
In Odoo Recruitment, all job positions are shown on the default dashboard in the Recruitment app. This includes positions that are being actively recruited for, as well as inactive positions.

Each job position is shown in an individual Kanban card. If the job position is active, and candidates can apply, a Published banner appears in the top-right corner of the card.

Visa inlämnade ansökningar genom att klicka var som helst på ett jobbkort.

Main dashboard view of Recruitment app showing all job positions.

Skapa en ny jobbposition

To create a new job position from the main dashboard in the Recruitment app, click the New button in the top-left corner, and a Create a Job Position modal appears.

First, enter the name of the Job Position (such as Sales Manager, Mechanical Engineer, etc.) in the field.

Next, enter an Application email by typing in the first half of the email address in the first field, then select the second half of the email using the drop-down menu in the second field. Applicants can send a resumé to this specific email address, and Odoo creates an application for them automatically.

When complete, click the Create button to save the entry, or the Discard button to delete it.

Skapa en ny jobbposition.

Once the job position has been created, it appears as a card in the Kanban view on the main Recruitment app dashboard.

Redigera en ny jobbposition

När jobbpositionen har skapats är det dags att ange detaljerna för positionen. Klicka på ikonen ⋮ (tre punkter) i det övre högra hörnet på det aktuella kortet för att visa flera alternativ, och klicka sedan på Configuration för att redigera detaljerna.

Redigera jobbpositionskortet.

All the basic information about the job position is listed under the Recruitment tab.

None of the fields are required, but it is important to configure and populate the Department, Location, Employment Type, and Job Summary fields, as they are all visible to prospective applicants on the website.

Fälten kan fyllas i på följande sätt:

  • Department: select the relevant department for the job position. This is visible on the website.

  • Job Location: select the physical address for the job. If the job position is remote, leave this field blank. This is visible on the website.

  • Email Alias: enter an email address to which applicants can send a resumé. Once emailed, Odoo automatically creates an application for them.

  • Employment Type: select what type of position the job is, using the drop-down menu. The default options are Permanent, Temporary, Seasonal, Interim, Full-Time, and Part-Time. This is visible on the website.

  • Company: select the company the job is for. This field only appears if using a multi-company database.

  • Target: ange antalet anställda som ska anställas för denna position.

  • Är publicerad: aktivera detta alternativ för att publicera jobbet online.

  • Website: select the website the job is published on.

  • Recruiter: select the person responsible for recruiting this role.

  • Interviewers: select who should perform the interviews. Multiple people can be selected.

  • Interview Form: select an Interview form that applicants fill out prior to their interview.

  • Contract Template: select a contract template to be used when offering the job to a candidate.

  • Processdetaljer avsnitt: detta avsnitt innehåller information som visas online för jobbpositionen. Här informeras de sökande om tidslinjen och stegen i rekryteringsprocessen, så att de vet när de kan förvänta sig ett svar.

    • Tid till svar: ange antal dagar innan den sökande kontaktas.

    • Process: enter the various stages the candidate goes through during the recruitment process.

    • Days to get an Offer: ange antalet dagar innan den sökande kan förvänta sig ett erbjudande efter att rekryteringsprocessen har avslutats.


Avsnittet Processdetaljer är ett textfält. Alla svar skrivs in istället för att väljas från en rullgardinsmeny. Texten visas på webbplatsen exakt som den visas på den här fliken.

Finally, enter the job description in the Job Summary tab.

Ange uppgifter om jobbet på fliken Rekrytering.

Skapa intervjuformulär

Ett Intervjuformulär används för att avgöra om en kandidat passar för en viss tjänst. Intervjuformulär kan vara så specifika eller allmänna som önskas, och kan ha formen av en certifiering, ett prov eller ett allmänt frågeformulär. Intervjuformuläret bestäms av rekryteringsteamet.

Before creating an interview form, ensure the proper settings are enabled. Navigate to Recruitment app ‣ Configuration ‣ Settings, and under the Recruitment Process section, ensure the Send Interview Survey option is enabled.

Since there are no pre-configured forms in Odoo, all interview forms must be created. To create an interview form, start from the Recruitment tab of the Job Position form. In the Interview Form field, enter a name for the new interview form. As the name is typed, several options populate beneath the entry: Create (interview form name), Search More…, and Create and edit…. Click Create and edit… and a Create Interview Form modal appears.

The blank interview form modal.


The option Search More… only appears if there are any interview forms already created. If no interview forms exist, the only options available are Create (interview form name), and Create and edit….

Proceed to fill out the modal interview form as a typical survey. For specific directions on how to create a survey, refer to the survey essentials document, which provides step-by-step instructions on how to create and configure a survey.