Lead times

准确预测交货日期对于满足客户期望至关重要。在 Odoo 中,库存 应用程序可进行全面的交货时间配置,从而协调和规划生产订单、交货和接收。


不同业务的不同交付周期会影响订单履行流程的各个阶段。以下是 Odoo 中交货时间类型的摘要:

  • 客户前置时间:完成客户订单的默认时限。客户前置时间是指从确认销售订单(SO)到产品从仓库发货的天数。这也被称为*交货前置时间*。

  • 销售安全前置时间: 将*计划交货日期*提前指定天数。考虑到准备过程中可能出现的延误,该天数可作为一个缓冲,以便有充足的时间提前准备出货。

  • 采购前置时间:从确认采购订单(PO)到收到产品的天数。它提供了产品到达仓库所需的时间,便于有效安排和规划供应商交货。

  • 采购安全前置时间:将 PO(采购订单) 的订单截止日期提前指定天数。这种提前下订单的主动方法,可以降低供应商或发货延迟的风险。因此,对于设置为按订单补货的产品,需求会根据指定的天数提前出现在*补货报告*中。

  • 采购前天数:供应商收到询价(RFQ)并确认所需的天数。它将提前指定天数,安排 RFQ 的截止日期。

  • 制造前置时间:从确认之日起完成制造订单(MO)所需的天数。该准备时间包括周末(Odoo 中为非工作时间),用于预测成品的大致生产日期。

  • 准备制造订单的天数:补充组件或制造产品的子组件所需的天数。可直接在物料清单(BoM)上设置,或点击 计算BoM 中组件的采购和制造前置时间相加。

  • 制造安全前置时间:将 MO(制造订单) 的计划日期提前指定天数。与 按订单补货 结合使用时,安全前置时间会使需求提前出现在补货报告中。


客户前置时间和销售安全前置时间可配置为自动计算:abbr:SO(销售订单) 上的*预计交货日期*。预计交货日期可确保仓库发货的*交货日期*设置切合实际。

如果设定的交货日期早于预期日期,Odoo 就会发出警告信息,因为届时可能无法完成订单,从而影响其他仓库业务。


7月 11 日确认了一份包含`椰香蜡烛`的:abbr:销售订单(SO)。该产品的客户交货时间为 14 天,企业使用 1 天的销售安全交货时间。根据交货时间的设定,Odoo 建议在 15 天后的 7 月 26 日进行交货。




通过导航至产品页面,在每个产品表单上设置客户交付周期。要执行此操作,请转至 销售应用程序 ‣ 产品 ‣ 产品。从那里选择所需的产品,然后切换到 库存 选项卡。然后,在 客户前置时间 字段下,填写完成交货订单从开始到结束所需的日历天数。


导航到产品表单,为 椰子香味蜡烛 设置 14 天的客户前置时间。然后,在 库存 选项卡的 客户前置时间 字段中键入`14.00`天。



库存应用程序 ‣ 配置 ‣ 设置 中为业务全局设置 销售安全前置时间

在配置页面的 高级日程安排 标题下,找到 销售安全前置时间 复选框,然后点击复选框启用该功能。



销售安全前置时间 设置为 1.00 天,会将交货单(DO)的 计划日期 提前一天。在这种情况下,如果产品最初计划于 4 月 6 日交货,但安全前置时间为一天,则交货订单的新计划日期将是 4 月 5 日。



对于包含具有不同前置时间的多个产品订单,可直接从报价单本身配置前置时间。在报价单上,点击 其他信息 选项卡,并将 运输政策 设置为:

  1. 尽快 用于在产品准备就绪后立即交付。DO(交货单)`的 :guilabel:`计划日期 是通过将当天日期加上订单中产品的最短前置时间来确定的。

  2. 当所有产品都准备就绪`时,等待一次性完成整个订单。:abbr:`DO(交货单)`的 :guilabel:`计划日期 是通过将当天日期加上订单中产品的最长前置时间来确定的。

在报价单的 *其他信息* 选项卡中显示 *运输政策* 字段。


在一份包含 2 种产品(瑜伽垫阻力带)的报价单中,产品前置时间分别为 8 天和 5 天。今天是 4 月 2 日。

运输政策 设置为 尽快 时,计划交货日期为今天开始算起的 5 天后,即 4 月 7 日。如果选择 当所有产品准备就绪时,则计划交货日期为今天开始算起的 8 天后,即 4 月 10 日。



Odoo 根据仓库需要产品的规定日期,计算供应商装运 收货日期PO(采购订单)`截止日期。从收货日期倒推,供应商的前置时间和采购安全前置时间都会考虑在内,从而确定 :abbr:`PO(采购订单) 截止日期。




要为从供应商位置到达仓库的订单设置供应商前置时间,首先通过 采购应用程序 ‣ 产品 ‣ 产品 导航到产品表单。

接下来,选择所需的产品,并切换到 采购 选项卡。在可编辑的供应商价目表中,点击 添加行 按钮添加供应商详细信息,如 供应商 名称、价格,及 交货前置时间




在产品表单的供应商价目表中,所选供应商的 交货前置时间 设置为 10




在 7 月 11 日确认的 PO(采购订单)`上,产品配置了 10 天供应商前置时间,Odoo 自动将 :guilabel:`收货日期 设置为 7 月 21 日。收货日期也会作为 预定日期 显示在仓库收据表格上,可通过 收据 智能按钮访问,该按钮位于 PO(采购订单)

显示从供应商处收到产品的预期*收货日期*。 显示产品从供应商处到达的预期*计划日期*。


采购安全前置时间库存应用程序 ‣ 配置 ‣ 设置 中为企业全局设置。

设置 页面的 高级日程安排 标题下,勾选 采购安全前置时间 复选框。

然后,输入所需的日历天数。通过配置安全前置时间,可以设置一个缓冲,以考虑供应商交货的潜在延迟。然后,点击 保存


采购安全前置时间 设置为 2.00 天,会将 预定日期 的收货日期推后两天。在这种情况下,如果产品最初计划于 4 月 6 日到达,而安全前置时间为两天,则新的预定收货日期将是 4 月 8 日。

从库存 > 配置 > 设置中设置采购的安全前置时间。


要设置 采购天数 前置时间,请进入 库存应用程序 ‣ 配置 ‣ 设置。在:guilabel:高级日程安排 部分的 采购前置时间 字段中,指定供应商从公司收到 RFQ 后确认所需的天数。

在设置页面中显示 “采购前置天数” 配置。



The MO deadline, which is the deadline to begin the manufacturing process to complete the product by the scheduled delivery date, can be determined by configuring the manufacturing lead times and manufacturing security lead times.

Visualization of the determination of planned MO date manufacturing lead times.


Manufacturing lead times for products are configured from a product’s bill of materials (BoM) form.

To add a lead time to a BoM, navigate to Manufacturing app ‣ Products ‣ Bills of Materials, and select the desired BoM to edit.

On the BoM form, click the Miscellaneous tab. Change the value (in days) in the Manuf. Lead Time field to specify the calendar days needed to manufacture the product.

Manuf. Lead Time value specified on a product's Bill of Material form.


If the selected BoM is a multi-level BoM, the manufacturing lead times of the components are added.

If the BoM product is subcontracted, the Manuf. Lead Time can be used to determine the date at which components should be sent to the subcontractor.

Establish a MO deadline, based on the expected delivery date, indicated in the Scheduled Date field of the DO.

The MO deadline, which is the Scheduled Date field on the MO, is calculated as the expected delivery date subtracted by the manufacturing lead time.

This ensures the manufacturing process begins on time, in order to meet the delivery date.

However, it is important to note that lead times are based on calendar days. Lead times do not consider weekends, holidays, or work center capacity (the number of operations that can be performed at the work center simultaneously).


A product’s scheduled shipment date on the DO is August 15th. The product requires 14 days to manufacture. So, the latest date to start the MO to meet the commitment date is August 1st.

Days to prepare manufacturing order

Configure the days required to gather components to manufacture a product by going to its BoM. To do that, go to Manufacturing app ‣ Products ‣ Bills of Materials, and select the desired BoM.

In the Miscellaneous tab of the BoM, specify the calendar days needed to obtain components of the product in the Days to prepare Manufacturing Order field. Doing so creates MOs in advance, and ensures there is enough time to either replenish components, or manufacture semi-finished products.


Clicking Compute, located next to the Days to prepare Manufacturing Order field, calculates the longest lead time among all the components listed on the BoM.

Purchase security lead times that impact this specific BoM are also added to this value.


A BoM has two components, one has a manufacturing lead time of two days, and the other has a purchase lead time of four days. The Days to prepare Manufacturing Order is four days.

Manufacturing security lead time

Manufacturing security lead time is set globally for the business in Manufacturing app ‣ Configuration ‣ Settings. Under the Planning heading, tick the checkbox for Security Lead Time.

Next, enter the desired number of calendar days. By configuring the security lead time, a buffer is set to account for potential delays in the manufacturing process. Then, click Save.

View of the security lead time for manufacturing from the manufacturing app settings.


A product has a scheduled shipment date on the DO set for August 15th. The manufacturing lead time is 7 days, and manufacturing security lead time is 3 days. So, the Scheduled Date on the MO reflects the latest date to begin the manufacturing order. In this example, the planned date on the MO is August 5th.

Global example

See the following example to understand how all the lead times work together to ensure timely order fulfillment:

  • Sales security lead time: 1 day

  • Manufacturing security lead time: 2 days

  • Manufacturing lead time: 3 days

  • Purchase security lead time: 1 day

  • Vendor lead time: 4 days

The customer places an order for a manufactured product on September 1st, and the scheduled delivery date from the warehouse is on September 20th. Odoo uses lead times and automated reordering rules to schedule the necessary operations, based on the outgoing shipment delivery date, September 20th:

Show timeline of how lead times work together to schedule warehouse operations.
  • September 1st: Sales order created, confirmed by salesperson.

  • September 9th: Deadline to order components to ensure they arrive in time when manufacturing begins (4-day supplier lead time).

  • September 13th: Scheduled date of receipt for components. Initially, it was set to 9/14, but the 1-day purchase security lead time pushed the date earlier by 1 day.

  • September 14th: Deadline to begin manufacturing. Calculated by subtracting the manufacturing lead time of 3 days, and the manufacturing security lead time of 2 days, from the expected delivery date of September 19th.

  • September 19th: Scheduled Date on the delivery order form indicates the updated expected delivery date, which was originally set as September 20th. But the sales security lead time pushed the date forward by a day.

Odoo’s replenishment planning maps a business’ order fulfillment process, setting pre-determined deadlines and raw material order dates, including buffer days for potential delays. This ensures products are delivered on time.