Resupply subcontracting lead times

在 Odoo 中,交付周期用于预测完成某项操作所需的时间。例如,可以为购买的产品设置*交货所需时间*,规定产品供应商将产品交付给购买公司通常需要的天数。




与 Odoo 中的所有交付周期一样,分包产品的交付周期也只是一个估计值,根据*预计*的行动时间计算而来。

Unforeseen circumstances can impact the completion of these actions, which means that lead times should not be viewed as guarantees.


当使用 按订单向分包商补货 路线时,公司负责向分包商提供必要的组件。因此,在收到组件之前,分包商不能开始生产。

This means that, in addition to the amount of time it takes the subcontractor to manufacture and deliver the product, the date they receive the components must also be considered.

通过为产品的分包商指定交货所需时间,并在产品的物料清单(BoM)上指定制造所需时间,产品组件的 分包商补货 订单就会显示分包商必须收到组件的截止日期。


要为产品的分包商设置送货所需时间,请导航至 库存应用程序 ‣ 产品 ‣ 产品,然后选择分包产品。

Then, select the Purchase tab on the product’s page. If the subcontractor has not already been added as a vendor, do so now by clicking Add a line, and selecting the subcontractor in the Vendor field.

添加分包商后,在 送货所需时间 栏中输入生产和交付产品所需的天数。

产品页面 “采购” 选项卡上分包商的交货所需时间字段。


Next, navigate to the product’s BoM by clicking the Bill of Materials smart button at the top of the product’s page. Then, select a BoM from the list.

BoM 中,选择 杂项 选项卡。在 制造所需时间 字段中,输入与 BoM 产品的:guilabel:交货所需时间 字段中相同的天数。


虽然分包商实际上并没有使用所有这些天数进行生产,但在每个字段中设置相同的天数会告诉 Odoo,分包商必须在产品交付周期开始前收到组件,并开始生产。这样分包商就有足够的时间生产和交付产品。

Resupply subcontracting workflow

通过导航至 采购应用程序 ‣ 订单 ‣ 报价请求,并点击 新建,为产品创建询价单(RfQ)。

供应商 字段中指定分包商。然后,通过点击 添加产品,在 产品 列中选择产品,并在 数量 列中指定数量,在 产品 选项卡中添加产品。

In the Expected Arrival field, enter a date that provides enough time for the subcontractor to receive the components, manufacture the product, and deliver it back to the subcontracting company.


When a product is added to an RfQ, the Expected Arrival field auto-populates with a date that is today’s date plus the delivery lead time of the product. However, this does not consider the time it takes to ship the components to the subcontractor.

在使用 “按订单向分包商补货” 路线购买分包产品时,有必要调整该日期,以考虑到部件运往分包商所需的额外时间。

由于生产要等到收到部件后才开始,如果不更改日期,成品就会在 RfQ 所列日期 之后 到达。

Next, click Confirm Order to turn the RfQ into a PO. Doing so causes a Resupply smart button to appear at the top of the page.

点击 补货 智能按钮,打开分包商补货订单,这是为向分包商发送组件而创建的订单。

分包商补货订单上的 截止日期 字段显示分包商接收组件的截止日期,以便他们有足够的时间在预计到达日期前生产和交付成品。

The Scheduled Date field should display the latest date on which components can be shipped, while still arriving to the subcontractor by the Deadline. However, by default, the date displayed is the same as the date in the Deadline field, and must be updated to take into account the time required for shipping.

点击 已安排日期 字段,打开日历弹出窗口,从中选择日期。选择一个可以在分包商补货订单上的 截止日期 之前交付组件的日期。

After the components are shipped, click the Validate button at the top of the order to confirm they have been sent to the subcontractor.

Once the subcontractor receives the components, they begin manufacturing the component, before delivering it to the contracting company.


Bike retailer Mike’s Bikes works with a subcontractor — Bike Friends — to produce units of their Unicycle product.

Mike’s Bikes must supply Bike Friends with the necessary components for manufacturing the unicycles.

On average, Bike Friends takes three days to manufacture each unicycle, plus an additional two days to deliver it to Mike’s Bikes.

As a result, Mike’s Bikes sets a delivery lead time of five days for unicycles manufactured by Bike Friends: three days for manufacturing, plus two days for delivery.

On the unicycle’s BoM, they enter a manufacturing lead time of five days, as well, to remind themselves of the date that components must be delivered to the subcontractor.

They confirm a PO for one unicycle, with an expected arrival date of May 30th.

向分包商运送部件的分包商补货订单显示*截止日期*为 5 月 25 日。分包商必须在此日期之前收到组件,以便有足够的时间制造独轮车,并在 5 月 30 日之前交货。

Mike’s Bikes 需要两天时间来交付组件,因此他们将分包商补货订单上的*计划日期*字段更新为 5 月 23 日,即截止日期前两天。


Mike’s Bikes ships the components to Bike Friends on the scheduled date of May 23rd, and they arrive on the deadline of May 25th. This gives Bike Friends enough time to manufacture the unicycle, and ship it back to Mike’s Bikes by the expected arrival date of May 30th.