

在 Odoo 中,可以使用*虚拟位置*从多个仓库提取产品,以满足销售需求。



  1. 当在销售订单上将 仓库 字段设置为虚拟仓库时,虚拟仓库的地址会在拣货、包装和发货单上显示,而**不是**实际仓库的地址。

  2. 每个位置都有一个 warehouse_id (隐藏字段)。这意味着虚拟仓库的存货**不是**真实仓库的存货总和,而是仓库 ID 为虚拟仓库的位置库存的总和。


Potential limitation for those using two or three-step delivery:

  1. The output or packing zone on the various forms is incorrectly listed as the virtual warehouse’s address.

  2. There is no workaround for two or three-step deliveries.

  3. Proceed only if setting a virtual warehouse’s address as the output or packing zone makes sense for the company’s workflow.


In order to create virtual locations in warehouses, and proceed to the following steps, the Storage Locations and Multi-Step Routes features must be enabled.

To do so, go to Inventory app ‣ Configuration ‣ Settings, scroll down to the Warehouse section, and enable the Storage Locations and Multi-Step Routes options. Then, Save the changes to finish.

Create virtual parent location

Before creating any virtual stock locations, create a new warehouse that acts as a virtual warehouse — the parent location of other physical warehouses.

Virtual warehouses are great for companies with multiple physical warehouses. This is because a situation might arise when one warehouse runs out of stock of a particular product, but another warehouse still has stock on-hand. In this case, stock from these two (or more) warehouses could be used to fulfill a single sales order.

The “virtual” warehouse acts as a single aggregator of all the inventory stored in a company’s physical warehouses, and is used (for traceability purposes) to create a hierarchy of locations in Odoo.

To create a new warehouse, go to Inventory app ‣ Configuration ‣ Warehouses, and click Create. From here, the warehouse Name and Short Name can be changed, and other warehouse details can be changed under the Warehouse Configuration tab.

Lastly, click Save to finish creating a regular warehouse. Continue following the steps below to finish configuring the virtual parent warehouse.

New warehouse form.

Create child warehouses

Create at least two child warehouses to link to the virtual warehouse.


In order to take stock from multiple warehouses to fulfill a sales order, there needs to be at least two warehouses acting as child locations of the virtual parent location warehouse.

To do that, navigate to Inventory app ‣ Configuration ‣ Warehouses, click Create, and follow the preceding instructions to configure the physical stock locations.


Parent Warehouse
Warehouse: Virtual Warehouse
Location: VWH/Stock
Child Warehouses
Warehouses: Warehouse A and Warehouse B
Locations: WHA and WHB
Graphic of child locations 'WHA' and 'WHB' tied to the parent location.


While the virtual stock location will be changed to ‘View’ later, the Location Type must be Internal Location at this point to link the child warehouses in the next section.

将虚拟库存位置设置为 “视图”

将虚拟库存位置的 位置类型 设置为 视图,因为它是一个不存在的位置,用于将各种物理仓库组合在一起。

要执行此操作,请导航至 库存应用程序 ‣ 配置 ‣ 位置

位置 列表中点击 之前创建 的虚拟仓库库存位置(例如 VWH/Stock)。

在位置表单的 其他信息 标题下,将 位置类型 设为 视图保存 更改。



要查看**所有**链接子仓库的总数量,请转到产品表单并点击 现有 智能按钮。





以下产品 玩具士兵 在每个地点都有供应,数量如下:

  • WHA/Stock : 1

  • WHB/Stock : 2

  • 仓库 WHAWHB 是虚拟仓库 VWH 的子仓库。

通过导航至 销售 应用程序并点击 创建 来创建产品报价。在报价单上添加 客户 并点击 添加产品 添加存储在两个仓库中的两种产品。

然后,点击销售订单表单上的 其他信息 选项卡。在 送货 部分,将 仓库 字段值更改为 之前创建 的虚拟仓库。接下来,确认 销售订单。

将虚拟仓库设置为销售订单 *其他信息* 选项卡中的 *仓库* 字段。

然后,点击 送货 智能按钮。在仓库交货表单中,确认 源位置 值与销售订单中的 仓库 字段值相匹配。两者都应列出虚拟仓库位置。

最后,在仓库交付表单的 详细操作 选项卡下,确认每个产品的 来自 列中的 位置 与绑定到虚拟母位置的子位置相匹配。



仓库交货单上的 来源位置 和销售订单上 其他信息 标签下的 仓库 **必须**匹配,才能从不同仓库提取销售订单中的产品。

  • 如果虚拟仓库不在仓库交货表的 来源位置 字段中,请重新尝试产品预订:

    • 运行调度程序:打开 开发者模式,然后转到 库存应用程序 ‣ 操作 ‣ 运行调度程序

    • 点击送货单上的 检查可用性

  • 如果虚拟仓库**未**分配给销售订单上的 仓库 字段,则取消该订单,并在 仓库 字段中设置虚拟仓库,创建新的销售订单。

  • 如果销售订单表中缺少 仓库 字段,则可能未正确设置多个子仓库。查看 前部分 以确保设置正确。


要使用虚拟*母*仓库作为销售订单的默认仓库,每个销售人员都应从其员工表单上 默认仓库 旁边的下拉菜单中指定虚拟仓库。
