
The Lunch application in Odoo allows users a convenient way to order food and pay for their meal directly from the database.

Before employees can use the Lunch application, there are a number of configurations to consider: settings, vendors, locations, products, product categories, and alerts. Once these are created, employees can view offerings and order food.


Only two settings are needed to configure in the Lunch app: overdraft settings and notifications. To access the settings, navigate to Lunch app ‣ Configuration: Settings.

Configure the following:

  • Lunch Overdraft: enter the maximum overdraft amount for employees. The currency format is determined by the localization setting of the company.

  • Reception notification: set the message users receive via the Discuss app when their food has been delivered. The default message Your lunch has been delivered. Enjoy your meal! populates this field, but can be modified, if desired.


If in a database with multiple languages installed, many forms in the Lunch application have the option of entering translations for various fields.

If translations are available to be configured, a language code appears next to a translatable field on a form. To add translations for that field, click the two letter language code (for example, EN for English) and a translation pop-up window appears.

The following is an example for the Reception notification field in the settings menu:

Navigate to Lunch app ‣ Configuration: Settings. Click the EN In the top-right of the text box beneath the Reception notification section. A Translate: company_lunch_notify_message pop-up window loads with the option to enter a translation for the other languages used by the database.

The first column lists the different languages in alphabetical order, with the currently selected language in bold. The second column has the currently configured message in each column. The last column in the far-right provides a text box to type in a translation for each language.

Enter the text that should appear for each language, then click Save.

The translation text box, with the current language highlighted, and the Arabic translation field highlighted.


默认情况下,Odoo 会在安装 午餐管理 应用程序时创建一个 总部办公室 位置。如果公司有多个地点,则必须对它们进行配置。

要添加位置,请导航至 午餐管理应用程序 ‣ 配置:位置。当前配置的地点会显示在列表视图中。点击左上角的 新建 按钮,列表中最后一个地点下方会出现一行空白。

在该字段中输入位置名称。然后,点击名称右侧的 地址 字段,输入地点的地址。可以在地址栏中输入多行。





默认情况下没有预设警报。要设置警报,请导航至 午餐管理应用程序 ‣ 配置:警报。点击左上角的 新建 按钮,一个空白的午餐警报表单就会载入。在表单中输入以下信息:

  • 警报名称:输入警报名称。名称应简短且具有描述性,如 新午餐供应商 11 点订购。此字段为**必填**。

  • 显示:选择警报是在*午餐管理*应用程序中可见(应用程序中的警报),还是通过*讨论*应用程序的聊天窗口发送给员工(聊天通知)。

    • 收件人:此字段仅在 聊天通知 被选中为 显示 选项时才会出现。选择接收聊天提示的对象。选项包括:所有人上周订购的员工上月订购的员工`或 :guilabel:`去年订购的员工

  • 位置:从下拉菜单中选择警报应出现的位置。可选择多个地点。此字段为**必填**,因此,如果警报适用于所有地点,请从下拉菜单中选择所有地点。

  • Show Until: if the alert should expire on a specific date, select the date from the calendar picker.

  • Active: this option is on (appears green) by default. To turn off the alert, click the toggle so that it no longer appears green.

  • Message: Enter the alert message in this field. This field is required.

  • Notification Time: select the days of the week the alert should be sent. By default, all seven days are active. Click on a checkbox to change the setting from active to inactive.

    如果:guilabel:显示 选项中选择了:guilabel:聊天通知 ,则还会出现:guilabel:时间 字段。输入发送聊天信息的时间。然后,使用 时间 字段右侧的下拉菜单选择时间是 上午 还是 下午

填写了所有信息的警报表,用于在上午 10:30 发送聊天警报, 要求员工在上午 11:30 之前提交订单。