
Odoo innehåller generiska och dynamiska rapporter som är tillgängliga för alla länder, oavsett vilket lokaliseringspaket som är installerat:

To expand the lines of a report and view its details, click the (right arrow) on the left. Then click the (down arrow) to the right of the account, journal entry, payment, invoice, etc. to Annotate and view the details.

Kommentera rapporter.

To export reports in PDF or XLSX format, click PDF at the top or click the (down arrow) icon next to the PDF button and select XLSX.

To compare values across periods, click the Comparison menu and select the periods you want to compare.

Jämförelsemeny för att jämföra tidsperioder.


The Balance Sheet shows a snapshot of your organization’s assets, liabilities, and equity at a particular date.


The Profit and Loss report (or Income Statement) shows your company’s net income by deducting expenses from revenue for the reporting period.


The Executive Summary provides an overview of all the important figures for overseeing your company’s performance.

It includes the following items:

  • Performance:
    • Gross profit margin:

      The contribution of all sales your business makes minus any direct costs needed to make those sales (labor, materials, etc.).

    • Net profit margin:

      Bidraget från all försäljning som ditt företag gör minus alla direkta kostnader som behövs för att göra denna försäljning och fasta omkostnader som ditt företag har (el, hyra, skatter som ska betalas som ett resultat av denna försäljning, etc.).

    • Return on investment (per annum):

      The ratio of the net profit to the amount of assets the company used to make those profits.

  • Position:
    • Average debtors days:

      Genomsnittligt antal dagar det tar för era kunder att (fullt ut) betala er för alla era kundfakturor.

    • Average creditors days:

      Det genomsnittliga antalet dagar det tar för dig att (fullt ut) betala dina leverantörer för alla dina räkningar.

    • Short-term cash forecast:

      Hur mycket kontanter som förväntas komma in eller ut från ditt företag under nästa månad, dvs. saldot på ditt Säljkonto för månaden minus saldot på ditt Inköpskonto för månaden.

    • Current assets to liabilities:

      Also referred to as the current ratio, this is the ratio of current assets (assets that could be turned into cash within a year) to the current liabilities (liabilities that will be due in the next year). It is typically used to measure a company’s ability to service its debt.


The General Ledger report shows all transactions from all accounts for a selected date range. The initial summary report shows the totals for each account. To expand an account and view its details, click the (right arrow) on the left. This report is useful for reviewing each transaction that occurred during a specific period.

Upparbetad fordran

The Aged Receivable report shows the sales invoices awaiting payment during a selected month and several months prior.

Åldersbetingad skuld

The Aged Payable report displays information on individual bills, credit notes, and overpayments you owe and how long these have gone unpaid.


The Cash Flow Statement shows how changes in balance sheet accounts and income affect cash and cash equivalents and breaks the analysis down to operating, investing, and financing activities.


The Tax Report shows the NET and TAX amounts for all the taxes grouped by type (Sales/Purchases).