
销售线索分配报告 可用于查看活跃销售线索是否在各销售成员之间公平分配。它还可用于查看良好或 优质线索 的分布情况,以及每位销售人员接收(和保留)线索的频率。



要创建潜在客户分布报告,首先导航至 CRM 应用程序 ‣ 报告 ‣ 管道,显示 管道分析 仪表板。

删除页面顶部搜索栏中的所有默认筛选器。这样做会显示与 所有 潜在客户相关的数据。

自定义筛选项 现在可以通过点击搜索栏右侧的 :guilabel:`(down caret)`图标来添加,以显示搜索和筛选选项的下拉菜单。

将显示三列:筛选项分组方式收藏。首先,导航至 筛选项 列的底部,然后点击 添加自定义筛选项。这将打开一个 添加自定义筛选项 弹出窗口,可在此逐个添加基本筛选项。




点击 符合以下任一规则: 下的第一个字段,其中包含 国家/地区 值。在出现的弹出窗口中,在搜索栏中输入 创建于,或滚动到列表中搜索,找到并选择它。

然后,在该行的第二个字段中,从下拉菜单中选择 >=。该运算符 包括大于(或等于)最右边第三个字段中的值。

The third field on the Add Custom Filter pop-up window should contain the earliest date leads are selected from.

For example, setting 01/01/2024 00:00:00 only includes leads created from, and including, the first day of 2024.

Add a Created On rule for the start of the year onward.

Sales team

Click New rule to add another row to the form, and choose Sales Team for this rule’s parameter. Then, click the second field of the new rule, and select contains from the drop-down menu. Selecting this operator filters for any records that contain the words in the third, rightmost field.


For certain pre-determined, limited choices like a sales team, the is in operator helps make for an easier and more accurate selection, via a drop-down menu in the third field, instead of risking a typo or incorrect value in the text box field that accompanies the contains operator.

In this third field, enter the name of the desired sales team(s) that are to be included in the report. It is important for all contains argument values to be specific enough and spelled correctly as they exist in Odoo, otherwise this risks returning multiple (or zero) values.

Use Sales Team to filter the location the lead is associated with.


By adding more than one rule to the form, a new option emerges at the top of the pop-up window above all the filters, to specify whether any or all of the conditions should match. This distinction is important to set correctly, as it impacts the driving logic of how the filters return data.

Click the default any menu item and be sure the all option is chosen instead. This setting will only show records that match all the rules contained inside the form.



以下说明并非必要,但强烈建议在报告的搜索条件中添加设定的联系人值。只需添加设置 手机电子邮件 规则,就能轻松从报告中筛选出大量垃圾信息、重复信息或低质量信息。

在表单中添加另一个 新规则 并将第一个字段设置为 手机。然后,从第二个字段的下拉菜单中选择 已设定。选择此操作符 筛选与潜在客户有关联的电话号码的记录。

或者(或除上述规则外),点击 新建规则,将第一个字段设置为 电子邮件。然后,从第二个字段的下拉菜单中选择 已设置



Click the (Add branch) icon to the right of the Phone is set line, to add a new rule that branches from the rules above.

Two horizontal sets of fields appear below a line showing any of: option. This setting filters for records that match any of the rules contained inside. This uses the same logic as an OR (|) logical operator.

Set the first field to Active. Then, select is set in the next field.

Next, click the (Add New Rule) button next to Active is set to create a new line of fields beneath it.

Set the first field to Active. Then, select is not set in the next field.

Use Active to include active status in the report.

This rule adds the activity status of the lead to the report.


Active status is an important filter to include when creating a lead distribution report because it includes all leads regardless of won/lost or active/inactive status in the report. This provides a comprehensive view of all the leads assigned to each sales member.


Once all filters are set, click the Add button to add these filters to the search bar. To have the report grouped appropriately, click the (down caret) icon, to the right of the search bar, and click Salesperson in the Group By section. All results are now grouped by the salesperson assigned to each lead.

Once the rules for the filter are set, click the purple Confirm button at the bottom of the pop-up menu to save the custom filter and close the pop-up menu.

The Pipeline Analysis dashboard is now displayed again with each filter rule in the search bar.

Click the (Graph) icon, to the right of the search bar, to view the report as a bar chart. Alternatively, click the (List) icon to view leads in a grouped list.


To save the filter so it can easily be re-applied, click the Save current search button in the Favorites section of the search bar drop-down menu.

Next, type a name for the filter in the text box below. Check the Shared checkbox to have the filter shared with any user with access to the pipeline. Finally, click the purple Save button below to save the filter.

The filter will now appear with the name it was given under the Favorites section of the drop-down menu and can be re-applied by clicking on it.

Filter for quality leads

The following additional conditions are provided as an example of a good, but not comprehensive, set of rules for finding quality leads. These filters should be applied on top of the 基本筛选项 in the order specified to achieve a heavily-detailed filter.

  • Referred-by: Filter for referrals, such as by appointment or sales member.

  • Source: Filter for specific source UTMs, such as Facebook or LinkedIn.

  • Notes: Filter for internal notes.

  • Tags: Filter for categorical tags.

  • Email: Filter for specific email domains, such as gmail.com or yahoo.com.

  • Salesperson: Filter for leads associated with certain sales members.

These conditions can be added, removed, or modified to best fit the desired information in the report.