Closest location removal

For the Closest Location removal strategy, products are picked based on the alphanumeric order of storage location titles.

The goal of this strategy is to save the warehouse worker from taking a long journey to a farther shelf when the product is also available at a closer location.

To understand location sequence in the closest removal strategy, consider the following example:


A product is stored in the following locations: Shelf A/Pallet, Shelf A/Rack 1, and Shelf A/Rack 2.

Show a mockup of real storage location in a warehouse.

The sublocation, Pallet, is on the ground level. Products stored here are easier to retrieve, compared to requiring a forklift to reach Rack 1 and Rack 2. The storage locations were strategically named in alphabetic order, based on ease of access.


To use this removal strategy, the Storage Locations and Multi-Step Routes settings must be enabled in Inventory app ‣ Configuration ‣ Settings.

Location names

要配置位置名称,首先导航至 库存应用程序 ‣ 配置 ‣ 位置。然后,选择一个现有位置,或点击 新建 创建一个新位置,然后在 位置名称 字段中输入所需名称。

根据位置与输出或打包位置的距离,按字母顺序命名位置后,在 母位置 上设置移除策略。

要执行此操作,请在 位置 列表中,选择按字母顺序命名的存储位置的母位置。

这样做会打开母位置的表单。在 移除策略 字段中,选择 最近位置


在仓库中,存储位置 WH/Stock/Shelf 1 离包装区最近,从货架上取下的产品在这里进行包装以便装运。流行产品 iPhone 充电器 存放在三个位置:WH/Stock/Shelf 1WH/Stock/Shelf 2WH/Stock/Shelf 3

要使用最近的位置,请在母位置 “WH/Stock” 上设置移除策略。


要了解最近位置移除策略的工作原理,请看下面的示例,该示例中的热门产品 “iPhone 充电器” 分别存储在 “WH/Stock/Shelf 1”、“WH/Stock/Shelf 2” 和 “WH/Stock/Shelf 3” 中。

Fifteen, five, and thirty units are in stock at each respective location.


To check the on-hand stock at each storage location, navigate to the product form, and click the On Hand smart button.

Show on-hand stock at all locations.

Create a delivery order for eighteen units of the iPhone charger by navigating to the Sales app and creating a new quotation.

添加产品后,点击 确认,创建一个交付订单,使用移除策略将产品保存在最近的位置。

要了解*在哪里*拣选单位的更多详细信息,请选择位于最右侧的 :guilabel:`⦙≣(项目符号列表)`图标。这样做会启动 :guilabel:`打开:库存移动`弹窗,根据移除策略显示预留物品的拣选方式。

In the Open: Stock move pop-up window, the Pick from field displays where the quantities to fulfill the Demand are picked. All fifteen of the units stored at the closest location, WH/Stock/Shelf 1, are picked first. The remaining three units are then selected from the second closest location, WH/Stock/Shelf 2.

Display *Pick From* quantities for the order for iPhone chargers.