프로젝트 마일스톤 기준으로 청구서 발행하기

프로젝트 마일스톤을 기반으로 한 청구서 발행은 비용이 많이 투입되거나 대규모인 프로젝트에 사용될 수 있습니다. 프로젝트에서 일련의 이정표를 통해 예상에 따라 프로젝트 및/또는 계약이 완료되는 작업 순서를 명확하게 나타냅니다.

이러한 청구서 발행 방법을 통해 회사는 프로젝트 기간 동안 안정적으로 자금 흐름을 확보할 수 있습니다. 고객은 프로젝트 개발에 있어서 모든 단계를 진행에 따라 면밀히 모니터링할 수 있을 뿐만 아니라 큰 금액의 청구서를 한 번에 지불하는 대신 여러 번에 나누어 지불할 수도 있습니다.

Create milestone products

In Odoo, each milestone of a project is considered as an individual product.

이와 같이 작동하도록 품목을 만들거나 설정하려면 먼저 판매 앱 ‣ 품목 ‣ 품목 으로 이동합니다. 그런 다음 품목을 클릭하거나 새로 만들기 를 클릭하여 새 품목을 만듭니다.

The option to invoice based on milestones is only available for certain product types.

On the product form, under the General Information tab, the Product Type field must be set on any of the following options: Service, Event Ticket, Event Booth, or Course.

The invoicing policy field drop-down menu with options on product form.

With any of those Product Type options selected, choose Based on Milestones from the Invoicing Policy drop-down menu.

The invoicing policy field drop-down menu with options on product form.

Beneath that is the Create on Order field.

To ensure workflows are as seamless as possible, it is recommended that an option in the Create on Order field is selected.


기본 없음 옵션으로 두더라도 원하는 워크플로우에 부정적인 영향을 미치지 않습니다. 그러나 해당하는 품목의 판매주문서 양식에서 반드시 프로젝트를 직접 생성해야 합니다. 프로젝트가 생성된 다음에 마일스톤과 작업을 생성하고 환경 설정할 수 있습니다.

When the Create on Order default option of Nothing is clicked, a drop-down menu is revealed with the following options:

  • Task: Odoo creates a task related to this milestone product in the Projects app when this specific product is ordered.

  • Project & Task: Odoo creates a project and task related to this milestone product in the Projects app when this specific product is ordered.

  • Project: Odoo creates a project related to this milestone product in the Projects app when this specific product is ordered.

When Task is selected, a Project field appears. In this field, select to which existing project in the Projects app this created task should be connected.

The Project field appears when the Task option is selected in Create on Order field.

When Project & Task or Project is selected, two new fields appear: Project Template and Workspace Template.

The Project template and workspace template fields that appear on milestone product.

The Project Template field provides template options to use for the project that will be created when this specific product is ordered.

작업 공간 템플릿 을 통해 지정된 품목을 주문할 때 프로젝트에 대해 자동으로 생성되는 작업 공간 (프로젝트 앱이 아닌 문서 앱용)에서 사용할 템플릿을 선택하여 사용할 수 있습니다.

정리를 할 수 있도록 품목 양식에서 판매 탭을 클릭하고 판매 설명 필드에 사용자 지정 ‘마일스톤’ 관련 설명을 입력합니다. 이 정보는 판매주문서의 주문 내역 탭에 있는 설명 열에 나타납니다.

Or, directly edit/modify the Description field on the Order Lines tab of the sales order.

This is not a requirement.

Invoice milestones


The following flow features a trio of milestone products that have Service set as their Product Type, and Task set on their Create on Order field.

Product with Service "Product Type" and "Task" in the Create on Order field on form.

Those tasks are then attached to a pre-existing Project, which, in this case, is titled, Rebranding Projects.

To invoice milestones, create a sales order with the milestone product(s). To do that, go to Sales app ‣ New. Doing so reveals a blank quotation form.

From this quotation form, add a Customer. Then, click Add a product in the Order Lines tab. Next, add the milestone product(s) to the Order Lines tab.

Once the corresponding milestone product(s) have been added, click Confirm to confirm the order, which turns the quotation into a sales order.

주문서를 확인하면 품목 양식의 주문 시 생성 필드에서 선택한 내용에 따라 판매 주문 상단에 새로운 스마트 버튼이 나타납니다.

From the sales order, click the Milestones smart button. Doing so reveals a blank Milestones page. Click New to add milestones.

Adding milestones to a sales order with milestone products.

Enter a Name for the milestone. Next, apply it to the corresponding Sales Order Item. Lastly, assign a Deadline to the milestone, if desired.

Repeat that process for all milestone sales order items.

그런 다음 이동 경로를 통해 판매주문서로 돌아갑니다. 판매주문서에서 작업 스마트 버튼을 클릭합니다. 그러면 각각의 판매매주문서 항목에 대한 작업이 있는 작업 페이지가 표시되며 주문 시 생성 필드에 해당 옵션이 지정되어 있습니다.

Sample tasks page accessed via the smart button from a sales order with milestone products.

설정한 마일스톤을 수동으로 작업에 배정하려면, 원하는 작업을 클릭하여 작업 양식을 확인합니다. 작업 양식의 마일스톤 필드에서 작업을 연결시킬 적절한 마일스톤을 선택합니다.

The milestone field on the task form when dealing with milestone products in Odoo Sales.

Repeat this process for all milestone tasks.

With those tasks properly configured, employees log in their progress as they work on the task, in addition to adding any notes related to the task.

Then, when that task is complete, that means that milestone has been reached. At that point, it is time to invoice that milestone.

마일스톤까지의 업무에 대해 청구서를 작성하려면 먼저 이동 경로 링크를 통해 판매주문서로 돌아가거나 :menuselection:`판매 앱 –> 주문서 –> 주문서’ 로 이동하여 알맞은 판매주문서를 선택합니다.

Back on the sales order form, click the Milestones smart button, and check the box in the Reached column for that particular task.

What it looks like to mark a milestone as reached via the milestone smart button.

Next, return to the sales order — either by clicking View Sales Order on the Milestones page, or via the breadcrumb links.

Back on the sales order, the line item for the milestone that’s been reached has its Delivered column filled. That’s because the milestone has been reached, and therefore delivered.

A milestone product that's been reached marked as delivered on the sales order in Odoo.

Click Create Invoice in the upper-left corner. Doing so reveals a Create invoices pop-up window.

The create invoices pop-up window that appears when create invoice button is clicked.

On the Create invoices pop-up window, leave the Create Invoice option on the default Regular Invoice selection, and click the Create Draft Invoice button.

Upon clicking Create Draft Invoice, Odoo reveals the Customer Invoice Draft, only showing that reached milestone in the Invoice Lines tab.

A customer invoice draft showing only the milestone product that's been reached.

From this invoice page, click the Confirm button to confirm the invoice. Then, when the customer has paid for this milestone, click Register Payment.

When Register Payment is clicked, a Register Payment pop-up window appears.

The Register Payment pop-up window that appears when Register Payment is clicked.

On this pop-up window, confirm the accuracy of the auto-populated fields, then click Create Payment.

클릭하면 팝업 창이 사라지고 Odoo에서는 해당 마일스톤에 대한 청구서로 돌아갑니다. 이제 오른쪽 상단에 초록색 결제 중 배너가 표시됩니다. 이 배너는 청구서가 결제되었다는 의미입니다.

An invoice with a milestone product that has been paid with an In Payment banner.

그런 다음 이동 경로 링크를 통해 판매주문서로 돌아갑니다. 판매주문서로 돌아온 후 주문서 내역 탭에서 청구서 발행 및 결제 마일스톤에 도달하면 이제 청구 완료 열에 입력이 완료됩니다.

The Invoiced column of a milestone product that's been paid for is filled.

There is also a new Invoices smart button at the top of the sales order. Clicking that reveals all the invoices that are connected to this sales order.

The invoices smart button that appears at the top of a sales order with milestones.

Simply repeat the above process for each milestone as it is worked on, and subsequently, completed.

Continue that process until the entire project has been completed, each milestone has been invoiced, and the entire order has been paid for in full.