
*批次*是在 Odoo 中识别和追踪产品的两种方法之一。它们通常代表接收、存储、运输或内部制造的特定批次产品。


批次对管理大量生产或已接收产品非常有用,有助于追踪产品的组别,特别是在产品召回或 过期时


To track products by lots, enable the Lots & Serial Numbers feature. Then, configure each product to be tracked by serial numbers on the product form.


要使用批次追踪产品,请启用*批次和序列号*功能。进入 库存应用程序 ‣ 配置 ‣ 设置,向下滚动到 可追溯性 部分,勾选 批次/序列号 旁边的复选框。然后,点击 保存



激活 批次和序列号 功能后,配置单个产品以使用批次进行追踪。要执行此操作,进入 库存应用程序 ‣ 产品 ‣ 产品,选择要配置的产品。

在产品表单中,转到 库存 选项卡。在 可追溯性 部分,选择 追踪 字段中的 按批次 选项。现在,新的或现有的批号可分配给新收到或生产的该产品批次。


If a product has stock on-hand prior to activating tracking by lots or serial numbers, use an inventory adjustment to assign lot numbers to existing products in stock.



在收货单上为 入库产品 分配新的批号。当装运 出库产品 时,在送货单上选择具有特定批号的产品。

On receipts


首先,进入 采购 应用程序,为按批号跟踪的产品创建并确认 <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o_uI718P1Dc>`_ PO 。然后,点击页面顶部出现的 收据 智能按钮,导航到仓库收据表单。


或者,进入 库存 应用程序,点击 收据 看板卡,选择所需的收据,从而导航到现有收据。


Clicking Validate before assigning a lot number triggers a User Error, indicating that a lot number must be assigned before validating the receipt.


On the receipt form, on the product line in the Operations tab, select the ⦙≣ (bulleted list) icon to the right of the product that is tracked by lot numbers.


The bulleted list icon on the product line.

Doing so opens the Detailed Operations pop-up window, where the Lot/Serial Number and Done quantity are assigned.

The two ways to assign lot numbers are manually and copy/paste.


To manually assign lot numbers, click Add a line, and choose the location the products will be stored in under the To column. Then, type a new Lot/Serial Number, and specify the Done quantity.


To assign multiple lot numbers, or store to multiple locations, click Add a line, and type a new Lot/Serial Number for additional quantities. Repeat until the total in the Done column matches the Quantity Done at the top.

Assign lot number detailed operations popup.

Copy and paste

From a spreadsheet with all of the lot numbers received from the supplier (or manually chosen to assign upon receipt), click Add a line, and proceed to copy and paste the lot numbers, in the Lot/Serial Number column.

在 excel 电子表格中复制批号清单。
Lot numbers copied to the lot number line.

Lot numbers copied to the lot number line, with each lot number on its own line.

After clicking away from the text field, Odoo automatically generates the necessary lot number lines. The quantities in the Done column match the first entry. Manually adjust the To locations and Done quantities for each lot number, as needed.

Once all product quantities have been assigned a lot number, click Confirm to close the pop-up window. Then, click Validate on the receipt form.

On delivery orders

Odoo makes it possible to specify which lot numbers for a product are chosen for outgoing shipment on a delivery order form.

首先,在 销售 应用程序中创建或选择一个现有报价。确认|SO|后,交货`智能按钮可用。点击 :guilabel:`送货 智能按钮,查看特定 SO 的仓库表格。


Alternatively, navigate to delivery orders by going to the Inventory app, and clicking the Delivery Orders Kanban card.

Clicking the Delivery smart button opens the the delivery order form, where lot numbers are picked for delivery. In the Operations tab, click the ⦙≣ (bulleted list) icon to the right of the product that is tracked by lot numbers. Clicking that icon reveals a Detailed Operations pop-up window.

In the Detailed Operations pop-up window, a Lot/Serial Number is chosen, with the full Reserved quantity taken from that specific lot (if there is enough stock in that particular lot).

If there is insufficient stock in that lot, or if partial quantities of the Demand should be taken from multiple lots, change the quantity in the Done column to only include that specific part of the total quantity.


根据所选的移除策略 FIFO(先进先出)LIFO (后进先出),或 FEFO(先到期先出),交货订单自动选择的批次会有所不同。这也取决于订购数量,以及该批次的库存数量是否足以完成订单。

Next, click Add a line, select a different Lot/Serial Number, apply the remaining Done quantities, and click Confirm to close the pop-up window. Lastly, click the Validate button to deliver the products.

Detailed operations popup for source lot number on sales order.


通过 库存管理应用程序 ‣ 产品 ‣ 批次/序列号批次/序列号 仪表板中管理和查看产品的现有批号。

默认情况下,批号按产品分组,选择每个产品的下拉菜单可显示现有批号。选择一个批号,可以 修改或添加与该批号相关联的详细信息。也可以通过点击 新建 按钮,从该页面 创建 批号。

显示 “批次/序列号” 仪表板。



点击 批次/序列号 仪表板上的批次,会显示一个单独页面,在此可提供有关批次的其他信息。


Odoo 会自动生成一个新的 批次/序列号 以跟随最新的编号。不过,也可以对其进行编辑,只需点击 批次/序列号 字段下的一行,并将生成的编号更改为任何所需的编号即可。


  • Lot/Serial Number: Change the lot number linked to the Product

  • Internal Reference: Records an alternative lot/serial number used within the warehouse that differs from the one used by the supplier manufacturer.

  • Company: Specify the company where the lot number is available.

  • Description: Add extra details about the lot or serial number in this text field.


The Product and Quantity fields cannot be modified, as the lot numbers are linked with existing stock moves.



要为产品创建批号,首先进入 库存应用程序 ‣ 产品 ‣ 批号/序列号,然后点击 新建


创建批号是为产品保留批号,但**不会**分配批号。要分配批号,请参阅 在收据上指定批号 部分。


虽然 Odoo 会自动生成一个新的 批次/序列号 以跟随最新的编号,但可通过点击批次表单上 批次/序列号 字段下的行并更改生成的编号,将其编辑并更改为任何所需的编号。

生成新的 批次/序列号 后,点击 产品 旁边的空白区域,显示一个下拉菜单。从该菜单中选择要分配新编号的产品。


The lot number, 0000011, is created for the product, Drawer Black.


在创建、保存新批号并将其分配给所需产品后,该批号会保存为与产品相关联的现有批号,在 为收据上的产品分配批号 时或进行库存调整时可以选择该批号。


After creating the lot number, 0000011 appears as an option for Drawer Black when assigning lot numbers on the Inventory Adjustment page.

Show how to assign serial numbers on the Inventory Adjustment page.



要更改在任何操作类型上使用新(或现有)批号的功能,请转到 库存应用程序 ‣ 配置 ‣ 操作类型,然后选择所需的操作类型。

在操作类型表单的 批次/序列号`部分,勾选 :guilabel:`新建 复选框,以便在此操作类型中创建新的批号。如果只能选择现有批号,请选择 使用现有批号



对于涉及按批次跟踪的产品的仓库间转移,启用 使用现有批次/序号 仓库收据选项可能很有用。



要查看产品的完整可追溯性或按批次分组,请转到 库存应用程序 ‣ 产品 ‣ 批次/序列号。这样就会显示 批次/序列号 仪表板。


To group by lots, begin by removing any filters in the Search… bar. Then, click the Group By drop-down menu, select Add Custom Group, and select Lot/Serial Number from the drop-down menu. Then, click Apply.

Doing so displays all existing lots and serial numbers, and can be expanded to show all quantities of products with that assigned number.



要查看批号的完整库存移动报告,请从 批次/序列号 仪表板中选择批号行。在批号表单中,点击 可追溯性 智能按钮。


