Source analysis reporting

Reporting is a critical tool used by recruiting departments to gain insights into the entire recruitment process.

Determining where applicants come from can provide information about which sources have the best results. This information is determined by the Source Analysis report. With this data, recruitment teams can better pivot their recruiting strategies to gain better applicants, in both quantity and quality.

Open report

To access the Source Analysis report, navigate to Recruitment app ‣ Reporting ‣ Source Analysis.

This presents the data for the Last 365 Days Applicant, in a default (Graph) view, showing the amount of applicants by Source, and further separated by stage (In Progress and Hired)

Hover the cursor over any column to view the specific numbers fort that column.

The default bar chart of the source analysis information.

To view more details, view the Source Analysis report in a pivot table. To do so, click the (Pivot) icon in the top-right corner. The data is presented in a pivot table, with rows populated by job positions, and columns populated stages.

Source effectiveness report

To identify which sources (e.g., job boards, social media, employee referrals, company website) produce the most hires, the pivot table view of the Source Analysis report can be configured to display further details.

To expand this chart to show what specific sources the applicants came from, click the Total box above the columns, to reveal a drop-down menu, and click Source.

Each column is then grouped by the source, such as: Search engine, Facebook, Newsletter, etc. Each source displays a separate count for Applicant, Hired, and Refused.

This information, as presented, makes it difficult to view the specific numbers for each source. Click the (Flip axis) icon, to swap the information. After that, the rows represent the source, and the columns represent the job positions, further divided by stage.

The axes flipped in the source analysis report, in pivot table view.

In this view, the total number of applicants, hired employees, and refused applicants, are displayed for each source, as well as for each stage by job position.


Viewing the medium for the applicants can be beneficial to see which specific medium is more successful.

Mediums are the specific methods the applicant used to discover and then apply for job positions, such as organic search, paid search, social media ad, email, etc.

To further group the results by medium, click into one of the [Source] rows. Click Medium in the resulting drop-down menu. The row presents the specific mediums, relevant to that specific source.

Once Medium is selected for one source, clicking into another row automatically reveals the specific metrics for the mediums for that source.

The sources rows, expanded to also show the medium for each source.


The only mediums that appear for a source, are mediums that have been set on an applicant’s form. If a medium has not been set for any applicants, the medium does not appear in the drop-down rows beneath the source.

For example, if no applicants applied with the medium Google Adwords, that medium does not appear beneath the Search engine source row.