Post expenses

Once an expense report is approved, the next step is to post the expense report to the proper accounting journal.


To post expense reports to an accounting journal, the user must have the following access rights:

  • Accounting: Accountant or Adviser

  • Expenses: Manager

Only expense reports with an Approved status can post the expenses to a journal. To view all expense reports, navigate to Expenses app ‣ Expense Reports. Next, to view only approved expense reports that need to be posted, adjust the filters on the left side, so only the Approved checkbox is ticked.

View reports to post by clicking on expense reports, then reports to post.


The default All Reports dashboard displays all expense reports, except reports with a status of Refused.

Expense reports can be posted to accounting journals in two ways: individually or in bulk.

Post individual reports

To post an individual report, navigate to Expenses app ‣ Expense Reports, and click on an individual report with a Status of Approved, to view the report form. In this view, several options are presented: Post Journal Entries, Report In Next Payslip, Refuse, or Reset to Draft.

Click Post Journal Entries to post the report.

The accounting journal the expenses are posted to is listed in the Journal field of the expense report.

After posting the expenses to an accounting journal, a Journal Entry smart button appears at the top of the screen. Click the Journal Entry smart button, and the details for the journal entry appear, with a status of Posted.

Post multiple reports

To post multiple expense reports at once, navigate to Expenses app ‣ Expense Reports to view a list of expense reports. Next, select the reports to approve by ticking the checkbox next to each report being approved.


Only expense reports with a status of Approved are able to post the expenses to an accounting journal. If an expense report is selected that cannot be posted, such as an unapproved report, or the report has already been posted to a journal, the Post Entries button is not visible.


To select only approved expense reports, adjust the filters on the left side, so that only the Approved checkbox is ticked. Next, tick the checkbox next to the Employee column title to select all the Approved reports in the list at once.

Next, click the Post Entries button.

Post multiple reports at a time from the Expense Reports view, with the Approved filter.