Human Resources, your HR documents are automatically available in the HR workspace, while documents related to Payroll are automatically available in the Payroll sub-workspace. You can change the default workspace using the dropdown menu and edit its properties by clicking the (Internal link) icon.



  • 会計ファイルとドキュメントの一元化を有効にした場合、自動同期を可能にするために 仕訳帳 をクリックし、各仕訳帳を個別に定義する必要があります。

  • If you select a new workspace, existing documents are not moved. Only newly created documents will be found under the new workspace.


Workspaces are hierarchical folders having their own set of tags and actions. Default workspaces exist, but you can create your own by going to Documents ‣ Configuration ‣ Workspaces and clicking New. On the new page, fill in the following information:

  • 名前

  • Parent Workspace: if you want to create a sub-workspace, select its Parent Workspace.

Three tabs are available: Tags, Access Rights, and Description.



From the Tags tab, click Add a line, create the Tag Category, and Name your tags.


  • 親ワークスペースのタグは、子ワークスペースにも自動的に適用されます;

  • Tags can be created and modified by going to Documents ‣ Configuration ‣ Tags;

  • Tags can also be created or edited by clicking the (gear) icon on the left panel;

  • An email alias can be used to automatically send received documents to a specific workspace based on the tag assigned.


To manage your workspace access rights, go to the Access Rights tab. You can add Write Groups that can view, create, and edit the workspace's documents. You can also add Read Groups that only view the workspace's documents.


Enable Own Documents Only to limit Read Groups and Write Groups to the documents of which they are owner.


You can add descriptive information to your workspace by going to the Description tab.


Workspaces can also be created and edited by clicking the (gear) icon on the left panel.


When selecting or opening a document, the right panel displays different options, including, for example:

  • (Download);

  • (Share this selection): a share URL is copied to your clipboard;

  • (Replace): select a new file to replace the existing one. Scroll down to the bottom of the right panel to see the History and restore, download, or delete the document;

  • (Lock);

  • (Split);

  • (Open chatter).

To modify the name of your file, edit the Name field. Click the (Move to trash) icon to delete your document.


Items moved to the trash are kept for 30 days in the Trash workspace, after which they are permanently deleted.

A Contact or an Owner can be assigned. You can also modify the related Workspace and add Tags.


  • The Contact is a person related to the document who only has read access rights to the document, e.g., an existing supplier in your database;

  • The creator of a document is automatically assigned as its Owner and is granted full access rights to it. To replace the owner of a document, select the required user from the dropdown list in the Owner field.


An employee must be a user and the owner of a document to view it in My Profile.

ドキュメントが保存されているワークスペースによって、右側のパネルの下部に異なる アクション が用意されています。


Select the PDF you want to split, and click the (scissors) icon. A new view displays all the pages of the document.

By default, all pages are split when you click Split. To remove a split between two pages, click the (scissors) icon.



To merge documents from your dashboard, select them and click the (scissors) icon. Click on the scissors between the two documents and click Split to merge the documents.


Select a workspace and click the New button to access additional features:


You can upload any file (max 64MB per file on Odoo Online) to your Documents app. Select the workspace where you want to upload your file, click the New button, then Upload.


You can request files and organize them as documents to remind users to download them.

Select the workspace where the file should be stored, click the New button, then Request. Add the Document Name and select the person you need it from in the Request To field. You can also fill in the Due Date In, confirm the Workspace the document should belong to, and add Tags and a Message. Then, click Request. A placeholder for the missing document is created in the workspace.


You can see all missing documents by going to the Activity view and the Requested Document column.


From the Activity view, you can send a reminder email to users from whom you are expecting a document. Go to the Requested Document column and click the (ellipsis) icon, and Document Request: Reminder. Click on a date to see the details of a specific request. You can update it by clicking on the (pen) icon, Preview the content of the reminder email, or Send Now to send a reminder email.



To create a new spreadsheet, click Spreadsheet. You can select a Blank spreadsheet or an existing template.


You can make a document or a workspace accessible to anyone by sharing a URL.

Share a document

To generate a share link to a document, select the document and click the Share button.

In the pop-up, you can Name the share link, set a validity date by filling in the Valid Until field, and if you own more than one site, select the Website you want so the right domain name is reflected in the URL.

Click Copy Link & Close to copy the URL to your clipboard.


You can also generate a share URL by selecting the document, going to the right panel, and clicking the (Share this selection) icon.

Share a workspace

You can share a link to a workspace and allow users to Download its content or Download and Upload files to it.

To do so, go to the left column of your dashboard and select the workspace you want to share. You can also choose one or more tags that will be automatically added to the uploaded documents. Then, click the Share button.

In the pop-up, a share URL you can Copy is displayed. You can Name your share link and set a validity date by filling in the Valid Until field. If you own more than one site, select the Website you want so the share link reflects the right domain name.


  • The links added to your workspace using the Link option cannot be shared and are, therefore, excluded.

  • When tags are applied to a shared workspace, users can exclusively access the documents associated with those tags.

Files upload

Toggle the Allow upload switch to allow users to upload files to your workspace.

Tick the Upload by Email checkbox to enable users to upload documents sent by email in the workspace.

Enter an alias in the Email Alias field. All documents sent to this email address are uploaded to the workspace using the chosen tags.


  • You need to have an alias domain set to be able to upload documents by email. If it isn't existing yet, click Choose or Configure Email Servers and create an alias domain.

  • By default, the Document Owner is the person who uploads a file to a workspace, but you can select another user. You can also set a Contact, usually an external person, such as a partner.

  • Enable Create a new activity to automatically create an activity when a document is uploaded. Select the Activity type from the dropdown list and set the Due Date In field. You can also add a Summary and a Responsible person assigned to the activity.


Go to Configuration ‣ Share & Emails to see and manage your share links. Select a line and click Delete to disable the URL. People who have received this link will no longer be able to access the document(s) or workspace.


Workflow actions help manage documents and overall business operations. These are automated actions that can be created and customized for each workspace. With a single click you can, for example, create, move, sign, add tags to a document, and process bills.

When a document meets the set criteria, these workflow actions appear on the right panel.


To update an existing workflow action or create a new one, go to Documents ‣ Configuration ‣ Actions and click New.


アクションは、選択した 関連ワークスペース の下にある全ての サブワークスペース に適用されます。


Define the Action Name and then set the conditions that trigger the appearance of the action button on the right-side panel when selecting a file.


  1. Tags: you can use the Contains and Does not contain conditions, meaning the files must have or must not have the tags set here;

  2. Contact: the files must be associated with the contact set here;

  3. オーナー: ファイルはここで設定されたオーナーに関連付けられている必要があります。



If you do not set any conditions, the action button appears for all files inside the selected workspace.




The developer mode needs to be activated to enable the Domain Condition type. Once done, click New Rule.

ルールを作成するには、通常 フィールドオペレータ を選択します。例えば、ワークスペース内の全てのPDFファイルにワークフローアクションを追加したい場合、 フィールドMIMEタイプ に、 オペレータ含む に、pdf を設定します。


Click the (Add New Rule) icon and the (Add branch) icon to add conditions and sub-conditions. You can then specify if your rule should match all or any conditions. You can also edit the rule directly using the Code editor.


Go to the Actions section to set up your action. You can simultaneously:

  • Move to Workspace: move the file to any workspace;

  • 作成:ファイルに添付されている以下の項目のいずれかをデータベースに作成します:

    • Link to record: create a link between a document and a record from a specific model;

    • プロダクトテンプレート:直接編集できるプロダクトを作成します;

    • タスク:直接編集できるプロジェクトタスクを作成します;

    • 署名PDFテンプレート:新しい署名テンプレートを作成して送信します;

    • PDF to sign: create a Sign template to sign directly;

    • 申請者: 直接編集可能な新しい人事申請書を作成します;

    • 仕入先請求書: OCRとAIを使ってファイル内容から情報をスクレイピングし、仕入先請求書を作成します;

    • Customer invoice: create an invoice using OCR and AI to scrape information from the file;

    • 仕入先クレジットノート:OCRとAIを使ってファイルから情報を取得し、仕入先クレジットノートを作成します;

    • クレジットノート:OCRとAIを使ってファイルから情報を取得し、顧客のクレジットノートを作成します;

    • Miscellaneous Operations: create an entry in the Miscellaneous Operations journal;

    • Bank Statement: import a bank statement;

    • Purchase Receipt: create a vendor receipt;

    • Expense: create an HR expense.

  • Set Contact: add a contact to the file, or replace an existing contact with a new one;

  • Set Owner: add an owner to the file, or replace an existing owner with a new one;

  • Set Tags: add, remove, and replace any number of tags.

To set up activities related to your actions, go to the Activities section:

  • Activities - Mark all as Done: mark all activities linked to the file as done;

  • **活動 - 活動をスケジュール**アクションで設定されたファイルにリンクされた新しい活動を作成します。ドキュメントの所有者に活動を設定することを選択できます。


Documents available in the Finance workspace can be digitized. Select the document to digitize, click Create Vendor Bill, Create Customer Invoice, or Create Customer Credit Note, and then click Send for Digitization.