Conectați o imprimantă

Instalarea imprimantei se poate face în câțiva pași simpli. Imprimanta poate fi folosită pentru a imprima chitanțe, etichete, comenzi sau chiar rapoarte din diferite aplicații Odoo. În plus, acțiunile imprimantei pot fi atribuite ca acțiune pe un declanșator în timpul procesului de fabricație sau adăugate la un punct de control al calității sau un control al calității.


The only way to connect a printer directly to an Odoo database is through the use of an IoT box.

Without an IoT box, printing can still occur, but it is managed through the printer itself, which is not the recommended process.


The IoT box supports printers connected through USB, network connection, or Bluetooth. Supported printers are detected automatically, and appear in the Devices list of the IoT app.

Imprimanta așa cum ar apărea în lista de dispozitive pentru aplicația IoT.


Printers can take up to two minutes to appear in the IoT app Devices list.

Clear device printer cache

After a printer is linked to print a report, the setting is saved in a browser’s cache. This means a user can have different devices saved in their cache for different reports, based on the device they use to access Odoo. It also means different users can have a report automatically printed from different printers, based on their preferences.

To unlink a report from a printer, navigate to IoT app ‣ Clear Selected Devices. This generates a list of reports that are linked to a printer on the current device. Click the Unlink button next to each report to remove the link.


This step only prevents the report from automatically printing to the listed printer from the current browser. The report is still linked on the device, under the Printer Reports tab.

A list of reports currently linked to a printer in the IoT app.