Salt Edge

Salt Edge is a third-party provider that aggregates banking information from your bank accounts. It supports ~5000 institutions in more than 50 countries.

Odoo can synchronize directly with your bank to get all bank statements imported automatically into your database.


Update your credentials

To update your Salt Edge credentials or modify the synchronization settings, activate the developer mode, go to Accounting ‣ Configuration ‣ Online Synchronization, and select the institution you want to update credentials. Click Update Credentials to start the flow and follow the steps.

Don’t forget to check the consent checkbox. Otherwise, Odoo may not be able to access your information.

Fetch new accounts

To add new online accounts to your connection, activate the developer mode, go to Accounting ‣ Configuration ‣ Online Synchronization, and select the institution to fetch the new accounts. Click Fetch Accounts to start the flow and follow the steps.


Don’t forget to check the consent checkbox. Otherwise, Odoo may not be able to access your information.


I have an error when I try to delete my synchronization within Odoo

Odoo can’t permanently delete the connection you have created with the banking institution. However, it can revoke the consent you gave so that Odoo won’t be able to access your account anymore. The error you are seeing is probably a message telling you that the consent was revoked, but the record could not be deleted as it still exists within Salt edge. If you want to remove the connection completely, please connect to your Salt Edge account and manually delete your synchronization. Once this is done, you can go back to Odoo to delete the record.

I have an error saying that I have already synchronized this account

You have probably already synchronized your bank account with Salt Edge, please check on your dashboard that you don’t already have a connection with the same credentials.

If you already have a synchronization with the same credentials present on your Salt Edge dashboard and this synchronization has not been created with Odoo, delete it and create it from your Odoo database.

If you already have a connection with the same credentials present on your Salt Edge dashboard and this synchronization was created with Odoo, activate the developer mode, go to Accounting ‣ Configuration ‣ Online Synchronization, and click Update Credentials to reactivate the connection.