Post expenses

Once an expense report is approved, the next step is to post the expense report to the proper accounting journal.


To post expense reports to an accounting journal, the user must have the following access rights:

  • 会计:会计师顾问

  • 费用:经理

只有状态为 已批准 的费用报告才能将费用记入日记账。要查看所有费用报告,请导航至 费用应用程序 ‣ 费用报告。然后,若要 只查看 已批准的需要过账的费用报告,请调整左侧的筛选器,只勾选 :guilabel:`已批准`复选框。



默认 所有报告 仪表板显示所有费用报告,状态为 已拒绝 的报告除外。

费用报告可以两种方式记入会计日记账:单个 或 :ref:` 批量 <expenses/multiple-reports>` 。


要发布单个报告,请导航到 费用应用程序 ‣ 费用报告,然后点击 状态 为:guilabel:已批准`的单个报告,以查看报告表单。在此视图中,有几个选项::guilabel:`发布日记账条目在下一张工资单中报告拒绝 或:guilabel:重置为草稿

点击 发布日志条目 发布报告。

The accounting journal the expenses are posted to is listed in the Journal field of the expense report.

After posting the expenses to an accounting journal, a Journal Entry smart button appears at the top of the screen. Click the Journal Entry smart button, and the details for the journal entry appear, with a status of Posted.

Post multiple reports

To post multiple expense reports at once, navigate to Expenses app ‣ Expense Reports to view a list of expense reports. Next, select the reports to approve by ticking the checkbox next to each report being approved.


Only expense reports with a status of Approved are able to post the expenses to an accounting journal. If an expense report is selected that cannot be posted, such as an unapproved report, or the report has already been posted to a journal, the Post Entries button is not visible.


To select only approved expense reports, adjust the filters on the left side, so that only the Approved checkbox is ticked. Next, tick the checkbox next to the Employee column title to select all the Approved reports in the list at once.

Next, click the Post Entries button.

Post multiple reports at a time from the Expense Reports view, with the Approved filter.