
To-do assists you in organizing and managing personal tasks.

Creating to-dos

할 일을 생성하려면 새로 만들기 를 클릭하거나 단계명 옆에 있는 더하기 버튼 ()을 클릭합니다. 할 일에 제목을 입력한 후 저장하려면 추가 를 클릭하고 다른 옵션을 사용하려면 편집 을 클릭합니다.

If you choose to Edit a to-do, you have the option to add Tags, Assignees, or more information using the Odoo Editor.


  • Adding Assignees shares the to-do with the users selected.

  • Type / in the editor box to structure and format your content. You can also add media, links, and widgets.

Odoo 어디에서나 새로운 할 일을 즉시 만들 수 있으며, 키보드 단축키 ‘ctrl+k’를 사용하여 명령 팔레트 도구 에서 할 일 추가 를 클릭하거나 시계 버튼을 누른 다음 할 일 추가 를 선택하면 됩니다.

Adding a to-do on the fly

Converting to-dos into project tasks

프로젝트 앱 을 통해 할 일을 프로젝트 작업으로 전환할 수 있습니다. 전환하려면 할 일을 열고 톱니바퀴 버튼 ()을 클릭한 다음 작업으로 전환 을 클릭합니다.

Next, select the Project, Assignees, and Tags, then click Convert to Task. The to-do is now a project task and appears in the selected project.

Converting a to-do into a task

Managing the to-do pipeline

Your assigned to-dos are displayed on the app dashboard. You can drag and drop a to-do to move it from one stage to another.

Example of a to-do pipeline

  • Click the + Personal Stage button on the left of the pipeline to create a new stage.

  • Click the gear button () next to a stage to Fold, Edit, or Delete it.

Stage settings button

활동 예약하기

To schedule an activity on a to-do, click the clock button on the app dashboard, then the + Schedule an activity button.

Scheduling an activity from the To-do dashboard

To create the activity:

  • Select an Activity Type.

  • Select a Due date.

  • Choose who the activity should be Assigned to.

  • Add a brief Summary if needed. You can add a more elaborate description in the Log a note box.

Click Schedule to complete the action.


The To Do activity is not a to-do task. Selecting it does not create a to-do task.

Viewing to-dos in the Project app

If you use the Project app, your to-dos also appear as private tasks under the My Tasks view.

Example of a "My Tasks" pipeline in the Project app


A padlock icon is visible on your private tasks to quickly identify them among your project tasks.