
Invoicing based on project milestones can be used for expensive or large-scale projects. The series of milestones in a project represent a clear sequence of work that will inevitably result in the completion of a project and/or contract.

This method of invoicing ensures the company gets a consistent flow of money throughout the lifetime of the project. Customers can closely monitor every phase of the project’s development as it happens, in addition to paying a large bill in several installments, instead of all at once.


In Odoo, each milestone of a project is considered as an individual product.

To create and/or configure products to work like this, first navigate to Sales app ‣ Products ‣ Products. Then, click on a product, or create a new one by clicking New.

The option to invoice based on milestones is only available for certain product types.

On the product form, under the General Information tab, the Product Type field must be set on any of the following options: Service, Event Ticket, Event Booth, or Course.

The invoicing policy field drop-down menu with options on product form.

With any of those Product Type options selected, choose Based on Milestones from the Invoicing Policy drop-down menu.

The invoicing policy field drop-down menu with options on product form.

Beneath that is the Create on Order field.

To ensure workflows are as seamless as possible, it is recommended that an option in the Create on Order field is selected.


Leaving it on the default Nothing option won’t negatively affect the desired workflow. However, a project must then be created directly from a sales order form with that specific product. Once a project is created then milestones and tasks can be created and configured.

When the Create on Order default option of Nothing is clicked, a drop-down menu is revealed with the following options:

  • Task: Odoo creates a task related to this milestone product in the Projects app when this specific product is ordered.

  • Project & Task: Odoo creates a project and task related to this milestone product in the Projects app when this specific product is ordered.

  • Project: Odoo creates a project related to this milestone product in the Projects app when this specific product is ordered.

When Task is selected, a Project field appears. In this field, select to which existing project in the Projects app this created task should be connected.

The Project field appears when the Task option is selected in Create on Order field.

When Project & Task or Project is selected, two new fields appear: Project Template and Workspace Template.

The Project template and workspace template fields that appear on milestone product.


:guilabel:`工作区模板`字段提供了用于工作区(文档 应用程序,而非*项目*应用程序)的模板选项,该工作区将在订购此特定产品时为项目自动生成。


为便于组织,请点击产品表单上的 销售 选项卡,并在 销售说明 字段中输入自定义的 ‘里程碑` 相关描述。此信息将显示在销售订单的 订单行`选项卡上的 :guilabel:`描述 列中。

或直接编辑/修改销售订单的 订单行 选项卡上的 描述 字段。




以下流程包含三个里程碑产品,其 服务 设置为 产品类型任务 设置为 根据订单创建 字段。


然后,这些任务会被附加到预先存在的 项目 中,在本例中,标题为 Rebranding Projects

To invoice milestones, create a sales order with the milestone product(s). To do that, go to Sales app ‣ New. Doing so reveals a blank quotation form.

From this quotation form, add a Customer. Then, click Add a product in the Order Lines tab. Next, add the milestone product(s) to the Order Lines tab.

Once the corresponding milestone product(s) have been added, click Confirm to confirm the order, which turns the quotation into a sales order.

When the order is confirmed, new smart buttons appear at the top of the sales order based on what was selected in the Create on Order field on the product form.

From the sales order, click the Milestones smart button. Doing so reveals a blank Milestones page. Click New to add milestones.

Adding milestones to a sales order with milestone products.

Enter a Name for the milestone. Next, apply it to the corresponding Sales Order Item. Lastly, assign a Deadline to the milestone, if desired.

Repeat that process for all milestone sales order items.

然后,通过面包屑导航返回销售订单。从销售订单点击 任务 智能按钮。这样就会显示一个 任务 页面,其中每个销售订单项目都有一个任务,在 根据订单创建 字段中指定了该选项。


要手动为任务分配已配置的里程碑,请点击所需的任务,显示任务表单。在任务表单中,在 里程碑 字段中选择该任务应连接的相应里程碑。

在 Odoo 销售系统中处理里程碑产品时,任务表单上的里程碑字段。




要给里程碑开具发票,首先返回销售订单 — 通过面包屑链接,或导航至 销售应用程序 ‣ 订单 ‣ 订单 并选择相应的销售订单。

返回销售订单表单,点击 里程碑 智能按钮,然后选中特定任务的 已达到 栏中的复选框。

通过里程碑智能按钮将里程碑标记为 “已达到”。

然后,返回销售订单 — 可点击 里程碑 页面上的 查看销售订单 或通过面包屑链接。

回到销售订单,已达到里程碑的行项目的 已交货 列已填满。这是因为里程碑已经达到,因此已经交付。

在 Odoo 的销售订单上标记为已交付的里程碑产品。

点击左上角的 创建发票。这样会弹出一个 创建发票 窗口。


在弹出的 创建发票 窗口中,将 创建发票 选项保留在默认的 普通发票 选项上,然后点击 创建发票草稿 按钮。

点击 创建发票草稿 时,Odoo 会显示 客户发票草稿*只*在 发票行 选项卡中显示已达到的里程碑。


在发票页面,点击 确认 按钮确认发票。然后,当客户支付了里程碑费用后,点击 登记付款 按钮。

点击 登记付款 时,弹出 登记付款 窗口。


在弹出的窗口中,确认自动填充字段的准确性,然后点击 创建付款

点击后,弹出窗口消失,Odoo 返回该里程碑的发票,此时右上角有一个绿色的 付款中 横幅。该横幅表示发票已支付。

An invoice with a milestone product that has been paid with an In Payment banner.

Then, return to the sales order, via the breadcrumb links. Back on the sales order, in the Order Lines tab, the reached milestone that’s been invoiced and paid for, now has its Invoiced column filled.

The Invoiced column of a milestone product that's been paid for is filled.

There is also a new Invoices smart button at the top of the sales order. Clicking that reveals all the invoices that are connected to this sales order.

The invoices smart button that appears at the top of a sales order with milestones.

Simply repeat the above process for each milestone as it is worked on, and subsequently, completed.

Continue that process until the entire project has been completed, each milestone has been invoiced, and the entire order has been paid for in full.