
Odoo Live Chat includes several reports that allow for the monitoring of operator performance and the identification of trends in customer conversations.


The following reports are included in the Live Chat app:


The Live Chat Ratings Report can also be accessed through the Report menu. For more information on this report, and on the Live Chat rating process, see Live Chat Ratings.

To access a drop-down menu of all the available reports, navigate to Live Chat app ‣ Report.


The Sessions History report displays an overview of live chat sessions, including session dates, participant name and country, session duration, the number of messages, and the rating. It also provides access to the complete transcripts of live chat sessions.

To access this report, navigate to Live Chat app ‣ Report ‣ Sessions History.

Example of the Sessions History report from the Live Chat application.

The information in this report can be exported, or inserted into a spreadsheet.

点击左上角 ⚙️(齿轮)`页面标题右侧的 :guilabel:`历史 图标。这样就会显示一个下拉菜单。

从下拉菜单中单击 全部导出 将所有会话导出到电子表格,或点击 在电子表格中插入列表 将信息插入新的或现有的电子表格。

要只导出选定的会话,请首先点击每个会话左侧的复选框,从列表中选择要导出的会话。选定会话后,单击页面顶部中央的 ⚙️(齿轮)操作 图标,然后单击 导出在电子表格中插入列表

要查看单个对话的记录,请点击条目行上的任意位置。这将打开该对话的 讨论 主题。

讨论 线程中,对话视图会显示整个对话的副本。在对话顶部,会列出游客在开始聊天会话前浏览过的网页以及相应的时间戳。如果游客留下了评价,则会包含在副本的末尾。



会话统计 报告提供实时聊天会话的统计概览。该报告的默认视图显示按创建日期分组的会话。

要访问此报告,请导航至 实时聊天应用程序 ‣ 报告 ‣ 会话统计


会话统计 报告的堆叠条形图视图,结果按创建日期(小时)分组,然后按评级分组。

要查看不同的衡量标准,请点击报告左上角的 衡量标准 下拉菜单。本报告可用的衡量标准包括:

  • # of speakers: number of participants in the conversation.

  • Days of activity: number of days since the operator’s first session.

  • Duration of Session (min): the duration of a conversation, in minutes.

  • Is visitor anonymous: denotes whether the conversation participant is anonymous.

  • Messages per session: the total number of messages sent in a conversation. This measure is included in the default view.

  • Rating: the rating received by an operator at the end of a session, if one was provided.

  • Session not rated: denotes if a session did not receive a rating at the end of the conversation.

  • Time to answer (sec): the average time, in seconds, before an operator responds to a chat request.

  • Visitor is Happy: denotes whether a positive rating was provided. If the visitor gave either a negative or neutral rating, they are considered unhappy.

  • Count: the total number of sessions.


The Operator Analysis report is used to monitor the performance of individual live chat operators.

To access the report, navigate to Live Chat app ‣ Reports ‣ Operator Analysis.

The default view for this report is a bar chart, which only displays conversations from the current month, as indicated by the This Month default search filter. Conversations are grouped by operator.

要查看不同的衡量标准,请点击报告左上角的 衡量标准 下拉菜单。本报告可用的衡量标准包括:

  • # of Sessions: the number of sessions an operator participated in. This measure is included by default.

  • Average duration: the average duration of a conversation, in seconds.

  • Average rating: the average rating received by the operator.

  • Time to answer: the average amount of time before the operator responds to a chat request, in seconds.

  • Count: the total number of sessions.

Example of the Operator Analysis report from the Live Chat application.


On any Odoo report, the view and filter options vary, depending on what data is being analyzed, measured, and grouped. See below for additional information on the available views for the Live Chat reports.


The Sessions History report is only available in list view.


The pivot view presents data in an interactive manner. The Session Statistics and Operator Analysis reports are available in pivot view.

The pivot view can be accessed on a report by selecting the grid icon at the top-right of the screen.

要在行或列中添加组,请点击 ➖(加号) 旁边的 总计 图标,然后从出现的下拉菜单中选择一个组。要删除一个组,请点击:guilabel:➖(减号) 图标,然后取消选择相应的选项。


图表 视图以 条形图线形图饼状图 显示数据。图形视图中提供 会话统计操作员分析 报告。

选择屏幕右上方的 折线图 图标,切换到图表视图。要在不同图表之间切换,请在图形视图中选择图表左上方所需的视图对应图标。


条形图和折线图都可以使用 堆叠 视图选项。这样可以将两组(或多组)数据叠加显示,而不是并排显示,从而更容易比较数据。