DNS-records configureren om e-mails te versturen in Odoo

This documentation presents three complementary authentication protocols (SPF, DKIM, and DMARC) used to prove the legitimacy of an email sender. Not complying with these protocols will greatly reduce chances of your emails to reach their destination.

Odoo Online and Odoo.sh databases using the default Odoo subdomain address (e.g., @company-name.odoo.com) are pre-configured to send authenticated emails compliant with the SPF, DKIM, and DMARC protocols.

If choosing to use a custom domain instead, configuring SPF and DKIM records correctly is essential to prevent emails from being quarantined as spam or not being delivered to recipients.

If using the default Odoo email server to send emails from a custom domain, the SPF and DKIM records must be configured as presented below. If using an outgoing email server, it is required to use the SPF and DKIM records specific to that email service and a custom domain.


Email service providers apply different rules to incoming emails. An email may be classified as spam even if it passes the SPF and DKIM checks.

SPF (Sender Policy Framework)

Het Sender Policy Framework (SPF) protocol laat de eigenaar van een domeinnaam toe te bepalen welke servers e-mails mogen versturen vanaf dat domein. Wanneer een server een inkomende e-mail ontvangt, controleert deze of het IP-adres van de verzendende server op de lijst met toegestane IP-adressen staat volgens het SPF record van de afzender.

In Odoo, the SPF test is performed on the bounce address defined under the Alias Domain field found under the database’s General Settings. If using a custom domain as Alias Domain, it is necessary to configure it to be SPF-compliant.

The SPF policy of a domain is set using a TXT record. The way to create or modify this record depends on the provider hosting the DNS zone of the domain name.

If the domain name does not yet have an SPF record, create one using the following input:

v=spf1 include:_spf.odoo.com ~all

If the domain name already has an SPF record, the record must be updated. Do not create a new one, as a domain must have only one SPF record.


Als het TXT record v=spf1 include:_spf.google.com ~all is, voeg dan include:_spf.odoo.com toe: v=spf1 include:_spf.odoo.com include:_spf.google.com ~all

Check the SPF record using a tool like MXToolbox SPF Record Check. The process to create or modify an SPF record depends on the provider hosting the DNS zone of the domain name. The most common providers and their documentation are listed below.

DKIM (DomainKeys Identified Mail)

DomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIM) laat gebruikers toe e-mails te authenticeren met een digitale handtekening.

When sending an email, the Odoo email server includes a unique DKIM signature in the headers. The recipient’s server decrypts this signature using the DKIM record in the database’s domain name. If the signature and the key contained in the record match, it proves the message is authentic and has not been altered during transport.

Enabling DKIM is required when sending emails from a custom domain using the Odoo email server.

To enable DKIM, add a CNAME record to the DNS zone of the domain name:

odoo._domainkey IN CNAME odoo._domainkey.odoo.com.


If the domain name is company-name.com, make sure to create a subdomain odoo._domainkey.company-name.com whose canonical name is odoo._domainkey.odoo.com..

The way to create or modify a CNAME record depends on the provider hosting the DNS zone of the domain name. The most common providers and their documentation are listed below.

Check if the DKIM record is valid using a tool like MXToolbox DKIM Record Lookup. Enter example.com:odoo in the DKIM lookup tool, specifying that the selector being tested is odoo for the custom domain example.com.

DMARC (Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting and Conformance)

The DMARC record is a protocol that unifies SPF and DKIM. The instructions contained in the DMARC record of a domain name tell the destination server what to do with an incoming email that fails the SPF and/or DKIM check.


The aim of this documentation is to help understand the impact DMARC has on the deliverability of emails, rather than give precise instructions for creating a DMARC record. Refer to a resource like DMARC.org to set the DMARC record.

There are three DMARC policies:

  • p=none

  • p=quarantine

  • p=reject

p=quarantine and p=reject instruct the server that receives an email to quarantine that email or ignore it if the SPF or DKIM check fails.


For the DMARC to pass, the DKIM or SPF check needs to pass and the domains must be in alignment. If the hosting type is Odoo Online, DKIM configuration on the sending domain is required to pass the DMARC.

Passing DMARC generally means that the email will be successfully delivered. However, it’s important to note that other factors like spam filters can still reject or quarantine a message.

p=none is used for the domain owner to receive reports about entities using their domain. It should not impact the deliverability.


_dmarc IN TXT “v=DMARC1; p=none; rua=mailto:postmaster@example.com” means that aggregate DMARC reports will be sent to postmaster@example.com.

SPF, DKIM and DMARC documentation of common providers

Om de configuratie volledig te testen, gebruik de tool Mail-Tester, die een volledig overzicht geeft van de inhoud en de configuratie in één verstuurde e-mail. Mail-Tester kan ook worden gebruikt om records te configureren voor andere, minder bekende providers.