Temporary reordering rules

Some businesses require certain products to always have a minimum quantity of stock on-hand at any given time. To avoid stock falling below a certain threshold, companies can create reordering rules in Odoo to automate purchase orders for specific products.

Reordering rules keep the forecasted stock levels above a certain threshold, without exceeding a specified upper limit, or maximum amount. When a product with a reordering rule falls below a specified quantity, Odoo generates an order using the specified route (e.g. Buy or Manufacture) to replenish the stock.

In certain cases, businesses might opt for temporary reordering rules when they do not want specific products to be replenished automatically.

In Odoo, a “temporary” reordering rule is created in the replenishment dashboard when a product:

  1. is configured with a Buy route

  2. has no reordering rule configured

  3. has 0 quantity in stock

  4. is included in a sales order (SO).

This rule is deleted upon confirmation of the purchase order (PO) generated for the product.


要配置产品,使其在库存为`0`时触发临时重新订购规则,首先进入 库存应用程序 ‣ 产品 ‣ 产品,然后点击 新建


同样的配置也可以在现有产品上进行,方法是进入 库存应用程序 ‣ 产品 ‣ 产品 并选择一个现有产品。

在产品表单中输入产品名称,并确保位于 产品名称 字段下方的 可出售可购买 选项已启用。

然后,在 常规信息 选项卡下,将 产品类型 设为 可储存产品

然后,单击 采购 选项卡,在 供应商 下点击:guilabel:添加行 从下拉菜单中选择一个供应商。然后,在 价格 下设置购买价格。


必须设置供应商,临时重新订购规则才能生效。虽然仍可自动创建 PO(采购订单),但尝试从 库存 应用程序中的 补货 仪表板补充产品时,会触发在产品表单上添加供应商的警告。

Warning pop-up upon clicking to replenish product with no set vendor.

Before creating a SO for the product, ensure the On Hand smart button on the product form reads 0.00 Units. Then, ensure that the Reordering Rules smart button reads 0, indicating there are no rules applied to this product.

Product form smart button row displaying reordering rules and on hand buttons.

Trigger temporary reordering rule

要触发临时重新排序规则,请导航至 销售应用程序 ‣ 新建,为产品创建新的销售订单。

然后,在 客户 字段中添加客户,并点击 订单行`选项卡中 :guilabel:`产品 列下的 添加产品。然后,从下拉菜单中选择所需的产品。最后,确认 SO(销售订单)



要查看为销售订单中的缺货产品创建的临时重新订购规则,请导航至 库存应用程序 ‣ 操作 ‣ 补货。打开 补货 仪表板。

On this dashboard, locate the product for which the temporary reordering rule was created. On its product line, its On Hand quantity, negative Forecast quantity, Buy Route, and To Order quantity to replenish can be seen.

Additionally, two replenishment options are located to the far-right of the row: Order Once and Automate.

Replenishment report displaying temporary reordering rule and options.

要使用一次性临时重新订购规则,请点击 一次订购。此操作会触发右上角的确认弹出窗口,内容为 已生成以下补货订单,并附有新的采购订单号。


点击 订购一次 生成订购单后,刷新页面。产品的临时重新订购规则不再出现在 补货 仪表板中。


要查看从 补货 面板创建的采购订单,请导航至 采购应用程序,并从 报价请求 概述中选择生成的:abbr:PO(采购订单)

在此单击 确认订单,然后点击 接收产品。最后,点击 验证 完成采购订单。




一旦 :abbr:`SO(销售订单)`交付并开具发票,请确保产品表单上没有重新订购规则。

进入 库存应用程序 ‣ 产品 ‣ 产品,选择产品,并确认 重新排序规则 智能按钮显示为`0`。