
Stripe is a United States-based online payment solution provider allowing businesses to accept credit cards and other payment methods.

Create your Stripe account with Odoo

The method to acquire your credentials depends on your hosting type:

  1. Navigate to the payment provider Stripe and click Connect Stripe.

  2. Go through the setup process and confirm your email address when Stripe sends you a confirmation email.

  3. At the end of the process, click Agree and submit. If all requested information has been submitted, you are then redirected to Odoo, and your payment provider is enabled.


Fill in your credentials

If your API credentials are required to connect with your Stripe account, proceed as follows:

  1. Go to the API keys page on Stripe, or log into your Stripe dashboard and go to Developers ‣ API Keys.

  2. In the Standard keys section, copy the Publishable key and the Secret key and save them for later.

  3. In Odoo, navigate to the payment provider Stripe.

  4. In the Credentials tab, fill in the Publishable Key and Secret Key fields with the values you previously saved.

Generate a webhook

If your Webhook Signing Secret is required to connect with your Stripe account, you can create a webhook automatically or manually.

Make sure your Publishable and Secret keys are filled in, then click Generate your webhook.

Habilitar Apple Pay

To allow customers to use the Apple Pay button to pay their eCommerce orders, go to the Configuration tab, enable Allow Express Checkout, and click Enable Apple Pay.