
The Odoo Canada localization package provides tailored features and configurations for Canadian businesses.

A series of videos on the subject of Accounting are available through Odoo's eLearning platform. These videos cover how to start from scratch, set up configurations, complete common workflows, and provide in-depth looks at some specific use cases.


Below are the available modules in Odoo for accounting use in Canada.


Install the following modules to get all the features of the Canadian localization:




Canada - Accounting


Base accounting module for Canadian localization.

Canada - Accounting Reports


Adds Canadian accounting reports.

Canadian Checks Layout


Enables the printing of payments on pre-printed check paper. Supports the three most common check formats and works natively with the linked checks from checkdepot.net.


The chart of accounts (COA) for the Canadian localization, in Odoo, has accounts grouped into seven main categories, with corresponding numeric values that prefix individual journal entries:

  • 売掛金: 商品やサービスを納品または使用したが、顧客からまだ支払われていない金銭(または債権)の残高。|AR|は :guilabel:`1`とラベルされた(または始まる)仕訳帳コードで示されます。

  • 買掛金: 事業の債権者または仕入先に対する短期債務で、まだ支払われていないもの。|AR|は :guilabel:`2`とラベルされた(または始まる)仕訳帳コードで示されます。

  • 株主資本: 会社が清算された場合に、資産を全て清算し、負債を全て返済した場合に株主に返還される金額。株主資本は 3 または 9 とラベルされた(または始まる)仕訳帳コードで示されます。

  • Assets: items listed on the balance sheet that contains economic value or have the ability to generate cash flows in the future, such as a piece of machinery, a financial security, or a patent. Assets are indicated by the journal code labeled (or beginning) with 1.

  • 負債: 事業の過程で発生する企業の財務上の債務や義務を指します。負債は :guilabel:`2`とラベルされた(または始まる)仕訳帳コードで示されます。

  • 利益*純利益*と同義で、企業が得た販売収入から関連する費用を全て支払った後の利益です。利益は 4 または 6 とラベルされた(または始まる)仕訳帳コードで示されます。

  • 経費: 企業が収益を上げるために発生する業務コスト。6 とラベルされた(または始まる)仕訳帳コードで示されます。


Predefined accounts are included in Odoo, as part of the CoA that's installed with the Canadian localization package. The accounts listed below are preconfigured to perform certain operations within Odoo. It is recommended to not delete these accounts; however, if changes are needed, rename the accounts instead.




未請求在庫 (入荷済)
未請求在庫 (配送済)






Undistributed Profits/Losses






Canadian tax rates and taxable items vary by province and territory. Default fiscal positions are automatically created when the Odoo Accounting application is installed. To manage or configure additional fiscal positions, navigate to Accounting ‣ Configuration ‣ Fiscal Positions.

The following fiscal positions are available by default:

  • Alberta (AB)

  • British Colombia (BC)

  • Manitoba (MB)

  • New Brunswick (NB)

  • Newfoundland and Labrador (NL)

  • Nova Scotia (NS)

  • Northwest Territories (NT)

  • Nunavut (NU)

  • Ontario (ON)

  • Prince Edward Islands (PE)

  • Quebec (QC)

  • Saskatchewan (SK)

  • Yukon (YT)

  • International (INTL)

The default fiscal positions for the Canada localization in Odoo Accounting.


When considering what taxes to be applied, it is the province where the delivery occurs that matters. Therefore, delivery is the responsibility of the vendor and is accounted for at the customer location.


  • A delivery is made to a customer from another province.

    Set the fiscal position on the customer's record to the province of the customer.

  • A customer from another province comes to pick up products.

    No fiscal position should be set on the customer's record.

  • An international vendor doesn't charge any tax, but taxes are charged by the customs broker.

    Set the fiscal position on the vendor's record to International.

  • An international vendor charges provincial tax.

    Set the fiscal position on the vendor's record to your position.

In Canada, tax rates and what is considered taxable vary by province and territory. Default Sales and Purchases taxes are created automatically when the Odoo Accounting application is installed. To manage existing or configure additional taxes, navigate to Accounting ‣ Configuration ‣ Taxes.


Avalara AvaTax is a cloud-based tax calculation and compliance software that integrates with Odoo for several localizations, including Canada. Integrating AvaTax with Odoo provides real-time and region-specific tax calculations when items are sold, purchased, and invoiced in the database.


AvaTax is available for integration with databases/companies that have locations in Canada and/or the United States. Reference the 会計上の国 documentation for more information.




A number of report selections are readily available for the Canadian localization, under the Accounting app ‣ Reporting drop-down menu:

  • Balance Sheet: a "snapshot" of a company's financial position at a specific point in time, which contains an overview of a company's assets, liabilities, and equity.

    Be sure to select the Balance sheet (CA) option from the Report filter.

    Balance sheet report selection for CA localization in Odoo.
  • Profit & Loss: otherwise known as a P&L statement or income statement, provides a summary of a company's revenues, expenses, and profits/losses over a given period of time.

    Be sure to select the Profit and loss (CA) option from the Report filter.

    Profit and loss report selection for CA localization in Odoo.
  • Cash Flow Statement: shows how much cash and cash equivalents a company has received and spent in a given period.

  • 事業計画概要: 収益、利益、負債など、企業の財務状況を示す主要な業績指標を網羅した概要レポート。

  • Tax Report: an official form filed for a tax authority that reports income, expenses, and other pertinent tax information. Tax reports allow taxpayers to calculate their tax liability, schedule tax payments, or request refunds for the overpayment of taxes. In Odoo, the tax report can be made monthly, every two months, quarterly, every 4 months, semi-annually, and annually.




The Canadian localization allows users to print checks for vendor payments. Be sure the Canadian Checks Layout (l10n_ca_check_printing) module for the CA localization is installed.

Odooから小切手印刷を有効にするには、 会計 ‣ 設定 ‣ 管理設定 に移動し、 仕入先支払 セクションを探します。ここから 小切手 チェックボックスにチェックを入れると、小切手設定用のフィールドが表示されます。

ドロップダウンメニューから 小切手レイアウト を選択して下さい:

  • Print Check (Top) - CA

  • Print Check (Middle) - CA

  • Print Check (Bottom) - CA

次に、 複数ページの小切手半券 チェックボックスを有効にするかどうかを選択します。

Optionally set a Check Top Margin, Check Left Margin, or Check Right Margin if required.

Tick the Print Date Label checkbox if a date label is required.



Some of the check formats may require pre-printed paper from a third party vendor. Pre-printed checks from checkdepot.net are recommended.

Receive pre-authorized debits

Pre-authorized debits are a method for receiving payments from customers, where the customer authorizes the business to withdraw funds from their bank account on a recurring basis. This functionality is commonly used for subscriptions, recurring invoices, and other regular payments.

In the Odoo Canadian localization, pre-authorized debits are facilitated through an integration with Stripe.