
In Odoo Surveys, crafting and tailoring survey questions is crucial for creating and customizing surveys.

Fortunately, Odoo provides numerous ways to configure tailored questions for any kind of survey.

To access a list of all the questions that have been created in the database, navigate to Surveys app ‣ Questions & Answers ‣ Questions. There, users can view and modify any question from any survey.

但是,在 Odoo 调查 应用程序中只有一个地方可以创建调查问题。要执行此操作,请通过 调查应用程序 ‣ 新建,或从 调查 页面(调查应用程序 ‣ 调查)选择任何已存在的调查表,导航至 调查表。


在调查表中,用户可在 问题 选项卡中查看、访问、添加和/或删除问题(和章节)。

By default, two columns are present in the Questions tab: Title (i.e. the question) and Question Type.

If the Randomized per Section option is enabled in the Options tab of the survey form, a column titled, # Questions Randomly Picked appears in the Questions tab.

要显示 问题 选项卡上的 必答题 列(该列显示问题是否需要必答题),请点击列标题最右侧的 (可选列) 图标。

滑块下拉菜单显示 Odoo 调查中的强制回答选项。


A section divides the survey into organized parts, in order to visually group similar questions together. To make a section, click Add a section at the bottom of the Questions tab, proceed to type in a desired name for the section, then either press Enter or click away.

The section line appears in dark gray in the Questions tab.

然后,将所需的问题拖放至章节下方,或将章节标题拖放至调查问卷中所需问题的上方(即 之前),以便在章节中填充符合章节主题的特定问题。

If the Randomized per Section option is enabled in the Options tab of the survey form, the number 1 appears, by default, on the section line, beneath the # Questions Randomly Picked column.

This indicates that 1 question from that section will be picked at random for each participant taking the survey, bypassing every other, non-chosen question from that section. To change that number, select that figure, and type in the desired number in its place. Then, either press Enter, or click away.


要为调查问卷创建问题,请点击 问题 选项卡中的 添加问题

点击 添加问题 可打开 :guilabel:`创建部分和问题`弹出窗口,在该窗口中可创建调查问题。


There must be a survey title entered in order for the Create Sections and Questions pop-up window to appear. If no title is entered for the survey, an error pop-up message appears in the upper-right corner, instructing the user to enter a survey title.

完成所有所需配置后,点击 保存并关闭 保存问题并返回调查表,或点击 保存并新建 保存问题并立即在新的 创建章节和问题 弹出窗口中创建新问题。

点击 丢弃 可完全丢弃问题。


Odoo 调查中的 “创建版块和问题” 弹出式表单。

在弹出的 创建章节和问题 窗口中,首先在弹出窗口顶部的 问题 字段中输入问题。

然后,选择所需的 问题类型。选择 问题类型 时,每个 问题类型 字段的右侧都有预览。

从以下 问题类型 中选择:

  • Multiple choice: only one answer: a multiple choice question, where only one answer is permitted.

  • Multiple choice: multiple answers allowed: a multiple choice question, where more than answer is permitted.

  • Multiple Lines Text Box: an open-ended question, where participants can type in a multiple line response.

  • Single Line Text Box: an open-ended question, where participants can type in a single line response.

  • Numerical Value: a number-based question, where participants must enter a number as a response.

  • Date: a date-based question, where participants must enter a date (year-month-day) as a response.

  • Datetime: a date-based question, where participants must enter a date and time (year-month-day, hour-minute-second) as a response.

  • Matrix: a multiple-choice, multiple question, in a table/chart layout, where participants are presented with different questions on each row, and different answer options on each column.


Different features appear in the Answers and Options tabs, depending on the chosen Question Type.

However, the Description tab always remains the same, regardless of the question type chosen.

Once a Question Type has been selected, there are three possible tabs where information can be customized for the question. These include the Answers tab (if applicable for the chosen Question Type), the Description tab, and the Options tab.

Each tab offers a variety of different features, depending on what Question Type was chosen.

Answers tab

The Answers tab only appears if the selected Question Type provides answer options to the participant.

但是,如果回答所选 问题类型 时需要自定义答案,例如 多行文本框。或者,如果 问题类型 的答案是数字、日期或日期时间,则 答案 选项卡会完全消失。

如果:guilabel:单行文本框 被选为:guilabel:问题类型答案 选项卡将保留,但只提供两个复选框选项:输入必须是电子邮件保存为用户昵称

Odoo 调查中的单行文本框问题类型答案选项卡。

如果启用了 输入必须是电子邮件 选项,则会出现一个新字段 保存为用户电子邮件。如果勾选该复选框,Odoo 就会将参与者对该特定问题的回答保存为其电子邮件地址。

如果启用 保存为用户昵称 选项,Odoo 会将参与者的答案保存为其昵称。

对于向参与者提供答案选项的所有其他适用 问题类型 选项,答案 选项卡的显示方式相同。

在 Odoo 调查中选择了多选答案选项的答案选项卡。

在这里,用户可以通过点击 添加一行 添加答案选项,并输入该问题的各种答案选项。然后,按 输入 键锁定该答案选项,并立即添加另一个答案选项。或者,点击 “取消” 来锁定该答案选项。

输入的答案选项会显示在 答案 选项卡的 选择 栏中。

If any Scoring option is enabled in the Options tab of the survey form, the Correct and Score columns appear to the right of the Choices column.

To mark an answer option as correct, tick the box beneath the Correct column for the respective question. If Multiple choice: multiple answers allowed is set as the Question Type, multiple answers in the Choices column can be marked as Correct.

In the Score column, designate how many points (if any) should be rewarded to the participant for entering that specific answer. It is possible to enter a negative amount as the Score to take points away for an incorrect response.

The option to upload a corresponding image to accompany the answer options is available on the question line, beneath the Image column, by clicking Upload your file, and uploading the desired image.

To delete any answer option, click the 🗑️ (trash can) icon to the far-right of the question line.

An exception to that is if the Matrix option is selected as the Question Type. If that’s chosen, the Answers tab remains, but below the typical Choices section, there is a Rows section. That’s because the Matrix option provides an answer table for participants to fill out.

The answer tab with a matrix question type selected in Odoo Surveys.


In the Description tab of the Create Sections and Questions pop-up window is used to provide any kind of guidelines, instructions, or any other type of supplemental material deemed necessary to help participants answer/understand the question.

Entering a description is not required.


In the Options tab of the Create Sections and Questions pop-up window, there are four available sections: Answers, Constraints, Conditional Display, and Live Sessions.

Answers section


Fields in the Answers section in the Options tab of the Create Sections and Questions pop-up window vary, depending on the selected Question Type and overall Options configured on the survey form.

Multiple Choice question types

If the selected Question Type is either Multiple choice: only one answer or Multiple choice: multiple answers allowed, there is a Show Comments Field present in the Answers section.

When enabled, two additional fields appear: Comment Message and Comment is an answer.

The answers section of the options tab when a multiple choice question type is selected.

In the Comment Message field, type in a guiding message to help participants know what is expected of them (e.g. If other, please specify).

If the Comment is an answer option is enabled, Odoo takes the participant’s commented response as an answer, and not just commentary on the question. This is best utilized in surveys where there is no scoring option enabled.

Multiple Lines Text Box question type

If the selected Question Type is Multiple Lines Text Box, a Placeholder field appears in the Answers section of the Options tab.

The placeholder field when a multiple lines text box option is chosen in Odoo Surveys.

In the Placeholder field, enter a guiding direction to help participants know what they should write in the Multiple Lines Text Box presented to them.

Single Line Text Box, Numerical Value, Date, Datetime question types

If the selected Question Type is Single Line Text Box, Numerical Value, Date, or Datetime, two options appear in the Answers section of the Options tab: Validate Entry and Placeholder.

If the Validate Entry option is enabled, two additional fields appear beneath: Min/Max Limits and Validation Error.

The answers section of the option tab when a single line text box question type is chosen.

In the Min/Max Limits field, designate the minimum and maximum allowed quantities for that specific question.

In the Validation Error field, enter a custom message that Odoo displays when an answer is not valid.

In the Placeholder field, enter a guiding direction to help participants know what they should write in the Multiple Lines Text Box presented to them.

Constraints section

The Constraints section in the Options tab is the same, regardless of the selected Question Type.

The Constraints section in the options tab in Odoo Surveys.

In the Constraints section, there is one option available: Mandatory Answer.

When Mandatory Answer is enabled, that means that specific question requires an answer from the participant before they can move on. Also, when Mandatory Answer is enabled, that reveals an additional field: Error Message.

In the Error Message field, enter a custom error message prompting the participant to provide an answer for this question.

Conditional Display section

Conditional Display means the question is only displayed if a specified conditional answer(s) (i.e. Triggering Answers) has been selected in a previous question(s).


The Conditional Display section of the Options tab is not available when questions are randomly picked.

There is only one field in the Conditional Display section: Triggering Answers.

The Conditional Display section of the options tab in the Odoo Surveys application.

In the Triggering Answers field, select specific responses from previous questions that would trigger this question. More than one answer can be selected. Leave the field empty if the question should always be displayed.

Live Sessions section

The option in the Live Sessions section of the Options tab are only supported by Live Session surveys.

There is only one option available in the Live Sessions section: Question Time Limit.

The Live Sessions section of the Option tab in the Odoo Surveys application.

When the Question Time Limit option is enabled, designate how much time (in seconds) participants have to answer the question during a Live Session survey.


Survey text colors are directly linked to the colors used for the website theme.