
Odoo 工资单*用于处理工作条目以及创建员工薪资单,包括固定工资和绩效工资。工资单可与其他 Odoo 应用协同工作,如*员工工时单休假*和*考勤

工资单 应用有助于避免验证工作条目时出现问题或冲突;可用于处理特定国家的本地化,以确保工资单符合当地规则和税收;并允许进行工资分配。工资单配置对于确保准确及时地处理薪资单至关重要。


要访问 设置,请前往 :menuselection: 工资单 --> 配置 --> 设置。在此处,可选择是否将薪资单发布至会计系统,以及是否创建 SEPA 付款。

设置 屏幕上配置本地化设置。*本地化*是创建数据库时在 Odoo 中预先配置的针对特定国家的设置,包括特定国家的所有税费和津贴。在:guilabel:`设置`的 :guilabel:`本地化`选项中,包含公司提供的所有员工福利的详细视图。


对于任何特定国家的本地化,均在 设置 屏幕的 本地化 选项中进行配置。在创建数据库并指定国家后,所有本地化项目都会预先填充。除非特别需要,否则不建议更改本地化设置。


Odoo can handle a multi-company configuration. This is generally done when there is a main company or office location, such as a headquarters, and there are other offices/branches around the country or globe, that fall under that main company or headquarters. In Odoo, each company, including the headquarters, would be setup as their own company/branch using the multi-company method.

Each individual company can have a different localization setting configured for that specific company, since company locations can vary and be located anywhere in the world, where rules and laws differ. For more information on companies refer to this documentation on setting up companies.


*工作条目*是员工工时单上的一条单独记录。所有工作和休假类型均可配置为工作条目,如 考勤病假培训`或 :guilabel:`国家法定节假日


工资册 应用程序中创建工作条目时,或员工在 工时单 应用程序中输入信息时,首先需要选择 工作条目类型。系统将根据数据库中的本地化设置自动创建:guilabel:`工作条目类型`列表。

To view the current work entry types available, go to Payroll ‣ Configuration ‣ Work Entries ‣ Work Entry Types.




要创建新的 工作条目类型,请点击 新建 按钮,并在表格中输入以下部分的信息。

  • 工作条目类型名称:名称应简短且具有描述性,比如 病假国家法定节假日.

  • Payroll Code: This code appears with the work entry type on timesheets and payslips. Since the code is used in conjunction with the Accounting application, it is advised to check with the accounting department for a code to use.

  • DMFA code: This code is used to identify DMFA entries on a corresponding DMFA report. The DMFA report is a quarterly report that Belgian-based companies are required to submit for social security reporting purposes. This report states the work done by the employees during the quarter, as well as the salaries paid to those employees.

  • External Code: This code is used for exporting data to a third-party payroll service. Check with the third-party being used in order to determine the External Code to enter for the new work entry type.

  • SDWorx code: This code is only for companies that use SDWorx, a payroll service provider.

  • Color: Select a color for the particular work entry type.

  • Rounding: The rounding method selected determines how quantities on timesheet entries are displayed on the payslip.

    • 不采用四舍五入法:不修改工时单条目。

    • 半天: 对工时单的条目进行四舍五入,将其近似至最接近半天的工时数。

    • 一天: 对工时单的条目进行四舍五入,将其近似至最接近一天的工时数。


如果公司的工作时间设置为每天 8 小时(每周 40 小时),而员工在工时单中输入的时间为 5.5 小时,且 四舍五入 设置为 不采用四舍五入法,则输入的时间仍为 5.5 小时。如果 四舍五入 设置为 半天,则条目将改为 4 小时。如果设置为 一天,条目将改为 8 小时。

Unpaid section
  • Unpaid in Structures Types: If the work entry is for work that is not paid, specify which pay structure the unpaid work entry applies to from the drop-down menu. Some situations where work would be logged on a timesheet but no compensation given would be for unpaid internships, unpaid training, or volunteer work.

Valid for advantages section
  • Meal Voucher: If the work entry should count towards a meal voucher, check the box.

  • Representation Fees: If the work entry should count towards representation fees, check the box.

  • Private Car Reimbursement: If the work entry should count towards a private car reimbursement, check the box.

Time off options section
  • Time Off: Check this box if the work entry type can be selected for a time off request or entry in the Time Off application. If Time Off is checked, a Time Off Type field appears. This field has a drop-down menu to select the specific type of time off, such as Paid Time Off, Sick Time Off, or Extra Hours for example. A new type of time off can be entered in the field if the listed types of time off in the drop-down menu do not display the type of time off needed.

  • Keep Time Off Right: This is for Belgian-specific companies only, and will not appear for other localizations. Check this box if the work entry is for time off that will affect the time off benefits for the following year. Workers are given time off each year according to the government, and in some cases, time-off taken during a specific time period can affect how much time off the employee will receive or accrue the following year.

  • Unforeseen Absence: If the work entry should be visible on the unforeseen absences report, check this box.

New work entry type form with all fields to be filled in.

Working schedules

To view the currently configured working schedules, go to Payroll ‣ Configuration ‣ Work Entries ‣ Working Schedules. The working schedules that are available for an employee’s contracts and work entries are found in this list.

Working schedules are company-specific. Each company must identify each type of working schedule they use.


An Odoo database containing multiple companies that use a standard 40-hour work week needs to have a separate working schedule entry for each company that uses the 40-hour standard work week.

A database with five companies that all use a standard 40-hour work week needs to have five separate 40-hour working schedules configured.

All working schedules available to use currently set up in the database for the company.

New working schedule

To create a new working schedule, click the New button, and enter the information on the form.

这些字段被自动填充为标准 40 小时工作周,但可以进行修改。首先,通过修改 名称 字段中的文本来更改工作时间的名称。然后,对适用于新工作时间的天数和时间进行调整。

在:guilabel:工作时长 选项卡中,单击每列中的下拉菜单,修改:guilabel:每周天数`、 每天时长`以及:guilabel:`工作条目类型 选项,并选中所需选项。输入时间,可修改:guilabel:开始工作时间 和:guilabel:结束工作时间 列。


工作开始时间工作结束时间`必须采用 24 小时制格式。例如,`下午 2:00 ` 应输入为`14:00

If the working time should be in a two-week configuration, click the Switch to 2 weeks calendar button in the top left. This creates entries for an Even week and an Odd week.

New working schedule form.



在 Odoo 中,员工的工资单基于*结构*和*结构类型*,两者会影响员工输入工时单的方式。每种结构类型都包含处理工时单条目的一组规则,由嵌套在其中的不同结构组成。结构类型定义了员工获取工资的频率、工作时长,以及工资是基于工资(固定)还是基于工作时间(变化)。

例如,结构类型可以是`员工` ,而该结构类型中可能包含有两个不同的结构:一个是`固定工资` 结构,其中包括处理固定工资的所有单独的规则;另一个是 年终奖`结构,其中只包括年终奖发放的规则。而`固定工资 结构和`年终奖` 结构都属于 员工 结构类型。

The different structure types can be seen by going to Payroll ‣ Configuration ‣ Salary ‣ Structure Types.

Odoo 中配置了两种默认结构类型:员工*和工人。通常情况下,员工 结构类型适用于发放固定薪资的员工,其工资类型为 固定月薪;而 工人 结构类型适用于按小时支付工资的员工,其工资类型为 时薪

List of all currently configured structure types available to use.

New structure type

To make a new structure type, click the New button and a structure type form appears. Enter the information in the fields. Most fields are pre-populated, but all the fields can be modified.

  • Structure Type: Enter the name for the new structure type, such as 『Employee』 or 『Worker』.

  • Country: Select the country that the new structure type applies to from the drop-down menu.

  • Wage Type: Select what type of wage the new structure type will use, either Monthly Fixed Wage or Hourly Wage. If the wage type is going to be used for salaried employees who receive the same wage every pay period, select Monthly Fixed Wage. If the wage type is going to be used for employees who receive wages based on how many hours they worked during a pay period, select Hourly Wage.

  • Default Scheduled Pay: Select the typical pay schedule for the new structure type from the drop-down menu. Options are Monthly, Quarterly, Semi-annually, Annually, Weekly, Bi-weekly, Bi-monthly. This indicates how often this type of structure type is paid out.

  • Default Working Hours: Select the default working hours for the new structure type from the drop-down menu. All available working hours for the currently selected company appear in the drop-down menu. The default working hours that are pre-configured in Odoo is the Standard 40 hours/week option. If the needed working hours do not appear in the list, a new set of default working hours can be created.

  • Regular Pay Structure: Type in the name for the regular pay structure.

  • Default Work Entry Type: Select the default type of work entry the new structure type will fall under from the drop-down menu. Options include Attendance, Overtime Hours, Generic Time Off, Compensatory Time Off, Home Working, Unpaid, Sick Time Off, Paid Time Off, and Out Of Contract.



To make new default working hours, type the name for the new working hours in the Default Working Hours field on the new structure type form. Click Create and edit. A default working hours form will pop up. The default working hours form has two sections, a general information section and a tab listing out all the individual working hours by day and time. When the form is filled out, click Save & Close.

  • Name: Type in the name for the new default working hours. This should be descriptive and clear to understand, such as Standard 20 Hours/Week.

  • Company: Select the company that can use these new default working hours from the drop-down menu. Keep in mind, working hours are company-specific and cannot be shard between companies. Each company needs to have their own working hours set.

  • Average Hour Per Day: The average hours per day field will be auto-populated based on the working hours configured in the Working Hours tab. This entry affects resource planning, since the average daily hours affect what resources can be used, and in what quantity, per work day.

  • Timezone: Select the timezone that the new default working hours will be used for from the drop-down menu.

  • Company Full Time: Enter the number of hours per week an employee would need to work in order to be considered a full-time employee. Typically, this is approximately 40 hours, and this number affects what types of benefits an employee can receive based on their employment status (full-time vs part-time).

  • Work Time rate: This percentage is auto-generated based on the entry for the Company Full Time and the working hours configured in the Working Hours tab. This number should be between 0.00% and 100%, so if the percentage is above 100%, it is an indication that the working times and/or Company Full Time hours need adjustment.

  • Working Hours Tab: This tab is where each day’s specific working hours are listed. When a new default working hour form is created, the working hours tab is pre-populated with a default 40-hour week, with each day divided into three timed sections. Every day has morning (8:00-12:00), lunch (12:00-13:00), and evening (13:00-17:00) hours configured using a 24 hour time format. To adjust any of these hours, click on the specific field to adjust, and make the adjustment using the drop-down menus, or in the specific case of the times, type in the desired time.


    If the working hours are not consistent each week, and the hours are on a bi-weekly schedule instead, click the Switch to 2 week calendar button at the top of the new default working hours form. This will change the working hours tab to display two weeks of working times that can be adjusted.



公司对每种薪资类型的结构数量需求取决于薪资获取的不同方式以及薪资计算方式。例如, `奖金`便是一种可增添的常见结构。

To view all the various structures for each structure type, go to Payroll ‣ Configuration ‣ Salary ‣ Structures.

每种 :ref:`结构类型 <payroll/structure-types>`都列出了与之相关的各种结构,而每个结构都包含了一组定义规则。





每个结构都有一套*工资规则*,用于会计核算。这些规则由本地化配置,并影响 会计 应用程序中的操作,因此只有在必要时才可修改默认规则或创建新规则。

To view all the rules, go to Payroll app ‣ Configuration ‣ Salary ‣ Rules. Click on a structure (such as Regular Pay) to view all the rules.

To make a new rule, click New. A new rule form appears. Enter the information in the fields.


  • 名称:输入规则名称。

  • 类别:从下拉菜单中选择该规则适用的类别,或输入新类别。

  • Code: Enter a code to be used for this new rule. It is recommended to coordinate with the accounting department for a code to use as this will affect accounting reports and payroll processing.

  • 工资结构:从下拉菜单中选择该规则适用的薪资结构,或输入新的薪资结构。

  • 适用条件:在 一般 选项卡中,从下拉菜单中选择适用条件为 Always True (始终适用)、 Range (适用于特定范围,可在选择项下方输入)或者 :guilabel:`Python Expression`(适用于 Python 表达式,可在选择项下方输入代码)。

  • 金额类型:在 一般 选项卡中,从下拉菜单中选择金额类型为:guilabel:固定金额百分比 (%) 或者:guilabel:Python 代码。然后,根据所选类型输入固定金额、百分比或 Python 代码。

Enter the information for the new rule on the new rule form.



Currently, the Rule Parameters feature found inside the Payroll app ‣ Configuration ‣ Salary ‣ Rule Parameters menu is still in development and only serves a specific use case for Belgian markets. The documentation will be updated when this section has matured to more markets.


When creating payslips, it is sometimes necessary to add other entries for specific circumstances, like expenses, reimbursements, or deductions. These other inputs can be configured by going to Payroll ‣ Configuration ‣ Salary ‣ Other Input Types.

A list of other input types for payroll that can be selected when creating a new entry for a payslip.

To create a new input type, click the New button. Enter the Description, the Code, and which structure it applies to in the Availability in Structure field.


The Code is used in the salary rules to compute payslips. If the Availability in Structure field is left blank, it indicates that the new input type is available for all payslips and is not exclusive to a specific structure.



The various options under the Salary Package Configurator section of the Payroll ‣ Configuration ‣ Salary Package Configurator menu all affect an employee’s potential salary. These sections (Advantages, Personal Info, Resume, and Offers) specify what benefits can be offered to an employee in their salary package.

根据员工输入的信息(如扣除额、受抚养人等),工资会进行相应调整。求职者在公司网站上申请工作时,工资包配置程序 下方的选项将直接影响求职者看到的内容,以及求职者输入信息时自动填充的内容。


When offering potential employees a position, there can be certain advantages or benefits set in Odoo in addition to the salary to make an offer more appealing (such as extra time off, the use of a company car, reimbursement for a phone or internet, etc.).

To see the advantages, go to Payroll ‣ Configuration ‣ Salary Package Configurator ‣ Advantages. Advantages are grouped by Structure type, and the advantage listed for a particular structure type is only available for that specific structure.

A list view of all the advantages or benefits that is available for each structure type.


A company has two structure types, one labeled Employee, and anther labeled Intern. The Employee structure type contains an advantage of using a company car, while the Intern structure type does not. Instead, the Intern structure type has a meal voucher advantage available, while the Employee structure type does not.

A person hired under the Employee structure type can use a company car, but cannot have meal vouchers. The opposite is true for someone hired under the Intern structure type. They would have meal vouchers available to them, not the use of a company car.

To make a new advantage, click the New button, and enter the information in the fields. The required fields for an advantage are:

  • 名称:输入补贴名称。

  • 补贴字段:在下拉菜单中,选中该补贴所在的工资单字段选项。

  • 补贴类型:从下拉菜单中选择补贴所属类型,选择其类型为 月度实物收益月度净收益月度现金收益`或 :guilabel:`年度现金收益

  • 工资结构类型:从下拉菜单中选择该补贴适用的工资结构类型。

  • Display Type: Select from the drop-down menu how this advantage is displayed.



Every employee in Odoo has an employee card which is created when a candidate becomes an employee. This card includes all of their personal information, resume, work information, and documents.

The personal information is gathered from the salary package configurator section that a candidate fills out after being offered a position. This personal information is then transferred to the employee card when they are hired.

To view an employee’s card, go to the main Employees app dashboard, and click on the employee’s card.



The Personal Information section lists all of the fields that are available to enter on the employee’s card. To access this section, go to Payroll ‣ Configuration ‣ Salary Package Configurator ‣ Personal Info.

A list of all the personal information that appears on employee card to enter.

To edit a personal info entry, select the entry from the list, and modify the personal info. To create a new personal info entry, click the New button.

The required fields, aside from entering the Information name, are Related Model, Related Field, and Category. Select a Related Model from the drop-down menu. Employee populates the field by default, but the Bank Account option is also available if the information is related to a bank account instead. Select a Related Field from the drop-down menu that best describes what kind of personal information this entry is, and where it is going to be stored in the backed. Then, select a Category from the drop-down menu that the personal information should be under, such as Address or Personal Documents.

The two most important fields on the personal info form are Is Required and Display Type. Checking the Is Required box makes the field mandatory on the employee’s card. The Display Type drop-down menu allows for the information to be entered in a variety of ways, from a Text box, to a customizable Radio button, a Checkbox, a Document, and more.




Currently, the Resume feature found inside the Payroll app ‣ Configuration ‣ Salary Package Configurator ‣ Resume menu is still in development and only serves a specific use case for Belgian markets. The documentation will be updated when this section has matured to more markets.


When a candidate is offered a position, there are several items that need to be tracked in order for a business to stay organized, such as where in the offer process the candidate is, how long the offer is valid for, as well as all the offer details. These details are all stored in each offers record.

To view all offers, go to Payroll ‣ Configuration ‣ Salary Package Configurator ‣ Offers. All offers that have been sent to either potential candidates or current employees appears in this list. The status, offer start date and expiration date, amount of the contract, and more, can all be found in this list. Offers sent via the Recruitment application appear here, but there is an option to create a new offer from the Payroll application as well.

A list of all offers given to a current employee or potential candidate along with the status of the offer.

To create a new offer, click the New button. The two required fields are the Contract Template, and the Company. Select the Contract Template and Company from the drop-down menus. Fill in any other details for the offer, such as the Job Title, Department, the Contract Start Date and the Offer Validity Date.